Golden threads for the face: how they are used and why they are effective

Each of us will one day notice that his skin does not look as young as before. The initial manifestations of aging include deterioration of the skin. In general, age-related skin changes are typical for people over thirty years of age.

Golden threads for the face

Certain problems are quite amenable to high-quality cosmetic preparations and procedures carried out in cosmetology clinics. However, if the defect is pronounced, the listed methods of control will not have the desired result. Then people begin to think about more radical interventions, namely plastic surgery and face lifting. However, some cannot afford such procedures due to the high cost, and for others they are simply contraindicated. What to do in this situation? Cosmetology is constantly evolving, and it offers a worthy alternative to plastic surgery - gold facial threads.

The use of gold threads is an excellent alternative to surgical methods for restoring youthful skin

The meaning of the technique

A facelift with threads or reinforcement is an advanced and innovative rejuvenation procedure performed by tightening tissue. The effect is achievable thanks to special threads that are installed under the skin. They form the so-called frame for fabric structures, in principle reminiscent of the steel reinforcement that builders use to strengthen buildings.

Nowadays thread reinforcement of the face can be divided into several subtypes. The division is determined by the material used. In general, there are two groups:

  • bioreinforcement - during this manipulation, threads are used that can dissolve without outside intervention. After this, a collagen and elastin framework is formed;
  • reinforced with gold threads - the material does not dissolve.

Such threads do not dissolve

Why should you choose gold for rejuvenation? The answer is very simple. Gold is a material that is perfectly accepted by the human body.

Such threads do not provoke allergies, do not poison the body, and there is no rejection either. In addition, gold has a positive effect on the cellular structures of the skin. Oxygen is enriched, toxins are eliminated, and blood circulation improves.

This precious metal also copes well with pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which the risk of introducing pathogenic microorganisms into the holes where the thread was inserted is extremely low. The thickness of the material used is a maximum of 0.1 millimeter; metal of the highest standard is always used - 999.

The highest standard gold is used

The event involves placing threads in a given part of the face at given points and directions that coincide with the anatomical tension lines. When the thread is secured, the production of natural collagen and elastin begins, so along with mechanical support, biological support is formed. Thanks to this, double protection is achieved against wrinkles caused by facial expressions, as well as against ptosis caused by gravity.

With the help of such threads you can solve many problems

After a certain time, the following results occur:

  • facial wrinkles are corrected;
  • loose skin tightens;
  • gravitational ptosis is significantly inhibited;
  • the problem of folds and furrows on the face is corrected;
  • natural elasticity, turgor and firmness increase;
  • the complexion becomes natural, and the skin itself becomes healthier.

Having studied the opinions of clients about this procedure, you may be very surprised. It turns out that it is permissible to use threads not only for the face.

It is possible to reinforce the skin of not only the face in this way

Comparison with other popular types

Thread typePeculiaritiesDuration of result (on average)
Golden threadsThis is a non-absorbable material that takes root well. Using this method, you can achieve the most long-lasting results, although many doctors consider it outdated. 10 years
AptosThe threads are non-absorbable. They can be smooth or jagged. This method is especially popular nowadays. 5 years
MesothreadsMaterial: polydioxanone. After the threads are introduced, about 6 months pass, after which they break down into carbon dioxide and water. But instead of them, a framework of collagen was formed. 2-5 years

What is the effect of the procedure?

It is known that gold is a noble precious metal that is well tolerated by our body. Any negative reactions of various nature are excluded. They say that golden threads provide specific energy that has a positive effect on the processes occurring in the human body.

  1. Free radicals are quickly released.
  2. Cellular metabolism is significantly improved.
  3. Blood circulation returns to normal.
  4. Active production of your own collagen and elastin occurs.
  5. Cellular structures are enriched with oxygen and absorb it well.
  6. Hyaluronate is produced.
  7. Cellular structures are enriched with useful substances that are perfectly absorbed.

