Gymnastics for facial rejuvenation according to Galina Dubinina’s method

Galina Dubinina, developer of the face forming program, facial aerobics trainer. Since childhood, she has been dancing and was a member of the famous Leningrad ensemble “Rovesnik”. After graduating from the Technological Institute and receiving a diploma as a fig technologist, she married a submariner. She lived for a long time in a small town in the Murmansk region, where she founded a shaping school. To achieve professionalism in her chosen occupation, she received a second higher education. Graduated in 1991 from the Department of Aerobics at the Lesgaft Institute.

Achievements in Facebook building

Sports activities, unfortunately, do not affect the aging process of the face. By the age of 30, Galina Dubinina began to notice the first wrinkles and bags under her eyes. In search of solutions to aesthetic problems, many literary works have been studied. Until one day a young woman came across a book by Carol Maggio.

It turns out that the anti-aging complex was developed by the German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz back in 1930.

Galina decided to test the effectiveness of gymnastics for a facelift and correction of age-related changes for herself. Regular training within a few weeks significantly transformed my appearance. Taking into account the modern dynamic rhythm of women, I chose the most effective exercises for my program.

Facial yoga techniques are included, as well as the author’s personal experiences. Gradually the program “Gymnastics for the face” was built.

In 2004, the first group was created, during classes it was possible to master the exercise technique under the guidance of a trainer. The positive effect made Galina Dubinina’s rejuvenating complex popular. Today, not only ordinary women undergo training, wanting to maintain freshness and youth.

Cosmetologists and massage therapists also master facial gymnastics, improving their professional skills. A visit to the School of Youth includes lessons and homework. Simple, accessible exercises transform not only your appearance. Representatives of the fair sex learn to take care of themselves, harmonizing their inner world.

The effectiveness of Dubinina's methods

Some experts note that Galina Dubinina’s face lifting in some aspects even surpassed Carol Maggio with her technique. Nevertheless, it was from her that Galina drew some ideas and techniques, improving them. Examples of thousands of women clearly show how effective this complex can be and what results can be achieved. The technique is especially effective in:

  • Elimination of facial and age wrinkles in the eye area, forehead, nasolabial folds;
  • Improving the contour and oval of the face;
  • Tightening the cheekbones;
  • Improving lip contour and fullness;
  • Improving skin color and elasticity.

Among other procedures, the Dubinina system is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • Simplicity of the techniques - the author has made a number of videos with detailed descriptions and examples of each technique and exercise;
  • High efficiency - many examples prove that the action of the complex can be compared with any cosmetic procedures and even plastic surgery;
  • Health promotion - the complex includes elements of breathing practice that have a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • Complete safety - unlike many procedures, Dubinina’s exercises are suitable for everyone and do not cause any harm;
  • Available to everyone - the entire technique can be done anywhere, without any equipment, and it’s absolutely free.

Sometimes a free and affordable lift can cause skepticism, especially given that face lifting in beauty salons costs a lot of money. However, if you follow all the recommendations of the author of the technique, you can very quickly see the first results, and with constant use, significantly improve the condition of the skin of the face and neck.

This gymnastics is indeed very effective, but do not forget about proper facial care after 50 years. Properly selected products and methods of using them will help you maintain tight and radiant skin for a long time.

Feature of the technique

Unlike most face-building programs, Galina Dubinina has developed several special courses. You can choose evening or morning classes; you should pay attention to age subgroups. There is also intensive work on the most problematic areas. And to improve the color and structure of the skin, combat signs of fatigue and insomnia, the trainer suggests combining facial building with bodyflex breathing.

A feature of rejuvenating exercises is the transition from simple techniques to more complex ones. As a result of daily exercises of 5-10 minutes, the first positive changes are noticeable within a month.

Benefits of training:

  • the smoothness and elasticity of the skin is restored;
  • the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated;
  • the facial contour is tightened;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • manages to get rid of jowls, nasolabial folds, double chin;
  • puffiness and bags under the eyes go away;
  • the appearance of the skin improves.

Note! The basis of the facelift complex is work aimed at tightening and strengthening the facial muscles. Active contraction and subsequent relaxation tone the fibers. Blood flow noticeably improves, which means the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells increases.

When is the best time to start training?

