Why jowls appear and 3 exercises that will help get rid of them

Jowls refer to the drooping of the lower edge of the cheek area and sagging skin on either side of the chin, similar to the thick, pendulous lips of some dog breeds. This defect is one of the most obvious signs of age, which cannot be hidden with cosmetics. But there are other ways.

In youth, all the soft tissues of the face are evenly located on the bones of the skull, and they are supported by the angle of the lower jaw. Over the years, a complex disruption of the biomechanics of the skull occurs - the muscles of the front part of the cheek lose this very support, become deformed and shift downwards with “jowls”. We must understand that the facial muscles, like all muscle tissues of our body, are closely interconnected, and deformation of one structure inevitably entails changes in others.


  • weakening of the mandibular ligament - the retaining ligamentous apparatus in the projection of the jowls;
  • excessive activity of the muscles, neck and corners of the mouth;
  • drooping (ptosis) of the skin.

The appearance of jowls may be associated with age-related changes, genetic predisposition, sudden weight loss or excess body weight. Regardless of the reason that provoked the aesthetic defect, correctly selected cosmetology methods will help you forget about the problem forever!

Reasons for the formation of jowls

The main cause of cheek ptosis is the loss of skin elasticity due to age-related changes and its gradual sagging under the influence of gravity. The aging process can be accelerated by:

  • hormonal changes;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • constant stressful conditions;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking, unbalanced diet).

You can get rid of the defect using various methods - surgery and salon procedures.


Almost all methods of facial rejuvenation have common contraindications:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Acute inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Presence of permanent fillers.
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms.
  • Systemic skin diseases.
  • Severe illnesses in the stage of decompensation.
  • Injection methods of rejuvenation may not be available if the patient has an allergic reaction to some of the components included in the preparations.

Types of jowl removal operations

Surgery to lift jowls on the face with threads

This method is effective at the initial stage of soft tissue ptosis. In order to correct the appearance, biocompatible threads are implanted under the skin - absorbable and non-absorbable. The threads are passed to the chin folds and fixed behind the ears. Absorbable threads are removed from the body naturally after about 6 months, and their own collagen frame remains in their place. The achieved result lasts for about 3-4 years. The effect of the procedure will be enhanced if you combine it with the removal of excess subcutaneous fat.

Memo for preparing for thread lifting: tests, prohibitions, recommendations

Types of lifting

Endoscopic jowl lift

The most gentle and safe method. However, it is only suitable for those who do not have excess skin. This is because it cannot be removed with an endoscope. Incisions for inserting instruments are made behind the ears or in the forehead area (along the scalp). There are no scars left. This method is effective at the initial stage. Patients note not only positive changes in appearance, but also facial rejuvenation.


Using this technology, jowls are eliminated, the nasolabial fold is smoothed, the chin is corrected and the lower third of the face is rejuvenated. During the operation, sagging tissues that cause jowls to appear on the face are fixed vertically, and excess skin is also removed. The incision is small, made in front of the ear. Rehabilitation takes place in 4-5 days. There are no scars or scars left.

Short Scar Lift

Another name for the technique is “short-scar lift.” A small incision is made in front of the ear, it is short and does not leave a scar. The morbidity of the procedure is low, rehabilitation is short. SSL is suitable even for those who have severe sagging skin and atony of the neck muscles.


A neck lift is effective due to the formation of the correct cervical-mental angle. It allows you to remove jowls and a double chin.

Memo for preparing for facial plastic surgery: tests, prohibitions, recommendations


If the patient has excess subcutaneous fat, but no fatty lumps of Bisha, the classic version of liposuction is suitable for him. In this case, the fat is sucked out with a special vacuum device, to which a cannula is connected and inserted under the skin. A puncture for inserting a cannula is made near the wings of the nose or behind the ear.

Memo for preparing for liposuction: tests, prohibitions, recommendations


Our clinic has several effective methods for tightening the skin of the cheeks. You can determine the best solution to the problem during a face-to-face consultation with a cosmetologist. GTMClinic specialists will offer all available options, taking into account financial capabilities and wishes. Let's look at the most effective methods on how to get rid of sagging cheeks.

