Thread lifting for ladies of elegant age

Age-related changes in the body occur especially noticeably after the 50th birthday. During this period, metabolism slows down, the production of hormones deteriorates, and in women after menopause, some cease to be produced altogether. These phenomena of internal restructuring are directly reflected in a person’s appearance. This is especially painful for women who are not ready to calmly accept the appearance of wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, sunken cheeks, a sagging chin and other manifestations of aging.

And if at 50 fading just begins, then at 60 it becomes a more serious problem for many. Those women who are not ready to come to terms with becoming grandmothers agree to try a lot of ways and methods that would help fight age-related aging. Fortunately, rejuvenation after 60 years has become possible as a result of the efforts of doctors and cosmetologists. There are two main groups of techniques that guarantee rejuvenation in adulthood, these are:

– surgical intervention (plastic surgery, “lift”),

– non-surgical methods.

The first group is distinguished by its high cost, not available everywhere, and has a long rehabilitation stage. True, the positive effect can last a very long time - 5 - 10 years, and sometimes for the rest of your life. However, at the age of 60, not every woman can agree to undergo surgical operations for the sake of beauty; most are looking for other, more gentle methods.

Non-surgical group

Thanks to the development of cosmetology and medicine, this group has a lot of techniques, each of which has a number of its own advantages.

Facial rejuvenation after 60 years without surgery is possible using procedures such as:

  • Injections,
  • Laser correction: fractional rejuvenation and skin resurfacing,
  • Photorejuvenation,
  • Thermage,
  • Elos-rejuvenation,
  • Mesotherapy
  • Traditional methods.

All these methods are widely used in the fight against facial problems over 60 years old by those who want to maximize their beauty and freshness. The cost of rejuvenation procedures varies, depending on the salon where it is performed, the complexity of the procedure, and the duration of the course. However, the price for non-surgical intervention is significantly lower than for surgical procedures.


The injection method is still widely practiced in beauty salons and has many supporters. First of all, clients and cosmetologists are satisfied with the instant result, which is obvious. And the recovery period is either absent or very short.

From the point of view of the principle of action, such rejuvenation in adulthood is effective due to the penetration of the active substance into the desired layer of the skin. You can influence all layers, or only a specific one - this is determined depending on the situation. The risk of developing infections is also minimal, since only disposable needles and syringes are used, and the holes in the skin remain microscopic in size and quickly close.

But the disadvantage of injections is the need for frequent repetition - at least once every six months, maximum once every three years. And if the patient is allergic to the main active ingredient, then this method is strictly prohibited for her.


A facelift is a procedure aimed at removing skin and nasolabial folds, wrinkles and other signs of aging.

There are many options and methods for a facelift, but for older patients, the least traumatic ones with a quick recovery period are more suitable.

  • Spacelifting.
    One of the most gentle and modern methods of rejuvenation. A plastic surgeon uses an endoscope to fix the muscles and ligaments of the face, preventing their further displacement. A woman’s face is rejuvenated by 10-15 years, the most intense effect is on the lower third of the face: jowls and excess fat deposits on the neck and chin, skin sagging, nasolabial folds and unevenness are removed. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes about two hours. The effect of the operation remains throughout life.
  • Smas-lifting.
    Through small incisions, the surgeon tightens the subcutaneous layer connecting the muscle frame to the skin. Deep wrinkles and excess fat deposits disappear, the corners of the eyes and cheeks are toned. There are three types of this procedure: classic lifting (the most lasting effect up to 15 years), endoscopic (effect no more than 5 years) and ultrasound (effect lasts from 1.5 to 2 years).

Laser treatments

Less painful facial rejuvenation after 60 years without surgery has become possible with the use of laser in this area. The face is exposed to a powerful stream of light, which penetrates deeply into the skin but does not damage it.

In turn, this technique is divided into two subtypes. The first, fractional, is able to launch the process of natural restoration of deep tissues and stimulates cells to produce collagen. The result is achieved by dividing the main beam into many fractions - the action has the character of a grid.

This method allows you to improve the structure of the skin, refresh its appearance, and eliminate hyperpigmentation.

