How to keep your skin youthful: antioxidants, peptides and other anti-age ingredients that prevent facial skin aging

Why facial skin may be dull

Poor complexion indicates the presence of irregularities in its nutrition. The reasons for a dull complexion may be:

  • various diseases of internal organs;
  • external factors (poor environmental living or working conditions);
  • bad habits (smoking or alcohol abuse);
  • poor hygienic facial care;
  • lack of sleep,
  • skin diseases;
  • tanning abuse.

A lack of nutrients, microelements, vitamins and oxygen is immediately manifested by a change in the color and physiology of the skin. This cosmetic problem is especially common among residents of large cities. Some women try to mask their faces with decorative cosmetics, but this only aggravates the situation. The skin may experience irritation, peeling, enlarged pores, black and brown spots.

Causes of skin dehydration

Among the causes of skin dehydration are dermatological diseases that negatively affect moisture exchange in cells. But most often, skin problems arise due to improper skin care, a certain lifestyle or working conditions, the harmful effects of technogenic factors, ultraviolet radiation, as well as seasonal fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

In winter, the skin often experiences a lack of moisture due to exposure to low temperatures. Hot summers and vacations in southern countries can also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays dries out the skin and leads to dehydration. Among climatic factors, one can also highlight the negative impact of dry wind, dust, and polluted urban air.

Skin dehydration can occur as a result of poor nutrition, namely, excessive coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks and insufficient water intake. Smoking also negatively affects metabolic processes in skin cells. Incorrect selection of cosmetics and failure to follow daily skin care rules are one of the common causes of skin dehydration.

When analyzing the causes of impaired moisture exchange in skin cells, age factors should be taken into account. The first signs of a slowdown in metabolic processes appear already at the age of 26, and for girls who abuse tanning, much earlier. Age-related aging and dehydration of the skin is associated with a gradual reduction in the production of hyaluronic acid by the body's own. By the age of 40-50, the process of skin dehydration is especially intense, since the amount of hyaluronic acid by this age decreases by 2-3 times!!! To restore normal water balance, not only special care is required, but also professional cosmetic procedures.

You can determine the presence of a problem such as dehydrated skin not only at an appointment with a cosmetologist, but also on your own. To do this, you just need to take a closer look at your face without makeup in the mirror and listen to your feelings. Signs of dehydrated skin:

  • dull skin with a grayish tint
  • presence of flaky areas
  • constant feeling of tightness
  • painful reaction to touch
  • feeling that the cream is not enough, no matter how much you apply it
  • frequent redness, itching

These and other signs of dehydrated skin are usually visible to the naked eye. It should be especially noted that this problem can affect both those with dry and oily skin, since dehydration is one of the reasons for disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Indicators of color change (dullness) of the face

Healthy normal skin is always the same (pink) tone, smooth in structure, matte in color. It is rich in collagen, firm and elastic, without visible defects: there are no redness, spots, pimples or enlarged pores. At the same time, the skin should not shine from excess sebum or be excessively dry. Healthy skin has high protective properties and the ability to regenerate. Dull, earthy gray, lifeless color are unhealthy complexions.

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Essential glycans

Glycans play an important role in the human body—they determine blood type. Glycans are essential: they trigger metabolism and give “commands” to cells to maintain the elasticity of our skin. Our skin remains young as long as it has enough glycans. With age, their number decreases, which is immediately reflected on our face.

The structure of glycans is so complex that it is difficult to study. Today it is known that these compounds affect all layers of the skin differently: on the surface they give it radiance, in the dermis they strengthen intercellular connections. For example, the hyaluronic acid we know is one of thousands of compounds called glycans.

What to pay attention to when caring for dull skin

The cause of gray complexion, which lies in improper hygienic care, can be restored fairly quickly. Restoring facial skin color depends on several factors. It is necessary to choose care products for dull skin that will not cause irritation. Decorative cosmetics should be reduced to a minimum to give the skin time to rest and recover. It is important to correctly select a restorative complex of drugs for nutrition and care.


Life-giving telomerase

Each cell in our body has its own life cycle: it is born, lives, divides and dies. With age, this natural regeneration process slows down significantly. The Hayflick limit theory states that a cell can divide no more than 32 times. Not many people share the scientist’s opinion, but the best proof that the theory is correct is our wrinkles.

Telomerase is considered the key to cellular immortality. This enzyme allows cells to multiply quickly without aging, so cosmetics with it are indispensable in the fight against the first signs of aging.

In 2007, the Payot laboratory created a patented formula for a cream that stimulates the production of telomerase. You should start using anti-age creams no later than 30–35 years, because at this age it is still possible to stimulate skin regeneration processes.