Hardware cosmetology

The following hardware technologies can help combat jowls:

  • Ulthera System ultrasonic SMAS lifting is the most effective solution against sagging skin.
  • Radiofrequency Thermage lifting is also very effective for sagging lower thirds of the face.
  • Needle RF lifting Infini.
  • Laser resurfacing Dermablate MCL-31, Fraxel Re:Store Dual, MultiPulse CO2, Sciton Halo.
  • Soft lasers: Medio Star Next diode laser, Quanta System Duetto neodymium laser.
  • Phototherapy Sciton BBL and Lumenis M22.
  • Elos therapy.
  • RF lifting Reaction.

The most effective way to tighten facial skin is ultrasonic lifting using the Ulthera System device. Directed energy leads to the formation of thermal coagulation points in the skin and subcutaneous fat. Ultrasonic waves penetrate to a depth of 4.5 mm, causing compaction of internal tissues and creating a kind of subcutaneous frame. Thanks to this, the skin is noticeably tightened, becomes smooth and elastic.

If there is sagging skin in the lower third of the face, the problem can be solved with the help of Thermage. The procedure is carried out using the original latest generation ThermaCool CPT device. The manipulation is completely painless; during thermage, radio waves penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis without damaging its surface. The skin is noticeably smoother after the first procedure.

Today, needle RF lifting is also popular. This procedure allows you to tighten your jowls and remove sagging facial skin. During the Infini RF needle lifting, the cosmetologist passes over the skin several times at different depths, as a result of which the regeneration processes of the skin are launched in all its layers.

As for laser resurfacing, their essence is to renew the skin (epidermis and dermis), which leads to the natural production of collagen and elastin. The procedures are completely safe, the entire process is controlled with modern equipment.

Injection cosmetology

Is it possible to remove jowls using cosmetology? Any cosmetologist will tell you with confidence that it is possible! Injection cosmetology is also effective in this matter:

  • contour plastic;
  • thread lifting;
  • botulinum therapy.

Contour plastic in this case works with the contour of the lower jaw, chin and middle third of the face.

At GMTClinic, you can remove jowls on your face and tighten the skin of your cheeks using Aptos thread lifting. The essence of the technique is the subcutaneous introduction of threads that dissolve on their own. Modern suture material stimulates intense neocollagenesis, which leads to the creation of a framework from its own connective tissue. This frame helps support the skin from sagging.

A cosmetologist will tell you in more detail about all the available ways to tighten the jowls on your face at your first consultation.

The advantage of all methods is that they do not require surgical intervention, allow you to quickly achieve the desired result, do not require difficult preparation and have a minimal rehabilitation period. A cosmetologist will tell you which method is right for you, after familiarizing yourself with your situation and individual characteristics.

How to remove jowls

Anti-aging correction of the lower part of the face takes place in several stages. First of all, if possible, you should visit an orthodontist to check the condition of your bite and chewing teeth. Next, you can begin to carefully study the cervical spine and posture. The third step is the restoration of the masticatory and facial muscles: you need to relieve tension from the masticatory, triangular and mental muscles, then relax the buccal muscle and platysma. The final stage will be the formation of a “youth angle” - a clear line of the oval of the face.

Exercise 1. “Icebreaker”

How to do it: The basic pushing motion will simulate the movement of the stern of an icebreaker. We join our hands in a lock, the stools of our palms are combined together and we place this structure on the center of the sternum. We inhale and exhale. Now inhale, and as you exhale, gently lower your shoulders and shoulder blades down. You will most likely become uncomfortable and feel a stretch along the entire line of your shoulder girdle. From this position, when we pull our shoulders to the floor as much as possible, we begin to perform a slow rolling-pushing movement with the bases of our palms to the sides. Like an icebreaker, lean on the tissue and constantly create tension in the breast tissue in different directions.