The second method of laser resurfacing is no less often used, but it affects the upper layers of the skin. As a result of the procedure at sixty, you can significantly improve your complexion, stimulate blood flow to skin cells, restore metabolism and renew the composition of cells, and get rid of dead cells. This method is especially practical in adulthood - it is painless, without side effects, and the result is obvious.

Facelift at 60+: how does it happen? And for what?

Journalist Galina Kalashnikova, who lives in Los Angeles, flies to Moscow for beauty operations. Because he believes that home is safer, closer and better. Of all the surgeons we offered her, after a consultation she chose Georgiy Chemyanova. Photos “before”, “after” and during the operation - everything we like, and without retouching.

Galina Kalashnikova : Well, what can I say, this is the second plastic surgery in my life. The first one was 18 years ago. The main reason for the current one is the neck, or rather, the double chin, which is a “genetic error” for me. I, my mother, and my grandmother have the same mistake. Try - don't try, that's okay. I worked for twenty years on Channel One of Soviet and then Russian television. And all these 20 years, camera operators, cool, professional guys, asked me for studio filming to come an hour and a half to two hours earlier to simply set up the lighting. Like “I have intelligence, but the camera doesn’t like me in profile.”

  • Galina Kalashnikova before surgery

Of course, the question of motivation arises. I no longer work on television, there is no professional need. I don’t know when this text will be published, but the events described take place in the summer of 2021, and on December 1, 2021 I will turn 67 years old. Why am I doing this now? All this - anesthesia, tests, rehabilitation, it was painful 18 years ago, now it will be worse, I know. But I do. Why? The answer, in general, is simple - then why do we learn to brush our teeth in childhood. To know, to forget, to do it automatically, so that life will not be a joy if the toothbrush and toothpaste are lost.

In general, before leaving the house, get yourself in order.

But the more you live, the more effort it requires. All “genetic errors” become “genetic disasters”, and it is impossible to look in the mirror. Helplessness before time deprives life of meaning.

I remember that after the first plastic surgery, both my husband and son could not contain their delight, and those around me could hardly contain their amazement. The saleswoman in the Los Angeles store, our girl, sincerely said: “Wow, you don’t look Russian at all! Young, stylish!..” “What are you talking about,” I say, “I’m Russian, and I’m very proud of it...” “No, that’s not what I’m talking about. They are just often... flabby and always dissatisfied!..” I experienced a strange feeling then: it was pleasant, why hide it, but I remembered about the “dissatisfied faces”. This is true. And this is a consequence of dissatisfaction with oneself. You have to leave the house loving yourself. And take appropriate measures for this.

In general, in old age it’s time to take risks. I took a risk.

Before surgery

Yes, my chin was bothering me. But! Of course, there is also the face, eyelids, cheekbones. (If you decide to do a major overhaul, do a major overhaul, don’t deceive yourself.) In my case, this is easier. Here the genetics are rather positive. But all the same, all the same... There is something for the surgeon to work on.

Now, actually, about preparation for the operation, about what happened “before”. “Before” there were consultations with leading Moscow cosmetologists. I knew (hoped?): science is moving forward. Maybe it will work without a knife?.. “No,” answered me five doctors, to whom I went with the timid hope that it would work. I was ready to give them money, but they were adamant.

Dr. Elena Sibrina (Vitaura Clinic) also found it at the suggestion of BI, thank you, excellent doc) said in a language I understand: “Cut to hell! Without waiting for peritonitis!” A quote from a favorite movie somehow immediately calmed me down and inspired confidence. If an advanced cosmetologist, to the detriment of himself (his income), refers him to a surgeon, then he should forget about hesitation. And start getting tested.

There were tons of tests. A couple of days before the operation, the doctor’s assistant still had questions: why wasn’t this passed? But here there is some wrong result, retake it. I retook it, although I hate this thing. Then - the ward, the attention of the staff, a detailed explanation of the upcoming procedure from the anesthesiologist (again, everyone was absolutely professional!). I didn’t even really need them, because usually, having made a decision, I completely rely on the performers, I don’t delve into the details: what’s the point, nothing depends on me personally. But, looking with “reverse vision”, I understand that it is better this way than the other. So calmer.