Gold is not rejected by the body


If you want to use this procedure to get rid of age-related changes, you need to carefully study the indications for this event:

  • prevention of age-related skin changes for people over 25 years of age;
  • getting rid of wrinkles caused by active facial expressions;
  • relief from gravitational ptosis;
  • correction of nasolabial folds;
  • correction of skin problems in the forehead and bridge of the nose;
  • getting rid of sagging skin;
  • correction of insufficient firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • correction of unhealthy skin color.

Note! As for the circular lift, the procedure we are considering will not replace it. However, it is quite possible to postpone more radical interventions for several years.

Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to “delay” strong age-related changes

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, any cosmetic procedure has its strengths and weaknesses. Let's talk about those related to reinforcing the face with gold threads.


  • Gold is a metal that is well tolerated by the human body. It does not provoke allergies or other negative reactions;
  • implantation of threads provokes the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, and this does not allow the progression of age-related skin defects;
  • gold regulates blood supply, as a result of which cellular structures are saturated with oxygen;
  • After the procedure, the skin becomes healthier, and the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands is also regulated. Pores return to normal size, comedones disappear;
  • threads are used for various parts of the body;
  • the event does not require significant intervention in the body, it is carried out on an outpatient basis, general anesthesia is not required.

Using gold threads has a lot of advantages


  • Threads need to be used very early. If the aging process has gone too far, the procedure will have virtually no results;
  • this is still an intervention in the body, albeit a small one, so in certain cases there is a chance of suffering from side effects or complications;
  • the use of threads is unacceptable in combination with some cosmetic procedures, so if you want to use the services of a cosmetologist, be sure to inform him of the presence of gold threads under the skin.

Unfortunately, this procedure has some disadvantages.

Mesothreads, 3D threads without thorns

Q: What is the difference between mesothreads, gold threads, and Aptos threads?

A: There are many threads in the beauty industry, all threads work well if you set the right task for them, set the right number and choose the right zone. Mesothreads and Aptos threads are placed in the subcutaneous fat layer. Golden threads are in SMAS, more on that later.

Let's start with the simplest ones - mesothreads.

These are threads without notches, they are smooth. Classic threads. They are placed in large quantities on the face to tighten the skin. Mesothreads do not provide lifting - tightening, tissue movement. They are used as a frame. They create a lifting effect, not a result, but an effect, due to the fact that the skin thickens and tightens a little. Unlike mesothreads, main threads have attachments and cannulas, they give exactly the result. It lasts from one to three years for cosmetic threads and from three to five for surgical threads, depending on the type of threads.

It is good to apply mesothreads both on the face and on the body to “freeze” the satisfactory condition of the skin. If the fabrics are omitted, mesothreads will not give a beautiful effect. In the figure, although all the threads are called “mesothreads”, we are talking about those that are “I generation”.

Picture 1

Q: Do mesothreads provide the effect due to the production of your own collagen due to tissue injury?

A: Tissues react to the thread as if it were a foreign body and form a framework of their own cells around the thread. But since the threads dissolve, the frame also dissolves over time, the effect disappears after 6-12 months.

Q: How many threads do I need to use to see the result?

A: 30 threads is the minimum. Nowadays on average they use 60-100 threads. This is optimal for a noticeable result.

Q: When people talk about facelifting, is it correct to mean notched threads?

Oh yeah. It is the tightening of tissue threads.

Q: A few words about SMAS - what is it? What does a SMAS lift consist of?

A: Thin muscle layer. Under the skin there is subcutaneous fatty tissue, then SMAS. A thin layer is like a film, a separate structure. SMAS is affected either by gold threads or by an ultrasonic device. The effect of this device is that it burns areas in the SMAS so that the SMAS tightens and a lifting effect appears. That's what they say - SMAS lifting.

How is the procedure done?

So, this procedure takes from half an hour to an hour to complete. The specialist first marks out the “work front” – areas that require placement of threads. For this purpose, a special pencil or marker is used to mark the needle entry point, the thread exit point, and its direction.

Then, with the help of special preparations, the treatment area is disinfected, and then local anesthesia is given. At the client's request, the specialist can administer intravenous anesthesia.