Relax your head, point your chin slightly towards your sternum. As you move away from the center of the sternum, the fingers unclasp and continue to move with the palms and fingers. We stop the movement in the area of ​​2/3 of the collarbones. Breathing should be very deep. All attention is focused intently on the work surface. It should feel like you are creating a very deep tension every time, like an icebreaker. And most importantly: this exercise is done very slowly. When working with fascia, high speed is unacceptable. Only forward, long movement. This technique is aimed at removing the rigid muscle pull of the pectoral muscles.

How often to perform: 1 to 3 times a day.

Technique for working with the jaw line “Pinch”

How to do it: We fold the distal phalanges of the index and thumbs of both hands in the form of a “pinch” and use them to create a forceps-like grip of the lower jaw in the center. We perform a continuous or dotted movement with our fingers from the center of the chin to the corner of the lower jaw. The main secret when performing this technique is a dense and slow penetration with your hands, directing all the collected tissue to the corners of the lower jaw. Next, repeat the exercise on the other side.

How much to do: 3 times on each side of the face.


No preparation for hardware procedures is required. The only condition is to warn the doctor at the first consultation about taking medications. As for injections, you should give up alcohol at least 3 days before the procedure. After a hardware facelift, there is practically no recovery period. With injection therapy, the recovery period is minimal, it is only 10 days. During this period, it is not recommended to sunbathe or visit baths or saunas.

Why is Seline great at eliminating jowls?

To solve any aesthetic problems, it is best to contact professionals who are able to achieve high results without the slightest harm to the patient’s body. From a variety of possible options, our specialists choose the one that is not contraindicated for the clinic client, is more comfortable for him and allows him to get rid of the defect for the longest possible time. When it is necessary to remove jowls from the face, we, first of all, do not use a scalpel, but the latest technologies in the world of aesthetic medicine.

Author of the article:Zubenko Ksenia Olegovna
Speciality:Dermatovenerologist, surgeon, cosmetologist.
Experience:13 years

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Cosmetic masks

At home, you can create good lifting masks that model the shape of your face. You can make such masks at home from ordinary food products.

Masks with a similar effect can be bought in pharmacies or specialty stores. Masks containing: fucus, brown seaweed, sea plankton, kelp, panthenol, allantoin, lecithin are quite effective.

Homemade masks with a lifting effect can be prepared from: cosmetic clay, eggs, milk, lemon.

Mask with egg and cottage cheese

The source of collagen necessary for the skin is provided by the egg, which saturates the cells with vitamin A. Cottage cheese helps soften the skin. Olive oil is a source of vitamins A, B, D, E. For oily skin, you should choose cottage cheese that contains less fat. For dry skin, the opposite is true.

It is strictly forbidden to use such a mask if you are lactose intolerant.


  1. Take and beat one egg until foamy;
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and the same amount of cottage cheese;
  3. Stir the mixture into a homogeneous mass.

The mask is applied to the face and left for half an hour. After removing the mask, it is recommended to wash with warm water. Then you should apply moisturizer to your face.

Protein mask

Egg white allows you to achieve a lifting effect. Acting as a disinfectant, protein relieves acne of varying degrees. The mask is suitable for people with oily or combination skin. Attention! It is not recommended to apply the mask to dry skin (or add yolk to the composition).


  1. Take two eggs and separate the whites from the yolks;
  2. Beat the egg whites well;
  3. Pre-wash your face and apply the resulting mixture to the skin. After the mask dries, wash it off with water.

Mask with milk and sour cream

Milk will help get rid of skin pigmentation. For dry skin, it is recommended to take only fresh milk. For oily people - slightly sour. Sour cream, as a good antioxidant, rejuvenates the skin well. Similar to previous masks, the fat content of sour cream is selected based on the condition of your skin.

If you are lactose intolerant, this mask is not suitable!


  1. Mix 3 tbsp. l. sour cream with 1 tbsp. l. milk;
  2. Place the resulting mixture on your face and leave the mask on for 30 minutes. Wash yourself.

