Chemical peeling for the face in cosmetology - description, photos and reviews

Smooth, elastic skin and an even complexion are the main criteria for youth and beauty in any culture. Alas, not every person can boast of such natural wealth. And then it’s worth calling on modern cosmetology to help.

Today, one of the most effective and popular ways to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin is chemical peeling . “Rejuvenation without a scalpel” is what they say about this procedure, which helps get rid of a huge number of skin defects, including small superficial wrinkles.

The technique is aimed at eliminating imperfections in the skin of the face and body. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, its color is evened out, pigment spots, scars, stretch marks, post-acne become smaller or disappear altogether, and the function of the sebaceous glands is normalized. After the procedure, patients note an increase in skin tone and elasticity, smoothing of its relief, and the disappearance of small surface wrinkles. Reviews of chemical peeling, photos before and after the procedure posted on the Internet, speak in favor of this method.

Chemical peeling involves applying organic acids to the skin and dissolving the top layer of dead epidermal cells. Therefore, the procedure is also called acid peeling.

Of course, chemical peeling of the skin is a fairly radical method and can only be used by a knowledgeable and experienced dermatocosmetologist for serious indications.


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At Epimed we use only the best and proven means:

Almond peeling -
the main component is mandelic acid, which is extracted from bitter almonds. As a result, it perfectly cleanses pores, exfoliates, fights inflammation, pigmentation and fine wrinkles.

A distinctive feature of this acid is the large size of the molecule, which does not allow it to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Therefore, the effect of almond peeling is very gentle and gentle.

Milk peeling

It basically contains lactic acid, which cleanses pores and creates a light chemical burn that stimulates regeneration processes.

In addition, milk peeling provides an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances the natural production of collagen and elastin, has an antioxidant effect, reduces melanin production and moisturizes the skin.

Glycolic peeling

improves skin microrelief - cleanses and tightens pores, smoothes fine wrinkles, increases skin elasticity.

Enerpeel MA (mandelic acid 40%)

refers to superficial peelings and has a moisturizing, stimulating and antioxidant effect. Enerpeel MA peeling is ideal for combating the initial signs of skin aging. The result of its work is the renewal and rejuvenation of facial skin.

Enerpeel JR (salicylic acid 15%, lactic acid 20%, resorcinol 14%)

is a modified formula of Jessner's solution. Peeling Enerpeel JR not only makes facial skin healthy, elastic, radiant and fresh, but also whitens the skin, tightens pores, evens out wrinkles and scars.

Enerpeel PA (pyruvic acid 50%)

recommended for eliminating the first and moderate signs of aging, acne of varying severity, oily skin. Enerpeel PA peeling also helps eliminate atrophic scars, stretch marks, and post-acne.

In addition, as a result of such peeling, all nutrients are delivered to the deep layers of the skin. As a result, glycolic peeling brightens the skin well and allows you to get rid of pigmentation and even freckles. Copes perfectly with the consequences of acne, preventing and stopping inflammatory processes.

The main task of any of the superficial peelings in MSK is to cleanse the skin and launch regeneration processes, as a result of which all positive changes in the condition of the skin occur.

Dermatological peeling: what do you need to know about this procedure?

It has long been known that beauty requires sacrifice. But here it is important to think about the following: how justified these sacrifices are, and what their scale may be. Today we will talk about dermatological peeling, contraindications to this procedure and possible side effects after it. Our questions are answered by cosmetologist “Clinic Expert” Kursk Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Krivdina.

— Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, what is dermatological peeling and why is it needed?

— This is a fairly popular cosmetic procedure; it is aimed at controlled removal of the top layer of skin. If we talk about facial peeling, it is often used as an additional stage of comprehensive facial cleansing. In general, the main goal of the procedure is to eliminate skin imperfections, and here we should talk not only about the face, but also about the body as a whole.

— What types of peelings exist?