The operation is scheduled for 8:30 am. Before her, as usual, is the last consultation with the surgeon.

Galina Kalashnikova: I almost forgot. The most important. I had a wide choice of doctors. I chose Doctor Chemyanov consciously. We all remember the old joke-parable that every surgeon has his own cemetery. The cemetery is a symbol of an overly reverent attitude towards the patient. Emotions are harmful here. But I also remember Dr. Spock's advice regarding the criteria for choosing a nanny for a child. “Of course,” he wrote, “taking care of the child is just a job for her. But try to find a nanny for whom the child will still be at least a little more important than work.” So, Dr. Chemyanov explained to me in detail and with the utmost reasonableness the logic of performing the operation on me, with my individual genetic characteristics. I didn’t spare any time or mental strength. This was important to me. Thank you.

Doctor Georgy Chemyanov : “It was clear to me: the patient has high demands. You can't do it with half measures, she won't be happy. A large-scale operation is needed. Galina's age - 66 years old - is still suitable for such an operation, although I try not to operate on women over 70: the risks are too great. But, as Dr. House said, all patients lie. One lady managed to fake her age and we found out that she was over 70 just before the operation. But all the tests were normal, we decided not to cancel, and everything went well. And another woman hid her hypertension. After the operation, we all almost turned gray, trying to understand why the pressure did not return to normal. But, to Galina’s credit, from the first consultation I realized that she was a straightforward person with an excellent sense of humor and reality. I offered her a SMAS lift. With this intervention, both the skin and muscles are tightened.

The complexity of Galina’s operation is not only due to the patient’s age, but also due to the fact that this operation is repeated. Previously, Galina underwent surgical facelift and eyelid surgery. It is always more difficult to work again, there are scars in the tissues, we do not know what the previous surgeon did. Also, the situation is aggravated by decreased skin tone; we will tighten and remove excess skin, but we cannot influence the condition of the skin itself. However, our task is to erase 10 years from our face.”

The most important thing before the operation is accurate marking. From this puzzle you can understand that the lift will affect the middle and upper third of the face, neck, and upper and lower blepharoplasty will also be performed.

Operation: how was it?

All is ready. By the way, for those who did not know why a tube is inserted into the mouth during operations. Along with anesthesia, a paralyzing substance is administered, which also affects the lungs. So the machine breathes for the person.

The first stage is blepharoplasty. The surgeon makes an incision in the upper eyelid and removes excess skin.

This piece of skin is no longer needed.

Coagulates blood vessels:

And puts stitches.

Next is the lower eyelid. It is necessary to remove excess fat and skin. And repeat the same thing on the second eye.

This is no longer needed.

After a couple of months, the stitches will be invisible to the eyes. After this, lifting begins.

But it's not that simple. You need to add volume to the cheekbones. Chemyanov does this using the patient's own fat. Fat is taken from the inner thigh.

This is how much fat from the hips will go to the cheekbones.

It is introduced into those areas where there is not enough volume.

The next stage is the chin, which bothered the patient so much. First they do liposuction, then they tighten the muscle.

Well, and, in fact, SMAS lifting. First, the surgeon makes an incision along the ear and separates the skin from the muscle.

SMAS - superficial muscular aponeurotic layer. What you see in the photo below is what it is. This layer needs to be tightened.

Separate and cut off excess.

The skin is excised and also tightened. See how much volume you can get rid of.

We fix and cut off what is no longer useful.

The doctor puts stitches. And repeats the same on the left side of the face.

In essence, that's all. At first, scars in the ear area can be covered with hair, then they will become invisible.

The patient can be brought out of anesthesia. This is the job of anesthesiologists. The surgeon finished his work.

Galina Kalashnikova : Is this “during” or “after”? Probably “after”, but “immediately after”. Five and a half hours passed. Of course, general anesthesia. But - no nausea, no separate unpleasant sensations. Just a general deep relaxation, like at home in childhood, when you are recovering and foresee how great it will be to go outside, breathe fresh air, renew everything!.. Then discharge, bandaging, chlorhexidine, antibiotic, two-week recovery process.