Treatment of the problem - dull complexion

Treatment for dull complexion depends on the cause of this condition, which can be determined by a dermatologist. Drug treatment may be necessary (ingestion of medications and application of special medicinal compounds to the face). The complex recommends a dietary diet that includes limiting certain types of foods and giving up bad habits.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out a set of toning procedures for the facial skin. Among them: biorevitalization, peelings, mesotherapy, ultraphonophoresis, massage. Which one to choose will be determined by the doctor during the consultation. These procedures launch restoration processes, nourish, moisturize and saturate the skin with useful substances.

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The most powerful natural antioxidant is ascorbic acid.

A funny paradox: air simultaneously gives us life and... causes aging of our skin! It turns out that reactive oxygen species, called free radicals, can damage cell DNA, despite the fact that they are simply necessary for many biochemical processes. Antioxidants, such as various plant components such as red algae, grape polyphenols and vitamin C, provide a shield against free radicals.

Initially, ascorbic acid helped fight scurvy and polyneuritis, and later it was called vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant because it is an active reducing agent that has the ability to easily oxidize and thereby eliminate free radicals - “extinguish matches.” Vitamin C also activates skin collagen synthesis.

Products that contain this powerful antioxidant are quite expensive because its stable formula is difficult to produce, but such products are rightfully recognized as one of the most powerful and effective in the fight for youthful skin.


Contraindications to plasma therapy can be temporary or absolute. Temporary contraindications include viral diseases and the presence of infectious rashes on the face. It is optimal to wait until complete recovery, since the administration of platelet concentrate can significantly complicate the treatment of the current disease.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • pregnancy (any trimester)
  • breast-feeding
  • diagnosed oncological diseases and the presence of any tumor neoplasms of an undetermined nature
  • hepatitis of any type
  • chronic diseases in the acute phase
  • immune disorders
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the hemostasis system, blood diseases
  • HIV infection
  • allergic reaction to the material from which the injection needle is made
  • intolerance to anticoagulants

Growth factor EGF

Epidermal growth factor EGF is responsible for regular renewal and hydration of the skin. It is contained in the body of every person from birth, but is gradually eliminated during life. EGF is designed to fight wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots and inflammation.

Unique cosmetics ReVive was the first in the world to begin producing products with the introduction of epidermal growth factor. It was created with the participation of Nobel Prize winner in medicine Stanley Cohen, who discovered EGF.

The best treatments against gray skin

In most cases, the appearance of a dull complexion is accompanied by dry skin, dehydration, impaired blood circulation, and deterioration of collagen synthesis. If diet, folk remedies and cosmetics do not bring the desired result, professional techniques will help you achieve the desired result.

Treatments that effectively improve complexion:

  • biorevitalization – saturation of the dermis with injections of hyaluronic acid, which makes it possible to restore its level of moisture, improve blood microcirculation, activate metabolic processes and the production of elastin and collagen fibers;
  • plasmolifting – injections of platelet-rich plasma that help awaken the skin’s own reserves and the body’s production of hyaluronic acid;
  • chemical peels and mesotherapy.

Recommendations on how to improve complexion and skin condition at 50 years old can differ significantly from similar advice for 30- or 40-year-olds, so the choice of cosmetics and procedural techniques should be made only with the help of an experienced cosmetologist. You can make an appointment with him by phone. or using the feedback form - do it right now!

Peeling and massage

In order for the skin to come to life and shine with spring freshness, it must be cleansed, and then the processes of breathing, blood circulation and metabolism must be activated. Simple cosmetic procedures such as peeling, massage, moisturizing and nourishing masks will help achieve these goals.

Peeling or exfoliation - exposure of the skin to mechanical or chemical agents (enzymes, fruit acids). Thanks to peeling, the skin is freed from the outer old layer of the epidermis, encouraging dermal cells to divide and regenerate.

In addition, small particles of the scrub massage the skin, activating blood circulation and metabolism, which also has a beneficial effect on its condition and appearance.

As a scrub, you can use ready-made cosmetics or use natural homemade ones. Try making your own scrub using these recipes.

Coffee peeling

Apply coffee grounds (slightly warm) to damp, clean skin. After a few minutes, rinse your face with warm, then cold water.

Honey-salt peeling

Mix one teaspoon each of light honey and crushed sea salt. To make the scrub easier to apply to the skin, add a few drops of lemon juice to it. This composition combines two cosmetic products: a scrub and a nourishing mask. After 5-10 minutes, rinse with water.

Almond peeling with white clay

Mix white clay, ground almonds and flaxseed in a blender in equal proportions.

