Scar on the face: a cosmetic problem and ways to solve it

Scars on the face appear after the healing of skin damaged by injury or various types of rashes. They don't hurt, but they cause psychological discomfort. The scar on the face is especially disturbing for girls. It spoils the appearance and cannot be disguised with cosmetics.

Rice. 1 Scars on the face are a serious cosmetic defect

Why do scars appear on the face?

Acne often appears in young people between the ages of 15 and 24. After all, then hormonal changes occur in the body and are quite powerful. But there are cases when acne occurs in adults.

The following points can lead to this:

  • inflammatory process on the skin;
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • many sex hormones;
  • hyperkeratosis (the stratum corneum of the skin becomes much thicker);
  • fat metabolism is disrupted, so pores and glands become clogged;
  • diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders related to the endocrine system.

In most cases, pimples appear in the wrong place and many people try to remove them. But in this way, they aggravate the problem. Scars and welts on the face often appear after a person has squeezed out a pimple on their own. After all, the blood vessel bursts, the collagen fibers are torn, but the mouth is not cleansed. And here the inflammation descends into the deeper layers, and can even cover those areas of the skin that are located nearby.

Will there be a scar where the pimple was squeezed out? It all depends on facial care, the characteristics of the body, the depth and strength of inflammation.

Types of scars that occur on the face

Scars stand out against the general background and are difficult to eliminate due to the mechanism of formation. During healing, the damaged elastic tissue is replaced by dense fibrous tissue.

There are four types of scars on the face.

Scars are classified by type:

  • Keloids are smooth, red formations. Appear after the wound has healed.
  • Atrophic (sunken) - depressions that do not differ in color from the basic skin tone. Formed after acne disappears.
  • Hypertrophic – convex formations. They usually remain at the site of past inflammation.
  • Normotrophic (physiological). They differ little in structure and color from the main background. Formed after proper healing of the injured epidermis.

Rice. 2 Contractubex is used to smooth out scars on the face

Types of scars

The scar remains in the area of ​​the skin where it was most damaged. Experts divide scars into several types:

  • normotrophic scars (they are not corrected, because they are barely noticeable);
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic;
  • keloids.

Usually people develop atrophic variants of scars. These are depressions with chipped or rounded edges. They occur when there is not enough collagen in the body. Hypertrophic scars are more dense; they rise above the skin because the collagen has not had time to dissolve. But keloid scars are considered the most difficult. Here the connective tissue grows strongly, it covers even those areas of the skin that have not been damaged. These scars are reddish in color and quite rough.

History of scarification

Like piercing and tattooing, body scarring has a centuries-old history, during which not only the technique of scarring has undergone changes, but also the very meaning of applying patterns in the form of scars on the body. Thus, in the most ancient tribes, scarring the body had a ritual character, and, moreover, served as a sign of distinction. In this way, for example, they noted their belonging to warriors. You can still see a photo of scarring on the body or face, which was common among the various tribes that currently exist and have still preserved their ancient culture.

It should be noted that the ritual of scarring originated at the same time and then developed in many cultures. Moreover, each of them has its own special and unique meaning. Scarification has received the greatest development in Australia and on the African continent. Naturally, the main prerequisite for this is the fact that there is an overwhelming majority of black representatives of that population. After all, tattoos are difficult to see on dark skin. It was for this reason that people made much more noticeable scarring on their bodies.

Also quite often, for example, scarring on the hand had a ritual meaning. The ancient tribe of “crocodiles” covered their hands with marks that imitated the skin of a crocodile, that is, in this way they paid tribute to the deity they worshiped. And scarring on the wrist was practiced in all centuries of the slave system. Then each slave was branded with a hot iron, showing that he belonged to his master.

In addition, there were many traditions that were associated with scarring on the face. For example, in the nineteenth century in Europe, among fencing clubs, a scar on the face that was received in a duel was considered a real badge of honor. Therefore, there were those who did it for themselves to increase their authority.

In different countries, scarification was used to identify criminals. In such cases, the branding technique was used. The most exposed areas of the body were marked for subsequent identification of criminals, especially since each crime had its own specific symbol. As you can see, for quite a long time in history, scarring was used only in certain circles, and this did not at all relate to the art of decorating the skin of the body. And only with the advent of the present time, views on many things and phenomena, including the modification or decoration of the body, underwent a change. Today, scarring and tattooing are a real separate subculture, which has both many adherents and many opponents. At the same time, artistic scarring is becoming increasingly popular among both women and men. It just turns out that, on the one hand, such a modification of the body is a way of self-expression, gaining inner freedom, and on the other hand, it can also lead to rather sad consequences of scarring.

How to remove scars in a beauty salon?