Paraffin mask

Paraffin is sold in pharmacies and beauty salons. To prepare the mask, you need to take:

  1. 100 g paraffin;
  2. 40 sq.cm. gauze.

Apply cream to your face and cover your eyes with cucumber circles or cotton pads. After melting the paraffin in a steam bath or in the microwave, place it on the problem areas of the cheeks. Cut the required piece of gauze and cover the cheeks with gauze. On top of it, lay the next paraffin layer. You need to wait about half an hour for the entire composition to harden on your face. After this, remove the mask and wash under running cold water.

Mask with honey and aloe


  • 30 ml sea buckthorn oil;
  • 30 ml aloe juice;
  • 40 g honey;
  • drops of ginseng essential oil.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to your face. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then wash it off.

Risks associated with a facelift

Women and men choosing a correction method are rightfully concerned about possible complications, primarily the risk of damage to the facial nerve. At the same time, fear is often whipped up by cosmetologists who persuade patients to use thread techniques available to them. In practice, nerve damage occurs, firstly, infrequently, and secondly, it is subject to correction, i.e. the nerve can simply be sewn together. Of course, not all doctors are proficient in this technique, so mistakes made by one specialist are most often made by another, more qualified one. In rare cases, stitching is not possible.

However, this is not the main difficulty in the work of an experienced cosmetic surgeon. The main thing is to determine the patient’s needs so that the aesthetic result does not disappoint. Since the likelihood of fatal complications is negligible.

Why do facial contours change?

The oval of the face loses its outline for several reasons:

— The main thing is age-related changes. The skin becomes less elastic over time, since, starting from the age of 35, the synthesis of elastin and collagen slows down.

One of the most vulnerable areas of the body is the neck. Thin skin and an unexpressed subcutaneous fat layer in this area are a condition for rapid tissue dehydration. The absence of an abundant network of small vessels and slow blood microcirculation, low activity of the muscles of the anterior surface of the neck contribute to the loss of their tone and tissue atrophy, early skin ptosis. The subcutaneous muscle of the neck - platysma - loses its elasticity with age, the edges of the muscle along the midline can diverge and then longitudinal cords (“turkey neck”) form on the neck, and the cervical-mental angle also increases.

— Genetics plays an important role in the loss of clarity of facial lines. If women in a family begin to age early, it is necessary to take preventive measures after 30 years;

— Fluctuations in weight also negatively affect the clarity of contours. Gaining weight causes the skin to stretch throughout the body, including the face. On the other hand, sudden weight loss leads to sagging skin - it does not have time to adapt to the changes. This is why it is recommended to lose weight gradually.

— Excess fluid in the body is another reason for a fuzzy oval face. If a person likes to eat spicy, salty and sweet foods, excess fluid accumulates in the body and swelling appears, the face becomes rounded, and the skin becomes loose.

— Incorrect posture makes you constantly slouch. This leads not only to changes in the position of the spine. Posture affects the contours of the face - the position of the neck changes, and therefore the chin, mouth and cheeks.

- Ultraviolet rays deplete collagen reserves in the skin.

- If a woman uses cosmetic care products that are not suitable for her skin type and other characteristics of the body, for example, age, they begin to work in the opposite direction - the skin becomes loose and sagging. Insufficient hydration and cleansing also play a negative role.

Jowl prevention - exercises

Face building is a practice that helps tone and strengthen the facial muscles. Principle of action: alternate tension and subsequent relaxation of the muscles. Repetition: daily. Below are the main effective exercises.

Cheek puffing

  1. Sit comfortably, close your lips tightly and try to puff out your cheeks as much as possible. Fix your face in this position for a few seconds, and then press your hands on your cheeks. You need to feel strong muscle tension. Repetition: at least 10 times.
  2. Upon completion of the exercise, a slight burning effect may be observed in the facial area. Do not be alarmed - this is the release of lactic acid, which improves blood circulation and tones the muscles.

