Peeling Holy Land - an extensive line of facial products for any problems

Exfoliation is an important step in skin care. Effective exfoliation of the surface layer of cells allows you to get rid of the burden that interferes with the quality functioning of tissues. Cleaning the surface helps to activate the processes of regeneration and renewal, which affect the idealization of the integument. Such care helps prevent and eliminate acne, scars, and wrinkles. The skin looks healthy, fresh, young. When choosing exfoliating preparations, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the brand of professional cosmetics from Israel, Holy Land. Peeling Holy Land is trusted and produces impressive results.

About the manufacturer

The Holy Land company was founded in 1984 in Israel by a chemist-technologist with many years of experience in a cosmetics company, Zvi Dekel. The production is based on unique developments.

Particular attention is paid to:

  • composition - only natural ingredients are used;
  • gentle effect on the skin;
  • compliance with international standards for acceptable concentrations of active substances;
  • clinical trials - all products are tested by the world's leading dermatologists;
  • a combination of old recipes and the latest achievements in the field of cosmetology;
  • quality - this indicator is at the highest level.

The plant, which occupies a leading position among its competitors, has its own research laboratory. It not only monitors the technological process, but also trains specialists.

To date, the company's catalog includes 36 cosmetic series containing more than 200 products for home and professional use.

How is peeling performed?

Holy Land ABR peeling is carried out according to a strictly regulated protocol:

  1. Cleansing the skin before the procedure using soap with an antibacterial effect.
  2. Treatment of the face with a moisturizing toner.
  3. Application of the Holy Land preparation. Particular attention is paid to the sequence of applying the product to the face. First, the forehead, temporal and parotid areas, neck, chin, nose. Then the cheeks, nasolabial folds, skin above the upper lip. And only at the very end the drug is applied to the eyelids, which are most sensitive.
  4. After 5 minutes, re-apply to problem areas, most often the T-zone.
  5. Applying a warm compress to help activate the peeling components.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, remove the compress. And the product is given a few more minutes to dry.
  7. Rolling the preparation with your hands to enhance the cleansing effect.
  8. Cleansing your face with cool water.
  9. Using an anti-inflammatory mask.
  10. Applying protective cream with SPF.

You can limit yourself to one procedure only when performing peeling for preventive purposes. If skin problems already exist, they can be completely resolved only through a series of cleansing procedures, between which there must be a break of at least 7 days.

Line overview

Alpha Complex Rapid Exfoliator Peeling

It is a complex of natural alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). It has a gentle effect on the dermis and is indicated for self-use.

Designed for oily problem skin. Due to its pronounced antibacterial effect, it is ideal for combating acne by stopping inflammation. Promotes the resorption of deep painful infiltrates, eliminates hyperkeratosis, prevents the development of recurrent infections, and narrows pores.

After the first procedures, the condition of the skin improves significantly.

Among the main active ingredients:

  • extracts of arnica, chamomile, geranium - have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • camphor - analgesic effect;
  • menthol - tones, improves blood microcirculation;
  • sucrose - normalizes hydrobalance;
  • salicylic acid - exfoliates, cleanses pores, fights acne and other rashes;
  • lemon juice - saturates the epidermis with vitamins, beneficial micro- and macro-elements, evens out tone, smooths out wrinkles.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Lemon juice along with salicylic acid have a powerful keratolytic effect, similar to an acid peel, while camphor eliminates the burning sensation from acids.

The product is available in lotion form. A 100 ml bottle will cost an average of 3,020 rubles. You can buy it in online cosmetics stores and on the official website of the manufacturer in the Russian Federation. Delivery is carried out throughout Russia.


“ADB Peeling” from Holy Land is a professional retinol preparation intended for use exclusively in a cosmetologist’s office.

This is due to the ability to penetrate deeply into all layers of the epidermis, with the exception of the lower (basal). Failure to follow the application protocol may result in severe chemical burns.

Most stores refuse to sell ABR Peeling if the buyer does not have a certificate confirming training in working with this product.

The product is recommended for use when rapid renewal and regeneration of skin of all types and different ages is necessary. Has the following properties:

  • helps to even out texture and tone;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • tightens pores;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • increases the tone of the dermis;
  • moisturizes, tones.