I’m not worried, I’m not expecting quick miracles, I understand everything. I tolerate it.

Dr. Georgy Chemyanov : The operation went well, followed by rehabilitation. Bruises are inevitable, and quite prolonged swelling is possible. There are no miracles. It won't hurt, it won't be unpleasant - yes. The approximate period, given the patient’s age, is two to three weeks.

After operation

Two weeks later, Galina comes to Dr. Chemyanov for an examination and removal of stitches.

Everyone seems happy with the inspection.

Removing stitches is not painful or scary.

The result exceeded expectations. The doctor, removing the bandage, said: “Swan neck, 90 degrees!”

Before surgery - 2 weeks after surgery

Galina Kalashnikova : After another week, I flew to Los Angeles. The flight went well, although a couple of days after, the stitches suddenly began to bleed. I wrote to the doctor on WhatsApp and sent photos. He reassured me: it should pass. Indeed, it has passed.

Galina 2 months after surgery

A month later, everyone was complimenting me (although I don’t particularly believe in the sincerity of compliments, especially American ones). I did not hide the fact that I had plastic surgery in Russia. Many people asked - why in Russia? There are many excellent surgeons in LA. I asked myself the same question and tried to answer it with the utmost honesty. It turned out that, observing the results (of much more expensive similar operations of my Los Angeles friends), I did not see one hundred percent success. Of course, age. Of course, facial expressions. But somehow there are too many flaws on the face that are noticeable to the naked eye. And it doesn’t matter whether they are Hollywood celebrities or just the wealthy establishment. Michelle Pfeiffer has turned into the Princess Nesmeyana - her face is frozen with injections. Wives of billionaires change themselves beyond recognition and lose their husbands. Scandalous trials are scrupulously reproduced step by step on television, unmistakably arousing unflagging interest in the desired-hated plastic surgery. Maybe, over time, things won’t turn out so well for me, but for now I want to believe that the passion of Russian surgeons undoubtedly improves the result, the energy works.

As long as I like myself, that's the main thing.

  • Galina 2 months after surgery

Operation price: 480,000 rubles.

You can find out more about Dr. Chemyanov on his website. Phone number to schedule a consultation: +7 499 130 8069.

Doctor Chemyanov’s Instagram - @chemyanov



It involves the safe introduction of vitamins and nutrients under the skin that promote cell regeneration, increasing skin firmness and elasticity. Mainly, collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid and other organic acids, vitamins, fibroblasts, etc. are injected under the skin.

Features of contour plastic surgery after 50 years

Let's look at how contour plastic surgery is done. The cosmetologist uses a gel or cream with an anesthetic to reduce pain during the procedure; if the filler already contains painkillers, this step is skipped. Then, according to a pre-designed scheme, the specialist makes injections, injecting the drug with hyaluronic acid under the skin. The average procedure time is 20-60 minutes. To evaluate the results, look at the photo of contour plastic surgery with fillers.

To achieve visible, lasting results, as a rule, one procedure is sufficient, but sometimes correction of contouring is required. Contour plastic surgery after 50 years requires the use of denser gels than at a young age. Also, to smooth out visible age-related changes, as a rule, larger volumes of the drug should be used - about 2-4 ml for one zone. Today's popular safe certified fillers are JUVEDERM, BELOTERO, TEOSYAL, RESTYLANE, RADIESS. All these drugs are always available at GMTClinic, this allows the cosmetologist to make a choice of drug based on the indications and characteristics of the patient’s skin.

If contour plastic surgery is done after 45-50 years, then at GMTClinic.

Traditional methods

Along with modern technologies and discoveries in medicine, ancient recipes for rejuvenation are practiced among women. They attract women in adulthood with recipes made from natural substances (herbal tinctures, decoctions, ice, berries, etc.), as well as the ability to carry out procedures on their own. For many at 60 years old, taking care of their appearance at home is a principled position. Moreover, not everyone likes when others touch them.

Regardless of which method is chosen, the main thing is to believe in success and, at the same time, improve your diet and walk more in the fresh air.

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