How to sunbathe correctly in a vertical solarium? Full instructions

Pros of vertical solariums:

  • Compactness. The cabin takes up less space than a horizontal one.
  • Hygiene. Contact with dirty walls and emitters is minimized.
  • Possibility of movement. The units are very spacious. You can even dance inside the car while listening to music.
  • Tan uniformity. The floor is equipped with a mirror coating, which allows light waves to be reflected from it and completely irradiate the client. However, in order to maintain health, it is necessary to keep in mind that there must be napkins on which to stand.

Disadvantages of a vertical solarium:

  • Potential dizziness. Due to the fact that a person does not lie down, but stands, a sudden change in temperature can lead to fainting. If you feel unwell, you should leave the device immediately.
  • Power. Lamps in a vertical cabin have significantly higher performance than in a horizontal one. And although the time spent in the cabin is less than in a horizontal one, the harmful effects of UV rays on the skin will be several times stronger.

All devices are divided into professional solariums and home.

The prefix “turbo” in the word “turbo solarium” does not indicate that the device for professional use provides the opportunity to instantly acquire a tan. Its meaning says that the cabin is equipped with a device that provides enhanced cooling, and this allows it to work non-stop for even a very long period of time.

Thanks to the introduction of such a system, the risk of burns, which are “imprinted” by DNA molecules and can lead to skin cancer, is reduced.

A distinctive feature of this machine is the number of lamps: the title “turbo” is assigned by manufacturers if there are more than 42 lamp emitters inside.

Almost all companies involved in the development of artificial tanning devices have at least one turbo solarium in their ranks. The best, according to publications devoted to this topic, are the following:

  • Hapro (Holland);
  • Megasun, Ergoline, UWE (Germany);
  • Sunquest (England);
  • Alpha Industries (Belgium);
  • Sportarredo (Italy).

The European standards by which the cabins are created minimize the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation on the body, which makes the process safer.

Vertical solarium MegaSun

Home solariums have a number of advantages:

  • There is no need to leave home, waste time on the road, or travel in bad weather. Your solarium is always at hand.
  • Great for shy people. The procedure can be carried out at any time without prying eyes.

A significant disadvantage: a home solarium does not have the same number of lamps as professional models, so you will have to spend more time getting a tan.

How to tan properly in a vertical solarium:

  • Both men and women need to protect their nipples and other pigmented areas of the body. Exposure to these areas can lead to skin cancer.
  • To ensure an even tan, you should exfoliate your body 3-5 days before the procedure.
  • You need to thoroughly wash off all cosmetics, including those intended for care, deodorant and perfume. The aromatic substances contained in the products, when interacting with ultraviolet radiation, can cause burns.
  • Glasses (ideally disposable), sold or given out in every salon, will help protect your eyes. When wearing glasses and contacts, you must remove them before entering the solarium itself so that the light does not harm your eyes.
  • A cotton cap, which can also be purchased at the studio, will help save your hair from dryness. It is advisable to choose a product in light colors.
  • It is forbidden to visit a solarium during treatment with antibiotics or tranquilizers, and even more so if you have cancer. The interaction of ultraviolet rays with the composition of the tablets can increase light sensitivity, or photosensitivity, which will lead to serious consequences.
  • It is necessary to use specialized cosmetics for the procedure so as not to harm the skin, which will dry out due to contact with light waves.

How many minutes is optimal to stay in the cabin depending on skin type:

  • People of the Celtic type (brown or red hair, very fair skin and a tendency to freckles) are prohibited from being inside the device for more than 3 minutes. The power of the lamps should be minimal.
  • Those with simply light dermis can spend up to 5 minutes inside. The specific amount of time required depends on the desired result.
  • Dark skin allows sunbathing for 7-10 minutes.
  • The combination of brown eyes with dark epidermis requires a long stay inside the device, from 10 minutes.

Read more in our article about vertical solarium.

Anyone who has at least once been interested in tanning methods other than under the real sun knows about the vertical solarium method: such machines are found almost everywhere, from tanning studios to fitness clubs.