Dilute the mixture with water or cream until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

Peeling with fruit acids

Combine a handful of cranberries with a teaspoon of almond oil and ½ tbsp. oatmeal, add 1 tsp. sugar and a few drops of orange essential oil. Rub the prepared mixture into the skin of the face along massage lines.

The peeling procedure is carried out no more than 1-2 times a week. The scrub is applied to clean skin and distributed over the surface of the face with soft massaging movements (along the massage lines), excluding the area around the eyes. After peeling, the skin is ready for a nourishing mask, serum or cream.


A course of cosmetic massage from an experienced cosmetologist is an equally important point in the complexion improvement program. You can master facial massage yourself by studying the direction of massage lines and massage techniques under the supervision of a specialist.

Before starting the procedure, apply a light moisturizer or cosmetic cream to the skin.

Comprehensive care for tired, pale skin also involves the daily use of moisturizing and nourishing products - creams, serums, emulsions. A cream for dull facial skin should contain the necessary vitamins and herbal extracts.

And also - if you want your skin to always look fresh - wash with ice cubes or frozen herbal decoctions.

How does the procedure work?

Before plasma therapy, the patient donates blood from a vein. This is necessary for subsequent isolation of plasma for injection. A test tube with venous blood is placed in a centrifuge, where the blood is separated into fractions. Platelet-rich plasma is collected into a special syringe.

Before administering the plasma, the doctor carries out a disinfection procedure by treating the facial skin with a special antiseptic solution. The prepared concentrate is administered through a series of numerous shallow injections into the areas around the mouth, the area around the eyes, the cheeks and forehead. The duration of the manipulations is about 30-40 minutes.

Recommendations for preparation

Plasma therapy is a relatively simple procedure in terms of preparation and technique; patients should follow a number of recommendations in order to reduce the likelihood of undesirable consequences:

  1. 2-3 days before the procedure, it is recommended to take a general and biochemical blood test. This is necessary so that the doctor makes the right decision about the safety of injections in each specific case. The main thing is the absence of inflammatory or infectious processes in the body.
  2. If you are taking any medications that affect blood clotting, be sure to inform your cosmetologist about this.
  3. 3-5 days before the procedure, it is recommended to follow a diet that excludes the consumption of alcoholic beverages, excessively salty, sour, and fatty foods. The following foods are prohibited: fried, smoked, strong tea and coffee.
  4. 2 days before the procedure, limit physical activity and drink more clean water. If you smoke, then, if possible, give up cigarettes for a few days.
  5. Plasma therapy is performed on an empty stomach; the last meal should be no less than 8 hours before the procedure.

It should be remembered that such cosmetic procedures are not recommended for women during menstruation. The most favorable period is after the end of the discharge.

Price of facial plasma therapy

NamePrice for proceduresPrice for 1 tube
1 test tube6500 rub.6500 rub.
1 test tube 3 procedures, course 1 month16500 rub.5500 rub.
2 test tubes9000 rub.4500 rub.
2 tubes 3 procedures, course 1 month23400 rub.3900 rub.
2 tubes 5 procedures, course 2 months37500 rub.3750 rub.
To the main procedure3500 rub.3500 rub.

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Table of contents

  1. Etiology and pathogenesis
  2. Clinical manifestations
  3. Principles of treatment, methods of hardware treatment

Uneven skin color (dyschromia, uneven skin tone) is manifested by uneven skin color in a certain area or throughout the body.

In our company you can purchase the following equipment for the treatment of uneven skin color:

  • M22 (Lumenis)
  • Fraxel (Solta Medical)
  • AcuPulse (Lumenis)
  • UltraPulse (Lumenis)
  • Clear+Brilliant (Solta Medical)
  • Geneo+ (Pollogen by Lumenis)

In most cases, this condition does not pose a health risk. But sometimes uneven skin color can indicate the presence of certain diseases, side effects of taking medications, etc.

Almighty stem cells

Interestingly, it was the Russian scientist histologist Alexander Maksimov who first isolated bone marrow stem cells in 1908. His discovery was later supplemented by 2 other specialists - the British John Gurdon and the Japanese Shinya Yamanaka. They were able to transform an adult cell into a juvenile cell to make it possible to grow complex human organs and tissues.

One of the main modern theories says that aging is a slowdown in the synthesis of stem cells, from which more and more new tissue and vascular cells are born. Today, cosmetics and drugs that stimulate the functioning of stem cells are the future of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. With their help, you can, in fact, achieve any desired result - become younger or grow thick eyelashes.

But it should be remembered that the use of biorevitalization drugs that intensively stimulate the work of skin stem cells is recommended to begin no earlier than 38 years.

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