Dimple on the chin: a defect that adds charm

Chin plastic surgery officially has a rather exotic name - mentoplasty. Today, this plastic surgery, the purpose of which is to correct and eliminate imperfections in the chin, is one of the most popular procedures, and in many cases, the first decisive step towards an ideal appearance.

Mentoplasty solves many problems: it can be used to enlarge the chin, change its shape, perform liposuction of the submental area (thereby removing a double chin), and fill a hole that visually bifurcates the chin. Chin surgery is very popular among those for whom the main working tool is the face, that is, pop celebrities, catwalks, and screens. Among them are many Hollywood stars. We will talk about those of them who improved their appearance by resorting to mentoplasty in this article.


Marilyn Monroe is one of the first celebrities to change the shape of her chin using mentoplasty. The world-famous blonde decided to undergo this operation during her first steps in Hollywood. Actually, this was the beginning of a long journey, at the end of which the simpleton Norma Jean Baker turned into a dazzling Marilyn. Monroe's own chin shape was inexpressive, but the plastic surgeon knew his job very well. Although having a chiseled chin in those days was not an easy task: modern techniques did not yet exist, so the shape was given using cow cartilage. And this material is short-lived. In addition, it was necessary to understand that after some time the implants would need to be replaced, but Norma was ready to make such sacrifices for the sake of beauty.

Indications for mentoplasty

In practice, mentoplasty is performed for aesthetic reasons, based on the wishes of the patient. Much less often, the operation is performed for medical reasons, when imperfections of the chin cause the patient not only psychological, but also physical discomfort. The main indications include:

  • the patient’s aesthetic desire to improve the shape of a properly developed chin;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • "double chin;
  • excessively massive/too small chin;
  • asymmetry causing a violation of facial proportions;
  • congenital underdevelopment, sloping chin.


Mentoplasty is no longer the exclusive domain of celebrities. Ordinary people who want to acquire ideal chin proportions can also afford it. This manipulation takes a minimum of time, and the rehabilitation period is very short.

Chin plastic surgery can solve various problems, and therefore is divided into 2 types:

  • elimination of double chin by liposuction;
  • chin augmentation using lipofilling, contouring and silicone implants;


“At a consultation, plastic surgeon Sarukhanov G.M. was very attentive and tactful. We discussed several options, and my favorite was lipofilling. I was glad that my fat would be used in the operation, and not materials of unknown origin, and I was very impressed by the before and after photos of other patients.” Svetlana, 46 years old

Other reviews about chin surgery.

What are women with a cleft chin like?

Nature has given the owner of a dimpled chin a dominant, strong temperament, which sets her apart from others.
This woman is persistent, boldly takes responsibility and finds a way out of difficult situations. With the help of these features, even a young girl can quickly climb the career ladder and achieve great success in her professional activities. Some characteristics of such women can even be called masculine, and in the right situation they successfully use these qualities. They have special strength, endurance and determination that make them unique people. These are leaders who lead others and easily overcome difficulties. But being close to a close, strong, trustworthy person, women can open up their tenderness and vulnerability. Become faithful and devoted life partners.

Mystery and charm, combined with temperament and inner strength, makes the owner of the dimple very attractive, attracting men like a magnet. Not everyone can cope with her independent and impulsive nature. But the man who can “tame” such a woman will receive a passionate, noble companion as a reward.


Chin plastic surgery using liposuction is a surgical operation that results in the removal of excess fatty tissue from the chin area, forming its new contour. Why do plastic surgeons prefer liposuction? Because its results last almost a lifetime. As has become known quite a long time ago, the number of fat cells in the human body does not grow - only the fat cells themselves increase in size. And after they are eliminated by liposuction, new ones no longer form.

Removing a double chin through liposuction in most cases takes from 20 to 40 minutes. It is performed under local or general anesthesia and is often combined with other plastic surgeries (this can be platysmaplasty (neck surgery), facelift, etc.). Removal of adipose tissue occurs using a special instrument - a cannula together with a vacuum suction.

Already a week after the operation, the sutures are removed and the swelling subsides. However, it is advisable to wear a fixing bandage for 2 to 3 weeks. The preliminary result of the operation can be observed after 30 days, and the final result – after about three months. To maintain and consolidate the achieved effect, you should follow the simplest rules: do not neglect facial massage, microcurrent therapy and other cosmetologist services, maintain a stable weight, devoting time to sports activities and a balanced diet.

Dimple at the tip of the nose

A dimple at the tip of the nose indicates plasticity, variability, adaptability, instability in judgment, sensitivity, receptivity, impressionability. A person with such a dimple tends to coordinate his behavior with those around him. He is often not collected and does not like discipline, is dreamy and capricious, and extremely impulsive.

