Thiogamma - an anti-wrinkle medicine or a new beauty fake?

Over the past month, subscribers have asked my opinion about the pharmaceutical drug Tiogamma 100 times. Namely, does it make sense to use this product as an anti-aging facial serum?

Where does all the excitement around this pharmaceutical drug come from? A few years ago, a video appeared on YouTube in which a blogger shared her homemade beauty recipe - using Thiogamma for the face as an anti-aging serum.

And recently, other bloggers picked up the idea and began sharing the recipe with their audience. But in this regard, at least 3 questions arise:

  1. Is it safe to use a product intended for intravenous administration as a facial serum?
  2. Will it be effective?
  3. And if so, how to use this drug correctly?

Together with the famous expert in the field of cosmetic chemistry, Yulia Gagarina, we will give answers to these questions and dot the i’s.

What was thiogamma originally intended for?

Thiogamma is used on the recommendation of a doctor at the initial stage of polyneuropathy (numbness of the limbs) in diabetes mellitus. It is prescribed as a course of pills or IVs for obesity and problems with the central nervous system. The medicine relieves hand tremors in alcoholism. In this direction, the drug works wonders without causing side effects.

The active substance of the drug is thioctic or alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) . It is produced in the body of every person and is necessary for the production of energy through glycolysis.

In sick and elderly people, the amount of lipoic acid decreases. Therefore, there is a need to take medications to replenish it.


Thiogamma is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased likelihood of developing allergies;
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • abnormalities of the respiratory system, heart and vascular system;
  • dehydration;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • liver and kidney failure.

Important! Before using Thiogamma, you must do a preliminary allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount to the wrist and wait 60 minutes. If there is no redness, the product can be used.

Why cosmetologists paid attention to thioctic acid

The main task of thioctic acid in the human body is to actively fight free radicals. Also she:

  • protects cells from reactive oxygen species, which accelerate the aging process;
  • improves the reaction of fat and glucose metabolism;
  • activates biochemical restoration processes in cells;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protects against ultraviolet rays;
  • regenerates vitamins C and E, which are antioxidants, in the body.

The unique properties of the acid have interested specialists in the cosmetics industry. It began to be used to make facial cosmetics for wrinkles, pigment spots, blackheads and other skin imperfections.

Release forms

The drug Thiogamma is available in three forms:

  • solution for infusions, that is, intravenous drips, in 50 ml bottles;
  • concentrate for preparing such a solution (in ampoules of 20 ml);
  • tablets for oral administration.

The transparent solution contains 1.2 mg of thioctic acid in 1 ml (1.2%), has a light yellow or yellowish-green color. The concentrate is more saturated - with 3% active ingredient content. For the face, it is allowed to use only a 1.2% solution of Thiogamma, that is, the product in a bottle, since a more concentrated drug from an ampoule can cause irritation of the epidermis. Tablets are not used for cosmetic purposes.

Effect on skin

Thiogamma has a simply magical effect on the skin of the face due to the presence of alpha-lipoic or thioctitic acid in it.

Under its influence, the function of cell restoration and oxygen saturation of the skin improves. After using thiogamma, skin tightness increases, fine wrinkles disappear and deep wrinkles become less noticeable, and the facial contour is tightened.

By cleansing and narrowing the pores, the oiliness of the skin decreases, acne and irritation on the face disappear. After a course of using thiogamma, the skin looks healthy and radiant, dark circles under the eyes and age spots on the face become less noticeable.

Positive effects

Many women who have used Thiogamma to correct wrinkles note the following positive changes:

  • reducing the appearance of fine wrinkles and post-acne scars;
  • correction of sebum secretion;
  • narrowing of pores, reducing the number of comedones;
  • elimination of irritation, inflammation, increased sensitivity of the epidermis to various irritants, including the action of sunlight;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • increased hydration of skin tissue.

The result of using Tiogamma externally in the form of a facial serum

Does Tiogamma help with acne?

A positive effect is observed only with comprehensive care aimed at cleansing the skin, nutrition, and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Among other remedies, you can use Thiogamma, but it will help more to prevent the formation of acne, as well as to restore the skin after the elements of the rash have healed. To cure acne itself, an antibiotic or antiseptic should be added to the solution, then its effect will be stronger. You can read about this below in the section on masks.

Is thiogamma in cosmetics different from medicinal thiogamma?

Attention! Cosmetology experts and dermatologists point out a significant difference between alpha lipoic acid, which is included in cosmetics, and that used in thiogamma.

In cosmetology, the substance is stabilized, that is, “packed” into a “vehicle,” in particular, into liposomes. This is necessary so that the beneficial components penetrate through the upper layers of the epidermis and do not settle on the surface.