The skin must be anesthetized before inserting the threads.

The next stage is to introduce a small depth of the threads themselves under the skin. To do this, use special tools - a needle and a guide. Once the end point is reached, the thread is left and the additional tools are removed. The excess thread is cut off.

At the end of the above stage, the skin is covered with a disinfectant, and the punctures are covered with a special plaster. The additionally treated area is cooled.

Important! It is worth remembering that there will be no immediate changes. The skin will look different in at least a month. Changes will accumulate for approximately two years.

Changes will not appear immediately

Who is prohibited from this procedure?

Let's talk about contraindications to a facelift with gold threads:

  • infections in the acute stage;
  • the treatment area is subject to purulent-inflammatory pathologies;
  • feverish condition;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • cancer diseases;
  • period of bearing a baby or breastfeeding;
  • high sensitivity of the body to gold;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus.

This procedure has contraindications

Important! Each time before manipulation, a comprehensive medical examination and detailed consultation with a specialist are required. Only an experienced physician can reliably understand whether this lift can be performed on you.


The procedure involves making punctures to introduce material into the subcutaneous layers. There are conditions in which it is impossible to perform rejuvenation using this method.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • oncology;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune, mental diseases;
  • gold intolerance;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​correction;
  • respiratory diseases.

Age restrictions

After 30 years, the skin begins to gradually age. Due to insufficient production of natural collagen and elastin, the face begins to “creep”, bruises form under the eyes, and folds in the nasolabial triangle are noticeable. Thus, the event is recommended for clients aged 30-35 years.

It is worth remembering that if you are over 45 years old, the procedure will not give too bright an effect. You will only record the changes that have already occurred. It is after 45 years that it is recommended to undergo plastic surgery, since other methods of rejuvenation cease to be effective.

It is better to undergo this procedure at the age of 30-35 years

After 45 years, this procedure can be performed in combination with other rejuvenation procedures. For example, if you have had plastic surgery, then the threads will help fix the effect of the intervention and prolong it.

Of course, this procedure does not have a strict age limit. However, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist and listen carefully to his advice. Until the age of 25, manipulations of this nature are not required, because such intervention can cause problems with the production of one’s own collagen.

Until the age of 25, such a procedure is useless.

Gold threads abroad

Of course, such a procedure causes a lot of discussion. People respond differently to the procedure - some really like it, while others do not notice any improvements. Usually the lack of effect from gold threads is associated with such nuances.

  1. Insufficient qualifications of the specialist who performed the manipulation.
  2. A specific reaction to the metal used - this happens very rarely, because gold usually does not provoke any negative reactions.

It is important that the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist

It follows from this that it is always important to decide on the clinic you want to go to.

Some ladies give preference to foreign establishments - in Western Europe and America. These events are quite popular there.

Foreign specialists have extensive experience in skin tightening with gold threads, because they very often perform such operations.

It is worth talking about cosmetologists in France, since many of them specialize in a specific area in the field of beauty. And this makes their services highly qualified. Of course, the price of the procedure increases.

This procedure is also popular abroad.

Women who prefer comfortable conditions should contact clinics in Switzerland. Cosmetology services are in demand here, although the price tag is quite high. The specialists are highly qualified, and the clinic staff tries to provide their clients with the best conditions.

Cosmetology services can be obtained at lower prices in Spain. The doctors are also properly trained and have the best equipment. The staff is courteous and attentive, so you feel comfortable.