Scars and cicatrices on the face - how to remove them? Experts can offer several options for removing scars:

  • laser resurfacing. This method is the most popular. It is usually carried out in winter or autumn so that there is not such intense sunlight. As for the type of laser used and the number of procedures, this is discussed individually, since it directly depends on the scar and its depth. Laser resurfacing will help make the scar less noticeable and the skin of the face smoother and more even;
  • chemical, mechanical peelings. Here they suggest using a product that will help exfoliate the stratum corneum located on top. With the help of peeling, you can ensure the elasticity of the skin, as well as stimulate the regenerative capabilities of the skin;
  • collagen injections. This method is also quite popular. Collagen is injected into an atrophic scar, with the help of which the cavity is filled. That is, as a result, skin unevenness is removed;
  • ultrasonic facial cleansing. Here the skin of the face is already affected by ultrasound. The procedure is painless, but quite effective. With its help, you can remove scars, make the skin more elastic, firm, even and smooth.

When it comes to getting rid of scars, mesotherapy and ozone therapy are often used. Surgical dermabrasion is less commonly used. This effect is considered deep and the top layer of skin is removed mechanically.

Ways to remove scars on the face

It is problematic to completely get rid of scars on the face, but they can be made almost invisible. There are different methods that are recommended depending on individual skin indicators and the type of scar itself:

  • Pharmaceutical products for the treatment of facial scars. For this, ointments, creams and gels are used, which soften rough scar tissue and accelerate the regeneration process.
  • Dermatix,
  • Contractubex,

  • Kelofibrase,
  • Mederma,
  • Kelo-cat,
  • Sledocid.

Each product has contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with before use. In addition, when applied, the drug can cause allergies and only aggravate an already difficult situation, so you only need to choose a drug for the treatment of facial scars together with your doctor. You shouldn't expect big miracles from creams, gels and ointments, but they can make minor errors almost invisible.

  • Cosmetological effects in the treatment of facial scars. Among them are chemical and hardware procedures:
    • Laser resurfacing
    • Ozone therapy

  • Laser peeling
  • Mesotherapy
  • chemical peeling (medium and deep)
  • Cosmetic sessions are aimed at excision or resorption of scars and acceleration of skin regeneration. Using laser resurfacing, you can quickly and effectively remove the upper layers of the epidermis. The laser procedure promotes healthy skin and creates a lifting effect by stimulating collagen formation. The laser procedure lasts no more than 20-30 minutes and does not require anesthesia. Areas of skin are treated in a targeted manner without affecting healthy tissue. Can be used to treat keloid scars.


    Most procedures, except laser ones, cannot be performed on keloid scars, because they can provoke their growth.

    Laser surgical method for treating facial scars. Laser excision and removal of scars is performed. The procedure is used for severe scarring that extends to the deeper layers of the skin. After such a procedure, cosmetic procedures are usually used to finish polishing the newly formed tissues.

    Rice. 3 Laser correction of facial scars

    Which method is better to choose?

    It's all up to you, but you should definitely consult your doctor first. In addition, any procedure must be performed by a highly qualified specialist; he knows about all the intricacies of the procedures, indications, and contraindications. They will tell you which method of scar removal will be most optimal in your case.

    Right way of life

    How to treat scars and scars on the face? It is also worth thinking about your bad habits, lifestyle, etc. After all, even such simple moments affect the skin and its condition. For example, play more sports, lead an active lifestyle, give up bad habits, and sleep enough time so that your body has time to recover. In addition, you should watch your diet and avoid stressful situations. Following these simple rules will help avoid the appearance of acne, and as a result, scars.

    Types of scarring and application methods

    • BRANDING (Branding, burning):

    Strike Branding - skin burning. In other words, branding. Almost always it is not done with a single cauterization, but is made up of lines that are applied separately. This method is well suited for scarring on the back.

    Cautery branding is scarring, for which a special form is used.

    Laser branding is laser branding. It is applied with a laser beam, which creates an igniting effect.

    Cold branding is the reverse process of burning. When a scar is formed due to touching an object with an extremely low temperature. Most often, such scarring is achieved by treating the instrument with liquid nitrogen.

    • CUTTING (Cosmetic cutting of skin)

    Skin Removal – is the removal of an area of ​​skin. The most common method today, since its use makes it possible to obtain the clearest contours, cut through fairly small details and achieve extremely accurate lines. All this is done with a scalpel.

    Packing - this method is very popular today in the West, although it appeared in Africa and had an exclusively ritual character. The meaning of this method is to rub some foreign substance (ash, for example) into an incision on the skin (on the African continent, sometimes even the ashes of relatives were used). Further, when the healing process begins, the body strives to push out the foreign substance and as a result, keloid formation occurs. This is usually done with scarring on the wrist.

    In addition, sometimes tattoo pigment is rubbed into the incision on the skin. Thus, a pattern remains under the human skin. True, it turns out ugly and very vague. This method is called Ink rubbing.

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