The drug uses unstabilized thioctic acid. The substance can be destroyed under the influence of metal, light, air, and high temperatures. Even after washing with water that contains metals, it does not penetrate deep into the epidermis and settles on the skin.

This means that although the use of thiogamma slows down the aging process, with long-term use the consequences can be unpredictable.

Can it be used at home?

Pharmacy thiogamma is used for skin care at home. Use a diluted drug instead of lotion or tonic to wipe the face. The safe dosage in this case is 1%.

At home, thiogamma can be used as one of the components in the manufacture of masks for oily, dry or combination skin, including to reduce irritation and acne on the face.

When using tablets for the same purposes, they are first crushed to a powder state.

Thiogamma is used to care for the skin in the eye area in the form of lotions to relieve swelling.


Photo taken from open sources

Photo taken from open sources

Photo taken from open sources

Photo taken from open sources

Photo taken from open sources

Storing the product

Attention! Since thioctitic acid is very sensitive to light, it is stored in the refrigerator. After opening the ampoule or bottle, they are covered with a special light-protective bag (sold complete with the medicine). The package can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Sometimes the contents of an opened package are poured into an opaque glass container. Spray bottles work well for this purpose.

In order not to open the bottle completely, the medicine can be taken with a sterile syringe by piercing the cap with a needle.

Creams, tonics, and masks prepared on the basis of the drug are best used immediately. As a last resort, store no more than a week.

Carefully! Using thiogamma beyond the expiration date or improper storage, for example, at temperatures above 25 degrees or under light, can spoil the drug. In this case, its use is at least pointless, and at worst dangerous.

Basic rules for using pure thiogamma for the face

Applying any cosmetic product requires thorough cleansing of the face. Before using thiogamma, be sure to remove makeup from your face and wash your face. Only after this the product is applied as follows:

  • moisten a cotton pad generously with the prepared solution;
  • starting from the forehead, with smooth movements, moving along the massage lines, wipe the face, linger on the wrinkles;
  • After drying, apply moisturizer to your face.

If the solution was previously poured into spray bottles, you can simply spray your face.

When applying the substance to the skin under the eyes, place moistened cotton pads on the eyelids for 5 minutes.

This procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. It is advisable to remember that alpha lipoic acid is sensitive to light, so it should not be bright.

Consumer Opinions

There are quite a lot of responses on review sites about using the substance on the face. There are more pros than cons. The skin is moisturized, smoothed and rejuvenated. Another significant advantage of the product is its cost.

Disadvantages include inconvenient use. Some write that they expected more, however, they are happy with this result.

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Thiogamma for face

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Recipes for the most effective masks with thiogamma

You can make masks based on thiogamma. Other components are selected depending on the type and problem of the skin.

For skin with excess oil content

  1. Ingredients: 1 ml alpha lipoic acid, 1 tbsp. l. honey (liquid), 30 ml each of olive oil and aloe juice.

Preparation: mix all ingredients until smooth and apply to face. After 20 minutes, rinse your face with warm water.

Application: twice a week. The course consists of 10 sessions.

Result: this procedure removes oily shine.

  1. Ingredients: 1 ml of thiogamma and tea tree oil, one and a half teaspoons of almond and avocado oils, 3 ml of cranberry juice, 2 ml of silk protein.

Preparation: combine cranberry juice, liquid protein, tea tree oil and heat in a water bath. Separately mix alpha-liepoic acid with avocado and almond oils and add to the resulting mass. The resulting composition is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Result: getting rid of blackheads. It is recommended to make a mask twice a week.

For skin prone to dryness

  1. Ingredients: 2.5 ml of thiogamma, 35 g of any nourishing cream, 2.5 ml of grape seed oil, 2-3 drops of vitamins A and E.

Preparation: mix all ingredients and apply to face for 15 minutes.

Result: the composition moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Recommended to use twice a week.

  1. Ingredients: 2.5 ml of thiogamma, 15 g of panthenol cream, 15 g of sea buckthorn oil.

Preparation: mix all ingredients well and apply for 15 minutes.

Result: firm and elastic skin.

For wrinkles

  1. Ingredients: 2 ml thiogamma, 2 tsp. cosmetic oil, 1 ml ascorbic acid.

Preparation: the mixed components are applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

Result: healthy glowing skin, reduction of wrinkles. It is recommended to do the procedure twice a week.

  1. Ingredients: sea salt, 2 aspirin tablets (crush), cosmetic oil, 2 ml of thiogamma.

Preparation: add a little water to the salt, stir until pasty and apply with a cotton swab to the wrinkles. Then apply the remaining mixed ingredients, paying special attention to areas filled with salt. After 5 minutes, do a light massage for 30 seconds and wash off the mask. At the end of the procedure, wipe your face with warm chamomile infusion or green tea.