But, of course, it cannot be said that in Russia such a procedure is carried out poorly. Everywhere you can encounter unprofessionals, but if you carefully study the reviews about the clinic and the specialist, and also look at the documents, the procedure will definitely go through without any problems.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Deborah Longwill

practicing dermatologist-cosmetologist

It is worth paying attention to mesothreads, which are also called collagen monofilaments. They consist of a collagen rod coated with a special material - polydioxanone. This type of lifting allows you to model the oval of the face, which makes it possible to create a natural skin relief. The collagen in the threads dissolves in about six months, and the remaining coating continues to perform its function further. Another advantage will be the relatively low price of the material. Most positive customer reviews on the Internet relate specifically to this type of thread.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Due to swelling and bruising, you will not be able to admire the results immediately.
Usually after 1.5-2 weeks the effect is already visible. But it will increase over the course of six months. During this time, the threads will begin to envelop the muscles. Your face will not resemble a mask. By the way, sometimes after such a procedure patients feel facial distortion. This happens when the threads are too tight. In this case, massage is indicated. Sometimes you have to redo the work. Those who are interested in this method of restoring youth should take into account: cosmetologists recommend a procedure with non-absorbable threads for young ladies. But in general, gold invasions are a completely safe, but very effective way of rejuvenation.

So, looking always charming, regardless of age, is not so difficult. The main thing is to first undergo a medical examination to exclude possible contraindications.

What are the possible consequences?

The use of gold threads is so popular among clients and specialists because there are not many side effects, and very little time is allocated for recovery. Of course, there are cases that go beyond the usual side effects - it all depends on the specifics of the body.

Temporary phenomena after implantation of threads

Bruises and hematomas can form - during the manipulations, the capillaries located under the skin are damaged. This is a normal phenomenon that will disappear on its own, without outside intervention. To make the recovery process faster, various means are used that have a positive effect on blood circulation.

After inserting the threads, bruising may occur - this should not be scary

Swelling of the facial skin is also a natural reaction. Different parts of the face swell to varying degrees. This side effect is very pronounced in clients with a full face. The problem does not require outside intervention and finally goes away after a couple of weeks. If you need to get rid of swelling faster, you can use specialized medications.

Lumps or indentations may appear in areas where gold threads were inserted. The same thing happens when the frame is stretched. If this happens unevenly, then the skin texture is distorted. The side effect should disappear on its own within a week. If this does not happen, you need to consult a specialist.

Possible swelling of the facial skin

Note! Another common side effect is overly prominent cheekbones, as well as an unnatural raising of the eyebrows. In general, this phenomenon is also considered normal - it will disappear in half a month.

Experts divide complications into two types - general and specific, that is, characteristic exclusively of thread lifting. For the most part, these problems are associated with improper manipulation. This happens if the doctor chose the wrong anesthetic, made a mistake in the placement of the threads (when they do not coincide with the movements of the facial muscles), and also if a low-quality material was introduced.

There is a certain risk of an allergic reaction. During the procedure, a reaction may occur to a disinfectant or anesthetic drug. To eliminate allergic reactions, antihistamines are used. If anaphylactic shock occurs, urgent medical attention is needed.

It is important that high quality material is used

It is very important that the specialist’s office has adrenaline, suprastin, and prednisolone. Moreover, these funds should be at hand so that it is possible to immediately help the client. After their introduction, you need to call an ambulance.

If the allergy is associated with the threads themselves, it will not appear immediately - it will take several days. If you encounter this problem, contact a professional to remove the material.

Another common complication is infectious and inflammatory processes. This is due to the fact that some specialists are quite negligent in carrying out manipulations. But the introduction of gold threads is often associated with a minor operation. The room must be carefully prepared for the procedure.

To avoid infectious processes, you need to go to specialized clinics with equipped rooms

The client’s test results should not be overlooked. The rules for reinforcing gold threads must be followed. If the infection has not progressed too far, a simple course of antibiotics will suffice. And if the problem has gone too far, you need to remove the threads from under the skin.

There is such a complication as problems with facial expressions. It is also associated with incorrect actions of the specialist. If the threads were positioned correctly, in the direction of the facial muscles, everything will be fine. Ignoring the rules for introducing threads can lead to persistent problems with facial expressions - the threads are removed for correction.

It is important that the doctor inserts the threads correctly

In some cases, clients complain that the oval of the face is distorted. This is caused by increased thread tension. Sometimes massage can correct the problem, but if the problem is very serious, you will have to remove the threads.

Sometimes gold threads appear on the skin. This means that the specialist chose the wrong implantation depth - very close to the surface. To correct this defect, it is necessary to partially or completely remove the thread.