People with a dimple at the tip of their nose are sentimental, gravitate towards home, family, home, parents, because they are not too independent, they like to be taken care of, they are very attached to children, younger brothers, sisters, they themselves love to take care of them . For all their vulnerability, such people have a tenacious will to live, the ability to survive, rise after the most difficult life crises, come to their senses and start all over again.

Negative character traits include laziness, lack of composure, hysteria, slowness, absent-mindedness, and optionality.


Chin augmentation is performed in several ways:

  1. contour plastic surgery (fillers);
  2. lipofilling;
  3. using silicone implants.

To enlarge the chin, special high-density gels (contouring) and the patient’s own fat tissue (lipofilling) are used. The basic ingredients of fillers are viscous calcium hydroxyapatite or hyaluronic acid.

For chin implantation, silicone implants are used, the shape and size of which are selected individually by a specialist, based on the anatomical features of the patient’s jaw.

The main problems solved by contour plastic surgery, lipofilling and silicone implants:

  • remove folds and dimples on the chin;
  • correct its outline;
  • fill in the pre-mawl pits, making the oval clearer and more chiseled;
  • change the shape of the chin and add volume to it (and with it the entire lower part of the face).

Why do they appear when you smile?

Surprisingly, some people note that the wider they smile, the more clearly the dimple appears, but at rest it is not visible. Scientists explain this by saying that, due to the characteristics of the body, the short muscle lifts the skin, thus creating a depression on the chin. If, on the contrary, a small dent appears when a person closes his mouth, then this indicates a malfunction of the mental muscle.


  • During the chin augmentation procedure with fillers, the skin is first cleaned and treated with an antiseptic cream. When the anesthesia takes effect, fillers (gels based on hyaluronic acid or other substances) are injected into points that the doctor has determined in advance.

Immediately after the procedure, slight redness and slight swelling may appear, which should not be a cause for concern. After all, after 2–3 days the swelling will subside, and you will be able to evaluate the final result.

  • Chin lipofilling takes about half an hour or a little more. It refers to minor surgical interventions performed on an outpatient basis, so local anesthesia is sufficient. First, the required amount of the patient’s own adipose tissue is taken from the donor area, then it is injected into predetermined areas of the face using a cannula.

Chin plastic surgery using lipofilling is a minimally invasive operation, due to which the recovery period is less than 3 weeks. By this time, there is no trace of mild swelling and bruising, which allows you to practically not change your established lifestyle.

Do not forget that lipofilling or fillers are incomparably safer than artificial implants, since they do not have the risk of allergic reactions, contouring or rejection. The main difference between these two similar methods is that lipofilling guarantees a long-term result, and fillers dissolve within 1 year (sometimes even faster) - hyaluronic acid or 2 years - calcium hydroxyapatite, and therefore the procedure will need to be repeated.

  • During chin implant surgery, an incision is made in the mouth in the crease between the lower lip and gum. The implant is attached to the bone tissue or periosteum of the lower jaw. Implantation is often combined with lipofilling, which makes it possible to give the chin a smoother shape.

The operation lasts 30-45 minutes and can be performed under either local or general anesthesia. On the same day you will go home. At first, you may experience discomfort when eating and making active facial expressions. The final result can be assessed two months after the operation.


So, the most attractive dimples that give a person a special charm and make his face more friendly and pretty are the dimples on the cheeks. Such signs indicate sensuality, increased emotionality and a “mad” temperament, although outwardly this may not manifest itself too strongly. Along with this, dimples on the cheeks indicate vital activity, the desire for independence, low susceptibility to external impulses, and integrity of perception.

How to determine character by dimples on the face? If only the dimple on the right cheek is clearly visible, and is barely noticeable on the left, such a person is distinguished by mobility, contact, the ability to quickly switch from one thing to another, the ability to simultaneously keep several things in the field of attention, and the desire to interact.

When, on the contrary, the dimple on the left cheek is better visible, a person has high receptivity, sensitivity, mental plasticity, and the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions. He is constant in his affections, immersed in the world of his imagination and experiences.

In general, people with dimples flaunt their self-esteem and have some creative power; they are proud, artistic, authoritative, generous, prone to patronage, and always ready to help. They love luxury, pleasure, entertainment.

The negative qualities of such people include vanity, despotism, authoritarianism, a penchant for tinsel and external pretentiousness, pomp, ceremony, and pomposity.


Chin surgery, like other surgical procedures, has certain medical contraindications. It cannot be carried out if:

  • there is silicone gel in the chin area;
  • blood clotting is impaired;
  • the patient has an acute viral disease;
  • the patient suffers from diabetes;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

By changing the shape of the chin, you can completely change the perception of your face. Many have already taken the first step towards an ideal appearance by using the services of a qualified plastic surgeon.

What type of anesthesia is used for mentoplasty?

Chin plastic surgery uses local anesthesia with sedation. If necessary, general anesthesia can be used. The method of pain relief is determined by the predicted duration and volume of the operation.

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