Result: wrinkles become less noticeable.

  1. Ingredients: thiogamma (1.2%) 1 ampoule and retinol (3.2%) 1 ampoule.

Preparation: mix both components. Use the product as a tonic for wiping the face.

Result: elimination of fine wrinkles. Use within a month.


The use of a drug as a cosmetic product raises many questions among users. Most often they relate to the course and type of use of the medicine for facial care.

Naturally, the most convenient solution for use is one that already has the necessary parameters and does not require dilution.

There are other questions.

Is it possible not to consult a cosmetologist before use?

Here the answer should be unequivocal: the medicine certainly requires consultation with a specialist. The cosmetologist will advise the correct course of treatment and indicate possible contraindications in accordance with individual characteristics.

Are there any analogues of thiogamma in cosmetology?

The main component of thiogamma is alpha-lipolyic acid. Therefore, any cosmetic product in which lipolic acid occupies the first place can become an analogue.

Pharmacy analogues of thiogamma are:

  • octolipene, in no way inferior to it;
  • berlition, which will be more expensive;
  • tableted lipoic acid.

What is more effective for the face: medicinal thiogamma or alpha-lipoic acid in a cosmetic product?

Cosmetologists give a clear answer to this question: a cosmetic product is much more effective for skin care .

Not only because cosmetics contain stabilized lipoic acid. The drug has not been sufficiently studied as an alternative to cosmetics, so the consequences may not only be unexpected, but also irreversible.

In addition, finished cosmetics with alpha-lipolyic acid are much more effective because this component is present in it as part of other “friendly” elements.

Pitfalls of retinol (vitamin A) for the face

Having talked about the magical benefits of retinol, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation about the dangers it poses. Of course, in case of incorrect and uncontrolled use:

  • The appearance of red spots, swelling; peeling of the skin, all kinds of irritation. This is the first and most obvious sign that something has gone wrong. In case of any skin reactions similar to allergic ones, the use of retinol should be stopped immediately;
  • Vitamin A tends to accumulate in the body - excess is not excreted, as is the case with many other active supplements. It accumulates in the liver, so before using retinol for the face, you need to take a liver test;
  • Retinol is dangerous for the embryo, or rather, it simply kills it. Therefore, this substance is contraindicated during pregnancy. Moreover, you will need to carefully protect yourself for the first six months after stopping retinol;
  • Retinol makes the skin more sensitive and receptive to sunlight. Moreover, vitamin A itself is destroyed by the sun. Therefore, it is imperative to use sunscreen along with retinol facial cosmetics. Otherwise, it will be at least useless, or worse, age spots will appear.

There are also contraindications to taking retinol:

  • Liver diseases: cirrhosis, viral hepatitis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Gallstones;
  • Kidney diseases (nephritis).

As you can see, retinol is not at all harmless. Therefore, in some countries it is even sold by prescription. We also do not recommend thoughtlessly running to the pharmacy or buying an active cosmetic concentrate. The use of retinol for facial skin requires a responsible approach and understanding.

So what now, is the free sale of cosmetics with retinol a crime against humanity? Not at all. It just contains a fairly low concentration of the substance, it is harmless. Plus, there are different forms of vitamin A, and some of them have fewer side effects.


Ekaterina, 36 years old.

“I found out from a colleague, agreed on the cost, and decided why not. The result surprised and pleased me; no cream had given such an effect before; pigmentation went away and fine wrinkles disappeared. I like the fact that you only need to go through a course of rubbing, you don’t have to use it every day.”

Natalya, 42 years old.

“I first heard about the product from my cosmetologist, she suggested trying it, warning about the side effects. I agreed and was pleasantly surprised, my skin became fresher and the pigmentation on my forehead and chin went away. I purchased it at the pharmacy for home independent use.”

Anastasia, 30 years old

“I bought the product at the pharmacy based on a tip from a reputable blogger. And she did the right thing. The goose-bumps in my eyes never happened.”


Tiagamma solution has analogues. Check out the TOP 3 drugs with identical active ingredients.


Octolipene conc.d/inf. 30mg/ml 10ml n10

from 385 ₽

More details

Smoothes out fine wrinkles, ideal at the initial stage of skin aging. Before use, the drug is diluted in other liquids. It is prohibited to use octopylene on the face in its pure form.

Berlition 300

Berlition 300 concentration d/inf. 25mg/ml 12ml n5

from 576 ₽

More details

A popular and effective anti-wrinkle product. It has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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