Face lifting with gold threads has both pros and cons. A significant advantage is the absolute safety of manipulations and the result, which lasts for a long time (from 5 to 15 years).

The result of the procedure lasts for a long time

If the threads were implanted along the wrinkle line, they do not appear for a long time. The face looks young, beautiful and fit. In addition, natural mobility is preserved, and the face does not freeze like a mask.

The disadvantage is the permanent presence of gold threads under the skin. Therefore, various cosmetic procedures that require, for example, the use of direct current are prohibited. Gold is also quite brittle and breaks easily. In other words, during the use of gold threads, they can break along the natural lines of wrinkles. However, this does not greatly affect the appearance of a person.

Some cosmetic procedures are contraindicated for people who have gold threads installed.

At the end of the manipulations, bruises or bruises often occur, but they disappear on their own after a short period of time. In some cases, there is an increase in body temperature, but this problem disappears after a couple of days.

It is recommended to sleep on your back for about a week after the procedure. A ban is imposed on active chewing or sudden facial movements for a month. And, despite the fact that gold threads do not damage the skin, cosmetologists ask you to avoid saunas or steam baths. It is also prohibited to use various cosmetic products that care for the skin.

You will have to sleep only on your back for a while

What are Gold protein peptide essence combination threads?

As already mentioned, face lifting with gold threads is a very effective technique. But you should resort to it if nothing else helps.

So, those women who are afraid of plastic surgery can be offered gold protein threads for the face Gold protein peptide essence combination against wrinkles. Reviews about them are mostly positive.

This is two in one - serum and gold threads, designed for a face lift at home.

The package contains 5 bottles of liquid and a box of 12 threads. The results from using this ingredient are no worse. The advantages include the fact that there is no recovery period and no side effects.

Instructions for use:

  1. Cleanse your face, wash your face and let your skin dry.
  2. Spray the serum over the skin in a thick enough layer so that the thread is completely saturated with it and penetrates well into the dermis.
  3. Relax your facial muscles and apply the thread from the bottom of the temporal zone to the center of the fold running from the lips to the nose. Distribute the second thread from the middle of the chin to the earlobe. Repeat the same steps on the other part of the face.
  4. Spray the serum again and gently massage with your fingertips. After the session, you should not use any cosmetics and you should avoid the sun.

Alternative events

The use of gold threads for a facelift is optimal for people whose age-related changes in the skin are not too pronounced. The procedure will slow down these transformations for several years. If you need a strong lifting effect, it is better to use surgical threads or mesothreads with notches.

If you want to use this service, then in the future you will have to warn specialists every time about the presence of gold threads, since they are incompatible with some procedures.

If you want to achieve a strong lifting effect, it is better to use other methods.

After reinforcement with gold threads, you can carry out some manipulations related to cosmetology, but you must maintain a certain interval:

  • facial massage is allowed after a month;
  • Botox, biological gels, peelings, mesotherapy, photorejuvenation are allowed for use after 3 months.

Specifics of the recovery period

Although the implantation of threads under the skin does not require radical intervention in the body, the procedure still has a recovery period during which certain recommendations should be followed.

What to avoid:

  • You cannot visit the sauna, bathhouse or solarium. It is generally worth protecting the skin from strong warm influences;
  • for a month you need to refrain from bright and active facial expressions;
  • Additional cosmetic procedures are prohibited.

You should avoid exposure to heat on your facial skin for a month.

Recovery period rules:

  • You can only sleep on your back for a week;
  • consume less salt to reduce swelling;
  • use protective creams when walking outside;
  • use additional products recommended by a specialist.

When going outside you need to use protective equipment

Is rehabilitation needed?

Of course, there is a rehabilitation period. How long it lasts depends on how long the lifting result will last.

At first, you will feel significant discomfort while moving, but it will soon go away. Full recovery usually takes about 5-6 weeks.