Lifting the jaws up

  1. To perform the exercise, you first need to tilt your head up as much as possible, then push your lower jaw forward as much as possible, fixing your face in this position for 10 seconds.
  2. Next, you should repeat the exercise in reverse: first move your jaw and then tilt your head up. Each option should be repeated 10 times.

Head turns with a kiss

  1. Try turning your head left and right at least 20 times. When turning, the lower jaw should move in the direction corresponding to the turn.
  2. The lips must be fixed in the kissing position and made at least 10 circular movements to the left and right with the proper position of the lips.

Directions from Carol Maggio

Open your mouth wide and place your lower lip over your teeth. The upper lip should be pressed against the teeth. The corners of the mouth should move towards the entire inside of the oral cavity. Make opening and closing movements with your mouth. Pay special attention to the corners of your mouth. Each subsequent movement should be accompanied by lifting the chin up (no more than 1 cm). Ultimately, the head should be completely thrown back. Don't move your jaw, count to 30 and return to the starting position.

Additional option: sit up straight, open your mouth wide and try to smile. Fix your face in this position for half a minute, then return to the starting position.

By the way, on our website facesave.ru there is a complete review of the famous aerobics for the face Caroll Mmaggio.

Reinhold Benz's reception

  1. Try to pull your lower lip down as much as possible, but do not move your lower jaw or corners of your mouth. Repetition: 10 times for each count;
  2. Place your index fingers not too far from the corners of your mouth, apply light pressure to your cheeks, and try to smile.
  3. After a few seconds, return to the starting position;
  4. Puff up your cheeks and deflate them one by one;
  5. Hold your cheeks in a puffy position for five seconds.

Advice from women and doctor's recommendations for getting rid of bulldog cheeks

It is difficult to choose a method for eliminating jowls on your own. To do this, you need to visit a cosmetologist and carefully follow the recommendations. You shouldn’t rely on folk methods and expensive anti-aging cosmetics; proper skin care strengthens the muscle frame and increases turgor.

The best effect is achieved by combining hardware techniques with products containing hyaluronic acid, retinol, peptides, and vitamin C.

Compulsory exercise not only for the body, but also for the face helps to stop skin aging. If you are overweight and have the courage to switch to a healthy diet and exercise, then you cannot leave your face unattended.

Any low-calorie diet affects the condition of the skin. Additional hydration and nutrition will be required.

Fillers should only be used in cosmetic hospitals. Advertising for home use does not guarantee the effectiveness of the drug, shelf life, or correct administration. You should contact a plastic surgeon if you have a hereditary condition, after 50 years.

It’s not for nothing that the set of exercises uses movements that imitate a smile. It has been proven that laughing uses up to 80 muscles of the face and neck. Laugh more! A cheerful person maintains a youthful appearance longer.

What cosmetology methods are effective?

At the initial stage of jowl formation, the progression of the defect can be stopped. For this, the following are shown:

  • RF lifting;
  • contour plastic;
  • ultrasonic SMAS lifting;
  • biorevolumetry.

RF lifting

The method is based on radiofrequency exposure to the hypodermal layer of the skin. As a result, the collagen fibers that form the facial frame are restored. This type of lifting is indicated at a young age and with minor defects.

Contour plastic

For correction in this case, fillers (filler substances) based on hyaluronic acid are used. They have a higher density, due to which they increase the volume of soft tissues. Thanks to this, excess skin is tightened, ptosis becomes invisible.

Important! If you are prone to gravitational ptosis, the procedure will not bring results. The cosmetologist must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

A defect in the lower jaw can only be corrected by those whose ptosis is caused by excess skin, not fat.

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting

The name of the procedure comes from the English. Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System. That is, the effect is on the muscular aponeurotic layer. Previously, this could only be done surgically, now - with the help of ultrasound.


This is an injection technique based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid-based preparations into the hypodermis with special cannulas. As a result, the skin is tightened, rejuvenated, and moisturized. Rehabilitation takes 1-2 days, swelling and redness disappear in 2-3 hours.

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