Despite the fact that such cabins were invented somewhat later than horizontal ones, they won many times more success than their “ancestors”. The reasons for luck are:

  • Compactness . Owners of beauty salons would prefer to choose a vertical device, because compared to a horizontal one, it takes up much less space, which will allow them to use the space more productively and avoid queues.
  • Hygiene . Many visitors suffer due to the owners’ neglect of hygiene: a large number of dermatological diseases can be transmitted through contact with emitters. Contact with them is minimized in vertical representatives.
  • Possibility of movement . The devices are very spacious, and the absence of the need to lie in one place for a long time will be a real boon for those who do not like immobility. You can even dance inside the car while listening to music.
  • Tan uniformity . This vertical look will help you get an even and beautiful tan. Its floor is equipped with a mirror coating, which allows light waves to reflect from it and “find” the client himself. However, in order to maintain health, it is necessary to keep in mind that there must be napkins on which to stand.

There are also negative sides to these devices, but they are much smaller:

  • Potential dizziness . Due to the fact that a person does not lie down, but stands, a sudden change in temperature can lead to fainting. If you feel unwell, you should leave the device immediately, regardless of the amount of time remaining.

  • Power . Lamps for a vertical cabin have significantly higher indicators of this characteristic than for a horizontal one. Despite the fact that the time spent in the device will be reduced and there will be no need to suffer while waiting for the end of the procedure, the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin will be many times stronger.

Due to the fact that these types of devices appeared relatively recently, all the shortcomings of their predecessors were taken into account and corrected in these creations, which is why more and more customers prefer to use improved solariums.

We recommend reading the article about horizontal solariums. From it you will learn how a horizontal solarium differs from a vertical one, how to choose a good device, as well as the options for cabins and their features. And here is more information about how to protect your curls in a solarium.

There are a huge number of types of cabins and the same number of opinions about each of them, but all these devices are divided into professional solariums and home ones. There are a considerable number of misconceptions about each of them, but the appearance of errors is just a sign of total illiteracy, and in order to avoid discrepancies with reality, it is necessary to conduct educational programs.

Benefits of solarium

Not to mention the aesthetic aspects brought by regular tanning, visiting it brings great benefits to the body. Consider the benefits of artificial sun:

  • Ultraviolet rays affect the production of vitamin D. It strengthens muscle tissue and prevents many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Regular visits to the solarium have a beneficial effect on facial skin : artificial lamps help cope with blackheads. The ducts of the sebaceous glands dry out, and excess production of subcutaneous sebum slows down.
  • If you are sick with the flu or a cold, find the strength to get to the tanning studio: ultraviolet rays are a powerful immunomodulator that allows you to increase the body's defenses in a matter of days.
  • Artificial sun affects the pleasure center in the brain, thereby increasing the production of endorphins . You will become calmer, fatigue will fade into the background. Naturally, for long-term effect it is necessary to repeat the procedure regularly.
  • Vertical bulb lamps emit only ultraviolet light, without impurities. From this point of view, artificial tanning is safer than daily exposure to the sun.
  • The main advantage of a solarium, in particular a vertical one, is the provision of an impeccably even tan : the absence of clothing will make the body look like a bronze sculpture.

Using special cosmetics

When visiting a solarium, it is recommended to use special cosmetics that have the following beneficial properties:

  • accelerator of melanin formation promotes a beautiful tan;
  • thanks to fixatives, skin tone is preserved;
  • Using creams with bronzers you can get a tan of the desired depth.

Those with second and third skin types are recommended to start with accelerators. This way the skin will learn to produce the required amount of melanin. After several sessions, you can switch to tanning enhancers, which help achieve the desired skin tone.

As a rule, cosmetics with bronzer are dark in color, which is noticeable in the tube. Remember that the darker the color of the cream, the greater the concentration of colored pigments in it. This means that by using them you can get the darkest possible tan, but it will easily wash off.

Among the advantages of bronzer creams over self-tanning, it is worth highlighting the fact that they do not leave stains on the skin and also wash off evenly.

Creams without bronzers are most often white. With its help you can easily achieve a natural tan. In addition, it is not washed off and does not leave stains on clothes. This product is ideal for allergy sufferers and those with sensitive skin.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the face - it should be protected with special creams that prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Cosmetics manufacturers offer various face creams. Some products have anti-inflammatory properties, so they not only protect, but also heal the skin.