Rules that must be followed during rehabilitation:

  • eat right and get plenty of rest;
  • use good cosmetics;
  • try to avoid stress;
  • protect the skin from exposure to the sun and other negative external factors;
  • do not touch your face with your hands and protect it from water for the first few days;
  • apply cool compresses to the skin to remove swelling;
  • massage;
  • Scrubs, peelings and masks are strictly prohibited;
  • Saunas and solariums are excluded.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to apply a fixing bandage on the face in the form of an elastic bandage.

Beautician Sean Patel

When the effect begins to wane, you can go for a repeat procedure. But this is allowed to be done no earlier than 7-11 years after the first session.


Anastasia , Moscow

“Ten years ago I implanted gold threads under the skin. The forehead still looks great, although it used to have a lot of wrinkles. I’m surprised that the effect is still lasting, because, to be honest, I thought it would last for a couple of years at most. Don’t even think about whether it’s worth doing the procedure, the answer is clear – it’s worth it! Of course, you will have to pay some money, but the long-lasting youthfulness of your skin is definitely worth it. I’m very pleased and I wish the same for you!”

Elena , Novosibirsk

“I thought for a long time about how to bring my aged face back to normal. The cosmetologist recommended using gold threads. What can I say - my skin condition has improved significantly, I look much younger, and I receive a huge number of compliments. I want to say right away that I did not experience any discomfort during the procedure. I understand that this worries many girls who are thinking about introducing gold threads. If you find an experienced doctor, he will definitely numb the skin, and there will not be even slight discomfort. Don’t be afraid of taking photos during the procedure and go to the procedure as soon as possible to rejuvenate yourself! I recommend it to all women!”

Most reviews about the procedure are positive

Elena , Krasnodar

“When I decided to undergo this procedure, the cosmetologist promised me that the results would last at least ten years. But I only had it for five years, so keep that in mind. Although I am satisfied with the result itself, so the procedure is worth the money. Just choose a trusted clinic so as not to run into low-quality threads.”

Advantages and disadvantages

Gold thread lift is not a universal rejuvenation procedure. Before deciding to undergo it, it is important to consider all the pros and cons of the cosmetological method.


  • hypoallergenic material does not cause tissue rejection;
  • the opportunity not only to get rid of wrinkles, but also to correct individual areas;
  • low trauma, short recovery period;
  • combined with injection procedures;
  • has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin, prevents the appearance of acne;
  • the effect lasts from 7 to 10 years.


  • high price;
  • incompatibility with hardware procedures;
  • when the ambient temperature changes, pigmentation disturbances are observed in the implantation areas;
  • an ineffective method for pronounced age-related aging processes.

Cost of the procedure

We will indicate the cost of the procedure for introducing gold threads for the face in different cities of Russia. It is worth noting that paying attention to low prices is highly discouraged - you may be given threads made of low-quality material, which can negatively affect your health and, of course, is unlikely to give the expected effect.

CityCost of one procedure (treatment of one area)
Moscow28 – 70 thousand rubles.
Saint Petersburg28 – 67 thousand rubles.
Voronezh25 – 59 thousand rubles.
Samara27 – 66 thousand rubles.
Vladivostok29 – 75 thousand rubles.
Ufa24 – 69 thousand rubles.
Murmansk27 – 72 thousand rubles.

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after the introduction of gold threads under the skin of the face No. 1

Photos before and after the introduction of gold threads under the skin of the face No. 2

Photos before and after the introduction of gold threads under the skin of the face No. 3

Composition and features of threads

For the production of cosmetic gold threads, the highest standard gold of 24 carats is used, as well as glycolic acid. The diameter of the thread is about 0.1 mm. Due to its low chemical activity, gold takes root well in tissues and rarely causes rejection. After implantation, the material remains forever; it does not dissolve, but is stored in the subcutaneous layers.

The injection takes place to a depth of up to 3 mm, which eliminates trauma to blood vessels, and it is possible to preserve natural facial expressions. The cosmetic method is distinguished by maintaining a long-lasting effect - up to 10 years. It is advisable to use it for the prevention and correction of moderate age-related changes.

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