At 20 years old it is not too early to do a set of exercises, just as at 50, having deep wrinkles, it is not too late. Different facial exercises with Galina Dubinina are designed for each age.

  • The main task of exercising at 20 years old is to prevent the formation of wrinkles;
  • After 30 years, you should act against the first wrinkles;
  • For a face after 40 years, it is necessary to include exercises on the oval of the face;
  • Gymnastics for the face after 50 maintains the oval, reducing the depth of wrinkles;
  • Next, facelift, strengthening the muscle frame, keeps them in good shape.

Set of exercises

The first lessons are best done in front of a mirror. Thus, it is easy to control the work of the facial muscles. The frequency of repetitions for problem areas can be increased. It is important not to forget to work on all zones to harmonize facial features.

The author of the technique recommends starting with 5 repetitions, and after a month of training gradually increasing to 15-20. Hold at maximum voltage for 8 seconds. You should do the exercise until a burning sensation and fatigue appear.

You can’t practice to the limit of your capabilities. This approach will only lead to an acceleration of the aging process of the face.


To tighten the oval contour and get rid of “wisdom” wrinkles on the forehead, the following complex is performed:

  1. You should start by rubbing your ear. Work the entire area from the earlobes to the ears.
  2. The facial muscles are not mobile, slowly raise the eyebrows. Then slowly lower it as well.
  3. Fix your index fingers above the eyebrow arches. Perform the previous exercise, feeling resistance.
  4. The same action is performed with fingers fixed under the eyebrow arches.
  5. Place your index and middle fingers over the starting points of your eyebrows. Try to wrinkle against the resistance of your fingers. Helps remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.
  6. Place your palm on the border of the hairline, slightly pull it towards the crown. Look down, then close your eyes. From this position, without opening your eyes, look at the tip of your nose.

We remove wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead using video instructions.


The aging process leads to the appearance of a drooping eyelid and swelling of the lower eyelid. An integrated approach will allow you to refresh your look and remove bags.


  1. Place your index finger and thumb at the beginning of the eyebrow growth. Using light squeezing movements, sculpt the arc to the very end.
  2. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Fix your fingers in the forehead wrinkles. Open your eyes wide, then close your eyelids.
  3. Blink widely and often, forehead and neck are relaxed.
  4. The upper lip is hidden behind the teeth, the gaze is directed upward. Blink quickly with your eyes wide open.
  5. Place your index fingers at the outer edge of your eyes. Squeeze your eyes tightly, without closing your eyelids completely.
  6. Charging with the eyes - look left, right, up, down. You can describe circles, ovals, rectangles.
  7. Place your finger 25 cm from your face. Move it slowly to and from the bridge of the nose, following the movement with your eyes.

Oval line correction

Sagging cheeks, swollen eyelids, jowls, nasolabial folds, noticeably appear by the age of 40. Facial gymnastics will help restore elasticity to the skin and restore tone.


  1. Use your index fingers and thumbs to clasp the apples of your cheeks. Raise the corners of the mouth, tightening the lower part of the oval.
  2. Smile, showing your upper teeth, your upper lip tense. Without releasing your cheeks, extend your mouth into an “O” shape. Then repeat at a fast pace.
  3. To get rid of a double chin, hide your lips behind your teeth and lift the corners of your mouth up.
  4. Extend your tongue, holding your upper lip tightly.
  5. Support your lower jaw with your fists. Open your mouth, feeling resistance.
  6. Purse your lips and pull towards your nose.

We tighten the oval of the face and smooth out the nasolabial lips using the recommendations from the video.

Cheek facelift

To improve the tone of the cheeks, simple exercises have been developed.

  1. Inhale and exhale deeply.
  2. Puff out your cheeks with your lips closed.
  3. Push air out through your mouth.

It is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. Inhale the air.
  2. Press your tongue against your lower teeth.
  3. Exhale while relaxing your facial muscles.
  4. Take a calm breath.
  5. As you exhale, retract your lips, while holding the corners of your lips with your hands.

Facial massage

As part of a complex of rejuvenating procedures, Galina Dubinina suggests performing acupressure massage. The technique allows you to influence microcirculation and strengthen thin capillaries. At the cellular level, oxygen respiration is normalized and renewal processes are accelerated. The main technique is vibration (light pressure) for 4 counts, followed by relaxation.