The listed actions are ensured by the content of fruit extracts of dates and grapes, retinol (vitamin A), salicylic (beta), ascorbic, glycolic (alpha) and hyaluronic acids, peptides.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Due to retinol, the skin acquires a yellowish tint. The phenomenon is temporary, quickly passing. It is important after using products containing any form of vitamin A (retinol, kerotene) to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The product is available in the form of a 125 ml lotion. You can purchase it in online stores and on the official website of the manufacturer in the Russian Federation at a price of 6,500 rubles.

Lactolan Peeling Cream

Cream-mask for the face, effectively cleanses pores, activates cell regeneration, improves color, moisturizes, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It is recommended for use at home on a regular basis in several ways:

  • Gommage - apply a thin layer to the skin and leave for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with water at room temperature. As a result of the procedure, superficial cleansing occurs. Relevant for sensitive skin.
  • Roll - the product is distributed evenly, covered with a warm, damp cloth. After 15 minutes, massage with fingertips until pellets form. The final stage is washing.
  • Deep peeling - carried out similarly to the previous option, only after application the composition is covered with a hot towel, and the massage is done with wet fingers. Indicated for oily skin.

Among the main active ingredients: albumin, lactic acid, hydrolyzed milk proteins, white clay, calcium caseinate.

The product is available in the form of a cream in a 70 ml tube. You can buy it at a price of 2210 rubles from the official distributor of the Holy Land company in Moscow or St. Petersburg, and also order delivery to the regions.

Age control super lift

Anti-aging (aging) intensive acid peeling, aimed at activating the process of natural collagen production and delaying the destruction of protein compounds.

The product is part of the rejuvenating program from Holy Land and is recommended for use after 40 years. It has a superficial effect, improves the color and texture of the face, normalizes metabolism in cells, moisturizes, tones, and smoothes wrinkles.

The composition contains the following components:

  • acids (glycolic, lactic, salicylic, ascorbic, citric);
  • retinol;
  • betaine;
  • plant and fruit extracts (seeds of red grapes, figs, dates, blueberries, sugar cane, orange);
  • vitamin complex.

The product is available in the form of a serum in 50 ml bottles. You can buy it in online stores specializing in the sale of professional cosmetics and other products for cosmetologists. The average price is 3580 rubles.

EYELIGHT Ultra Refine Exfoliator

Cleanser for delicate areas: areas around the eyes, neck, décolleté. It acts superficially, gently exfoliates keratinized particles of the epidermis, increases tissue tone, stimulates metabolic processes, relieves swelling and fights wrinkles.

The effect is due to the content of the following ingredients:

  • fruit and plant extracts (green tea, sugar maple, cane, orange, blueberry);
  • lactic, ascorbic and citric acids;
  • hexapeptide 10;
  • vitamin C;
  • caffeine;
  • chitosan.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Hexpeptide 10, a segment of a protein molecule consisting of ten (hexa-) amino acid residues, serves as a building material. Like cement, it connects the epidermis with the underlying layer, thereby enhancing the elasticity of the skin.

Ilight can be used independently at home and in a beauty salon in combination with other professional products (marked professional). Release form: lotion. Price 5420 rubles (100 ml).

Enzymatic Peel and Reveal Peel

Both products are acid-enzymatic and are recommended for complex use using the two-phase purification method.

  • Enzyme peeling is used first. It cleanses, softens the skin, and prepares it for further deep effects.
  • Revial ​​exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, tones, evens out tone and texture, smoothes wrinkles, normalizes hydrobalance, and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Enzymatic Peel contains castor oil, panthenol, subtilisin, lactose, hydrolyzed silk, papaya and pineapple extracts. Available in cream form. Price - 2310 rubles (100 ml).

Reveal Peel, in addition to the main components, includes extracts of blueberry, sugar maple, cane, orange, lemon, and centella asiatica. It is a gel in a 75 ml tube. The cost on the company’s official website in the Russian Federation is 2120 rubles.