Negative sides

There are also unpleasant moments. We have collected in the information below all the dangerous factors that can stop your trip to the tanning studio:

  • Neglecting skin protection products sometimes leads to extensive burns .
  • Neglecting plastic glasses has a bad effect on visual acuity: it noticeably decreases after just a few years of using artificial sun.
  • Not wearing a cap puts your hair at risk of thinning . Gradually, the ends of the hair begin to split.
  • Premature skin aging occurs in people who use solariums daily, without breaks. The main reason is the accelerated destruction of the elastane-collagen framework.
  • The production of melanin in excess amounts when exposed to ultraviolet radiation provokes skin cancer.
  • There is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

All of these dangers are easy to avoid. Follow safety precautions when visiting a tanning studio and do not forget that a solarium does much more good than harm.

Solariums and pregnancy

During such periods, a woman’s hormonal balance changes, as a result, certain hormones increase their activity, which affects the faster production of melanin. Even with minor exposure to ultraviolet radiation, so-called chloasma (bright pigment spots) may appear, and they are very difficult to remove.

Visiting solariums will definitely aggravate the problem. Moreover, during pregnancy it is advisable to avoid even natural sunlight, since the adrenal glands work very intensively, an excess of male hormones is recorded, etc. Solariums are contraindicated at this time.

Why is it worth visiting a vertical solarium?

The vertical solarium has long been firmly established in the lives of modern women. Prefer it to horizontal if you are faced with this choice for the first time. Why? You will learn about this below:

  • A tan in a vertical solarium applies to the body faster and with better quality. The vertical solarium bulb is equipped with high-power lamps around its circumference. This allows you to cover the entire body except the heels.
  • There is a lot of space inside the flask, so if you suffer from claustrophobia, visiting a solarium will not be torture for you. The door of the flask is not closed tightly, it does not latch - leave the confined space at any time.
  • For an even tan, keep your hands on the top bar of the bulb. In this case, the side parts of the body will receive the same amount of ultraviolet radiation as the rest of the body.
  • When using body cosmetics and following safety rules, body burns are excluded.
  • There is no direct contact of the body with the limiting glass: you don’t have to worry about your health due to the non-sterility of the sunbed, as in a horizontal solarium.
  • Almost all modern flasks have a lift system that ensures an even tan on the face and neck.
  • Many vertical units are equipped with aroma systems and a cooling mode.

What to do after solarium

After completing the procedure, you should drink clean water. You can take a shower only after 4–5 hours. In this case, the water should be at room temperature, never hot. It is also prohibited to take a contrast shower. It is best to simply rinse your body or use a mild gel, but not soap. After solarium, the use of a washcloth and sponge, as well as scrub and peeling, is unacceptable. When you finish taking a shower, do not rub your skin with a towel, but simply pat it lightly and apply moisturizing milk. After solarium, do not go to the pool, sauna or bathhouse under any circumstances. The next artificial tanning session should be no earlier than 48 hours later.

If you do not follow all the rules of behavior in a solarium and recommendations, then burns, redness, rashes, pimples, moles and age spots may appear on your body. All this will be accompanied by headache, fever and itching. If you followed all the recommendations, but after the procedure you noticed these unpleasant symptoms, then this may indicate that you have photodermatitis (allergy to the sun). In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Another side effect after visiting a solarium is the appearance of chloasma due to changes in hormonal levels. This threatens pregnant women, as well as those who have liver problems, gynecological and parasitic diseases. Also at risk are men and women who used perfume before visiting a solarium.

If you combine exposure to ultraviolet rays and chlorine on the skin, this can accelerate the aging of the skin.

Rules for tanning in a vertical solarium

If you are going to visit a solarium for the first time, or have sunbathed before, but did not pay attention to the existing rules, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them in the text below:

  • Consult your dermatologist before your first visit. Follow the simple procedure to identify malignant birthmarks. This will protect you from the possible risk of developing cancerous tumors.
  • If you are undergoing treatment, taking antibiotics or potent drugs of other groups, check with your doctor about the possibility of visiting a tanning studio during this period.
  • Choose cosmetics for your skin based on its type. Cosmetics should protect the skin from burns and drying, while at the same time allowing ultraviolet rays access to the dermis to give a bronze tint.
  • Sunbathe with your face cleansed of makeup and remove jewelry.
  • Do not combine cosmetic procedures and going to the solarium. It is also not recommended to use a scrub at home before visiting the studio.
  • Try to allow at least 12 hours . Do not wash with soap or other alkaline products.
  • Use nipple protectors, a hair cap, and UV sunglasses.
  • Visit the solarium regularly, dividing your visits into sessions. For example, schedule 10 visits every other day. After you finish them, take a break for two months.