Massage technique:

  1. The index finger is placed on a point in the middle of the forehead. Press and release for a count of 4.
  2. In the same way, work the point between the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose.
  3. Massage the points at the beginning of the growth of the eyebrow arches.
  4. Vibrate the points in the center of the eyebrows, then at the end of the arches.
  5. Press and release paired points located in the temporal fossa.
  6. Press on the area under the earlobes.
  7. Massage on the lower jaw, points under the lower fangs.
  8. Dimple in the middle of the chin.
  9. Press on the points above the corners of the mouth.
  10. Work the area above the upper lip.
  11. Press on the points at the wings of the nose to get rid of nasolabial folds.
  12. Massage the lacrimal sacs (at the corners of the inner eye).

You can watch Galina Dubinina’s self-massage technique in the video.

Neck and décolleté correction

There is non-surgical correction, through surgery and auxiliary methods.

Certain cosmetic correction principles have been developed for this zone:

  1. Reducing the depth of wrinkles, overall smoothing of the relief.
  2. Elimination of pigment spots.
  3. Increases elasticity and hydration of the skin.
  4. Stimulates blood circulation.

Auxiliary facelift methods are based on regular massages and facial exercises. The massage is aimed at improving blood circulation and cell nutrition.

This type of exercise for the facial muscles involves 1 to 12 procedures. Gymnastics is based on a set of actions that increase the activity of the subcutaneous muscles. The use of anti-aging creams for active nutrition and hydration.

Safety regulations

To carry out lifting exercises, you need to prepare your face. To do this, you should cleanse your skin of makeup using special cosmetics. The emotional mood is important; during training you need to concentrate on each muscle group.

Recommendations for implementation:

  1. Before performing a beauty ritual, the author advises taking a contrast shower.
  2. Be sure to thoroughly massage your ears for 3-5 minutes. It is in the area of ​​the lobes and ears that there are active points responsible for the functioning of internal organs.
  3. Then you can begin to perform the complex. After facelift, apply nourishing fluid to the skin.

Possible complications and consequences

As with any operation, there is a possibility of undesirable consequences in the form of complications.

There are some possible complications:

  • The appearance of swelling of the face and the presence of bruises. But they will pass with the use of special medications.
  • The appearance of pigmentation on the skin. It is typical for sensitive skin, but goes away without any intervention within six months.
  • Hair loss in the area of ​​the incisions, but everything will be restored after a certain period of time.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, non-standard complications may appear, which are rare:

  • There may be some bleeding after surgery.
  • Necrosis of the edges of the skin on incisions.
  • Injury to parts of the facial nerve or ear. Temporary loss of earlobe sensitivity.
  • Wound infection.
  • Weakening of some facial muscles.
  • With the individual qualities of the body, the appearance of rough scars.


It is necessary to refuse exercises using this method under the following circumstances:

  • burns, damage to the integrity of the skin;
  • diseases of the facial nerve;
  • hypertension;
  • postoperative period;
  • recently carried out beauty injections, hardware lifting procedures.

The system of rejuvenation and restoration of skin tone requires regular exercise. But as a result of training, you can get a non-surgical facelift. A natural way to take care of freshness and youth is offered by the famous trainer Galina Dubinina.

Care after facelift

After facelift surgery, the patient remains in hospital for about 3 days. Rehabilitation involves wearing a compression mask for at least a week. Swelling after surgery can increase for up to 2 days; after the third, it usually subsides by the end of the week.

Sutures are removed within 6 to 10 days. Head hygiene procedures are allowed to be carried out no earlier than a week. The use of decorative cosmetics for the first week is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to start work after 2 weeks if no side complications have arisen.

All heavy loads, including sports, are canceled for almost two months. Sunbathing is recommended after 3-4 weeks. The result will be visible in two months.

Whatever type of facelift is chosen, facial exercises are designed to solve the problem in a non-surgical way.

Additional Information

Face lifting with Galina Dubinina is not only an effective way to maintain youthful skin, but also an alternative to plastic surgery, due to the formation of muscles that create an invisible frame that supports the tissue, preventing it from sagging. A small part of the exercises was presented for review. To study the technique, you can purchase a video with trainings by Galina Dubinina, where you can additionally get a program for performing acupressure, learn the intricacies of muscle structure, for more thorough study.

The school is developing vigorously, training and training specialists who can further introduce women to the methods of performing exercises.

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