— Main types of peeling: chemical, mechanical, laser and ultrasound. Based on the depth of penetration, dermatological peeling is classified into superficial, medium and deep.

— How is the peeling procedure performed?

— Since chemical peeling is considered the most common, I’ll tell you about this procedure.

At the first stage, the skin is prepared. To do this, make-up is removed and the surface of the skin is treated with a degreasing agent – ​​pre-saw. Then the peeling composition itself is applied with a special brush, gauze pads, cotton pads or sticks.

The duration of the procedure and the number of peeling layers applied depend on several factors - the frost effect (the appearance of a spotty pattern on the skin), erythema (redness of the skin), swelling, pain, and burning are also taken into account.

The next step is to neutralize the peeling using water or a specialized neutralizer. Some types of peeling do not require neutralization in the cosmetologist's office (Jessner peeling, TCA peeling and retinol peeling); after a certain amount of time, the patient independently washes off the remaining composition. After this, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer with sunscreen effect.

— How many days after peeling does peeling begin?

— If this is your first such procedure, then you will have a superficial peeling, in which the acid is used in a minimal concentration. The epidermis (surface layer of skin) after such peeling begins to peel off on about the third day, and this process lasts no more than 2-3 days.

After medium peeling, the entire epidermis and papillary layer of the dermis usually begin to peel off in the form of large flaps (do not be afraid of this) on the third or fourth day after the procedure; the peeling process lasts from 5 days to a week.

Deep peeling: Peels may last two weeks or longer.

— How to care for your skin after peeling?

— If the cosmetologist washed off the peeling during the procedure, you should not wash your face for the first day. If the peeling is not washed off in the cosmetologist’s office, then the patient is given recommendations on how long it will take to remove the peeling composition (each type of peeling has its own exposure time). It is better not to touch your face at all during the first day. Of course, you need to forget about cosmetics and various creams for a while. And after deep peelings, it is not even recommended to leave the room on the first day.

From the 2nd to the 14th day, it is again better to refrain from using cosmetics. Remember: ultraviolet radiation (both sun rays and rays of artificial origin) can also harm your renewed skin. Not only the sauna and steam bath are excluded: at this time it is better to refrain even from hot baths and scrub treatments.

The skin needs to be moisturized; when going outside, be sure to apply a cream with spf 50-80 protection. After medium and deep peelings, it is advisable to wash your face with boiled water and pat your face with a paper towel.

The general rule for all types of this procedure is not to “help” the skin exfoliate forcibly, you just need to wait a certain time, and it will completely heal by itself.

— Do you need any preparation before peeling?

— Before peeling, 2 weeks before, you should not sunbathe, or do invasive procedures in the area affected by the future peeling. If there are allergic reactions or periodic manifestations of herpetic infection on the face, it is necessary to take antihistamines and antiherpetic drugs 3 days before, on the day and 3 days after the procedure (of course, only after consulting a doctor). Before medium and deep peels, preparation is required in the form of home remedies with a low acid content or several (2-4) procedures of superficial chemical peels to level the upper layer of the epidermis and further uniform penetration of the peeling.

— Are there any side effects after peeling?

— Unfortunately, yes, this is possible. We may be talking about swelling, redness; in some cases, local dehydration of the skin and burns cannot be excluded. The use of protective, moisturizing and nourishing creams will help here; preparations containing antioxidants will play a positive role (sometimes it is necessary to include panthenol-containing products).

Some of the complications may require specific therapy. For example, when herpes appears, the doctor may prescribe antiherpetic drugs in combination with pulse therapy (a method based on the administration of hormonal drugs). Exacerbation of acne (in common parlance - the appearance of pimples and blackheads) is effectively combated by zinc-containing products and antiseptics. If pigmentation is impaired, the doctor will also select the appropriate drug treatment option. As for allergic reactions, a preliminary examination, antihistamines and hypoallergenic drugs will help to avoid them.