General recommendations

  • Beauties with pale skin, a large number of freckles and moles, with blue eyes, with blond or red hair should stay in the solarium booth for a minimum time (3 minutes), otherwise burns cannot be avoided. UV lamp power settings should be kept low. Remember to apply anti-tanner with the highest protection factor.
  • If you have fair skin and dark hair, then you can indulge yourself in a solarium for 5 minutes at medium radiation power. Be sure to use special protective creams.
  • Girls with olive skin, brown eyes, brown hair, feel free to sunbathe for 10 minutes. During the first sessions, you need to prepare the skin, so set the box settings to medium values, and only then - to maximum.
  • People with dark skin, take ultraviolet baths at maximum power for 20 minutes.
  • Always take disposable paper towels with you into the booth and place them under your feet. You will take care of your own hygiene and prevent the development of fungus.
  • You can also use a bronzer for tanning in a solarium. It helps speed up the process and the bronzed skin tone lasts longer.
  • Do not use tanning salons if you are menstruating. This may cause skin pigmentation or may not produce any results at all.

Look at the recommendations from cosmetologist Irina Kotova.

Useful tips

Consider a few more useful tips before you discover the wonderful world of a beautiful, bronze tan:

  • Place a towel brought from home on the floor of the vertical flask. This will protect you from possible foot and nail fungus.
  • Visit the solarium no more than three times a week: the skin needs rest between intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Do not exceed the total annual number of visits - there should be fifty.
  • If you have a lot of tattoos on your body, cover them with a sticker to prevent the pigment from fading.

Tanning without cream

Sometimes cosmetics intended for those who visit a solarium can be replaced with vegetable oils. This alternative is acceptable for people with allergies.

As natural moisturizers, it is recommended to use olive oil or avocado oil. If desired, they can be combined with each other. The main thing is to remember that it is undesirable to use essential oils with strong odors. Apply oils immediately before such procedures. Apply them in a thin layer all over your body.

Avoid using mineral oils such as Jonson's Baby to moisturize dry skin. Because of it, pores become clogged and an airtight film is formed, which provokes thermal burns.

Selection of tanning cosmetics

For an even and beautiful skin tone, it is recommended to use special amplifiers - activators. The procedure lasts several minutes - the skin simply does not have time to receive the dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary for a rich color. The amplifier increases the sensitivity of the epidermis to UV rays and promotes a rapid, uniform change in tone. Choose only high-quality hypoallergenic products.

Contraindications for visiting

It is prohibited to visit the vertical turbo solarium in the following cases:

  1. For cardiovascular diseases, open form of tuberculosis, frequent asthma attacks and the presence of malignant neoplasms.
  2. In case of diseases of the thyroid gland and nervous system, as well as atherosclerosis, kidney disease and hypersensitivity to the sun.
  3. People with hyperpigmented spots on the skin, as well as with numerous large moles, are prohibited from visiting the solarium. The fact is that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, dehydrated skin dries out even more and its condition worsens.
  4. You should refrain from visiting the solarium during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Such procedures are not recommended for children under 15 years of age, as well as for people who have the first skin type (that is, red hair and light skin), because it constantly burns, but does not become darker.
  6. It is not advisable to visit a solarium while taking antidepressants, antibiotics and painkillers. It is also worth postponing such procedures for people taking medications containing gold salt and tetracycline.
  7. It is contraindicated to visit the solarium for two days after the depilation procedure.

It is not recommended to do such procedures twice a day . It is better to avoid combining artificial and natural tanning throughout the day. Do not shower after tanning like this.

Positive properties of solarium

  1. Ultraviolet light from a solarium is gentler on the skin than sunlight. Equipment for modern solariums uses a carefully balanced and controlled combination of rays of different wavelengths. Modern lamps do not emit rays harmful to the skin, and the ratio of beneficial ones can be adjusted using devices. Ultraviolet radiation causes the production of vitamin D in the skin, which is responsible for calcium metabolism in the body. As a result, replenishing the body with vitamin D at a time when it is sorely lacking improves the condition of bone tissue and joints.
    Research by American scientists has shown that ultraviolet rays from a solarium are 70% more effective on calcium metabolism in the body than taking vitamin D capsules.