ALPHA COMPLEX Multi-fruit system

Alpha Complex helps leave skin soft and even-toned through a gentle exfoliation process powered by natural fruit acids. Its components are of natural origin. Under their action, the exfoliation of keratinized epidermal layers is accelerated, the cells are renewed and strengthened. Alpha complex can be used by women of any age with different skin types. Holy Land peeling alpha complex rapid exfoliator is well suited for this.

Main components:

  • acids: citric, tartaric, lactic, glycolic;
  • figs, pomegranate, papaya;
  • peach extract.

The line includes lotion, day cream, active care product, eye gel and cleansing toner. Their use helps reduce the depth of fine wrinkles, significantly improve texture, and eliminate acne and their consequences.

Related article: Acid peeling

Indications and contraindications

Holy Land peelings are used for the following skin problems:

  • age-related changes (wrinkles, decreased turgor, pigmentation);
  • increased sebum secretion;
  • acne;
  • uneven tone;
  • freckles;
  • small scars and scars;
  • deterioration of blood microcirculation;
  • dryness, flaking;
  • the need to prepare for other cosmetic procedures.

The product description recommends refraining from using cleansers if:

  • there are inflammations of the epidermis of a purulent nature;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • psoriasis, eczema;
  • wounds, abrasions;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage.

You will have to postpone the procedure for some time after hair removal and eyebrow correction sessions. Pregnant and lactating women should first consult a gynecologist.

Holy Land peelings: advantages of the compositions

  • All Holy Land brand products designed to cleanse the skin contain antioxidants , which protect cells and collagen fibers from free radicals.
  • Those who have already used Holy Land peelings note in their reviews the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of the drugs.
  • Holy Land peelings increase the protective properties of the skin , help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin fibers, even out skin tone and slow down the synthesis of melanin, resulting in less pigment spots.
  • Peeling after Holy Land peels is mild . The process of rejection of keratinized cells is activated if the session was carried out after sunbathing or the patient went outside immediately after the procedure, especially on a windy or frosty day.


After peeling cleansing, it is advisable to continue care using:

  • toner - normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, provides a mattifying effect;
  • essences - moisturizes, saturates with useful microelements;
  • emulsions - activates regeneration, improves metabolism in cells, restores protective functions;
  • cream with SPF - increases elasticity, brightens, smoothes wrinkles, prevents photoaging.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Holi Land peelings are suitable for all skin types
  • Have a mild effect
  • After the first use they give a noticeable effect
  • Belongs to the category of professional cosmetics
  • Allows you to solve severe skin problems without the participation of a qualified cosmetologist
  • Safe to use
  • Made on a natural basis
  • Relatively high cost
  • Presence of contraindications

Description of the brand

In 1984, the production of cosmetic products under the Holy Land brand was started by Israeli chemist-technologist Zvi Dekel. The founder of the company had long been nurturing plans to create his own laboratory, and gained extensive experience working in various positions in similar industries.

When creating Holy Land Cosmetics, Zvi Dekel initially pursued the goal of organizing a full cycle of production and sales, allowing full control over all the details of development, creation, and sales of products. This allows the company to guarantee quality, being responsible for all stages of the movement of manufactured products.

The main principles of Holy Land, which allow us to remain competitive, are concern for cleanliness and safety of production, the introduction of advanced technologies, and careful selection of raw materials. Currently, Holy Land offers 36 cosmetic lines containing more than 200 product items. Most options are suitable for professional and home use.

Note! Among the Holy Land products you will be able to find all the products that can provide a full range of skin care. Most products complement each other, but each individual drug can always be used separately.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts in the field of cosmetology services speak positively about Holy Land peelings, noting their high effectiveness for problem skin and visible results after the first sessions.

Patient reviews

At home, Holy Land products are not used as often as when working in a professional environment. The high price of cosmetics has an impact. Many potential consumers prefer to use cheaper options. Opinions about the work of the brand's products are mostly positive: the results are visible, but not always ideal.

Positive opinion about Holy Land cosmetics: results are visible.

Positive impression about Holi Land products.

The opinion about Holi Land cosmetics is positive, but the performance of the products is not ideal.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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