It is difficult to predict the occurrence of side effects, because the body of each of us has its own, unique characteristics. If we talk about any serious complications - damage to the cornea, atrophic and hypertrophic scars, diffuse or patchy hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation - as a rule, they do not arise on their own. This means that the rules for conducting the peeling procedure or care during the rehabilitation period were violated.

— Are there any contraindications to peeling? Or can everyone do it?

- There are contraindications. Among the main ones are:

  • history of hypertrophic scars;
  • connective tissue pathology;
  • actively ongoing skin diseases in the peeling area;
  • systemic retinoid therapy completed 4 months or less before the procedure;
  • therapy with oral anticoagulants (a type of blood thinner);
  • pregnancy.

Interviewed by Igor Chichinov

The editors recommend:

Skin cleansing: is it always possible to do with home remedies? Who can benefit from ultrasonic peeling? Acne: why do they appear and how to get rid of them?

For reference:

Krivdina Ekaterina Alexandrovna

In 2015 she graduated from Kursk State Medical University (specialty “General Medicine”). In 2021, she completed her internship in dermatovenereology. 2021 – professional retraining course in the specialty “Medical cosmetology”. Currently works as a cosmetologist at the Expert Clinic Kursk. Receives at the address: st. Karl Liebknecht, no. 7.

How does the procedure work?

At the preparatory stage, the skin is cleansed and pre-peeling is applied - a special product that contains pH acid.

This is followed by the process of applying the solution. With an interval of five minutes, the number of layers required to solve individual problems is applied, depending on the type of skin and its individual characteristics.

After time, the remaining solution is removed with a special product - a neutralizer, after which a soothing or moisturizing mask is applied.

The very last step is to apply a light nourishing cream.

The duration of the entire procedure is approximately 40-60 minutes.

To achieve the desired result, Cruz can be prescribed up to 3 procedures once every 1-2 weeks.

It is important to remember that high-quality care after peeling guarantees the effectiveness of the procedure, so you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Don't go outside without wearing SPF.
  • Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol
  • Make sure your skin is well moisturized, Ultra Moisturizing Cream can help you with this
  • Try not to touch your face with dirty hands
  • Do not visit baths and saunas
  • You will also have to refuse to visit public swimming pools.
  • Don't sunbathe

After superficial peeling

For several days after a superficial peel, you may experience slight flaking of the skin. There is no need to fight it; this is a normal reaction to the procedure, which leads to rejuvenation and renewal of the epidermis. Do not promote exfoliation with scrubs and cleansing masks. It is not recommended to use aggressive cleansers, alcohol tonics or greasy creams after superficial peeling. Wait for your skin to recover and use the care program recommended by your cosmetologist.

If you still have questions about superficial peelings, sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist at SOHO CLINIC. You will receive answers from a qualified specialist and an individual rejuvenation program developed based on the advanced achievements of injection, therapeutic and hardware cosmetology.

Indications for facial cleansing with chemical peeling

As such, there are no medical indications for the procedure, because it is cosmetic and not medical. But it’s very simple to list the problems that chemical facial peeling solves:

  • any kind of pigmentation, both acquired and congenital;
  • seborrheic manifestations;
  • acne;
  • fine, medium and deep wrinkles;
  • skin irregularities;
  • pimples and blackheads;
  • potholes on the surface of the skin and much more.

In simple terms, chemical peeling for the face is effective for any cosmetic problems, as well as age-related changes in the skin.

Gas-liquid peeling Jet Peel

Jet Peel technology is based on the simultaneous impact of liquid and gas on the skin at supersonic speed. Peeling can be superficial or medium, and its scope of application is very wide: it not only rejuvenates the skin, helps in the treatment of acne and eliminate post-acne, but is also prescribed for cellulite and is used in a set of measures to eliminate scars and stretch marks.

By contacting our clinic, you can be sure that the most effective procedures will be chosen for you and at the same time suitable for you personally!

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