    Many women, after visiting a solarium, often experience pain in the lower legs and back, and the condition of their teeth improves;

  2. Sunlight, which simulates solarium lighting, affects more than just the skin. Under its influence, the brain produces serotonin, a pleasure hormone that improves mood and increases stress resistance. And not only.
    Research by doctors from the English Royal Society has shown that serotonin is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle: it is especially abundant in the body at the time of ovulation, which coincides with the most elevated emotional state of a woman. It is impossible to obtain this hormone artificially; its content in food is negligible. The only solution is more light.

    Thus, with the help of a solarium in the winter months, you can get rid of depressed mood, attacks of causeless melancholy, exacerbations of premenstrual syndrome, irritability, fatigue in the morning, when you need to get up in complete darkness outside the window. Such problems could be solved by a daily walk in a public garden or in a park, but this takes an hour and a half in the first half of the day, and even in sunny weather. And if you spend short hours of the day in transport or in the office, and also live in a large industrial city, where aerosols and dust prevent the sun’s rays from breaking through, then only a solarium will help;

  3. The immune status of the body also directly depends on the sun - we are so light-loving. Back in the 60s, German and English doctors hypothesized that under the influence of ultraviolet rays the oxygen content in the blood increases, and they began to use ultraviolet irradiation to improve the condition of women in labor.
    Modern scientific data indicate that protective cells under the influence of ultraviolet radiation become more active, and their content in the body increases. In addition, immunity increases due to the effect of light on the brain: its regulatory systems, which also control immunity, begin to work more harmoniously.

    After a course of solarium, you will feel that you are no longer susceptible to occasional colds, and during flu outbreaks you maintain working capacity. In addition, chilliness and lethargy, the feeling of leaden heaviness in the muscles in the morning or after short work disappear;

  4. A light tan browns the skin, small hairs on the legs fade and become invisible.
    However, at a deeper level, ultraviolet rays have a positive effect on the epidermis, improving blood supply and nutrition of cells in all layers of the skin. For mild pimples, irradiation in a solarium relieves inflammation, stopping the proliferation of bacteria. As a result, the skin ceases to be irritated by ordinary detergents - peeling, pustules, rashes on the face and hands go away on their own, without the use of dermatological creams. Small pimples disappear, but in cases of severe inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the skin rash may worsen;
  5. Sunlight, acting as a relaxing factor, lowers blood pressure by at least 15% and reduces cholesterol and blood sugar by 1.5-1.7 times.
    The positive effect increases after 3-4 procedures.

    After visiting the solarium, you will notice that you are much less irritated, have fewer headaches, and your efforts to reduce your weight have finally been crowned with success.

Possible problems and dangers

If safety rules are not followed, you may encounter the following problems:

  1. Ultraviolet rays contribute to the destruction of the collagen framework, so people who constantly visit the solarium often experience dehydration and aging of the skin.
  2. If you do not use special cosmetics, burns are possible. Also, excessive use of tanning beds can damage your hair.
  3. Due to the active production of melatonin, skin cancer is possible.
  4. Excessive use of a solarium can aggravate or worsen some diseases, as well as form malignant tumors.
  5. Excessive use of artificial tanning can harden the stratum corneum of the dermis, which can cause clogged pores.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the procedure are:

  • combating chronic fatigue syndrome and depression;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, oily seborrhea, acne);
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • hardening;
  • activation of hematopoiesis;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • preparing the skin for the summer season.


  • heart and respiratory failure, asthma;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • tuberculosis and blood diseases;
  • any neoplasms;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • spasmophilia;
  • CNS lesions;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • individual intolerance to UV rays;
  • birthmarks and the presence of large, numerous moles;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • rash of any etiology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • light sensitive skin;
  • age under 18 years;
  • 2 days before and after depilation;
  • After the peeling procedure, you cannot sunbathe for a month.

Experts advise how to properly sunbathe in a solarium to get a tan.

It is necessary to follow the rules on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium in order to tan evenly

First, you should exclude all risk factors in the form of contraindications and find out your photo skin type.

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