Eyebrows drooping after Botox, why and what to do?

Types of eyebrow ptosis:
  • partial - overhang of a separate section of the eyebrow arch;
  • full - drooping along the entire line of the brow arch;
  • unilateral - ptosis over one eye;
  • bilateral - drooping of both eyebrows;
  • false - atony of the connective tissue of the periorbital zone;
  • true - when the edge of the eyebrow is below the upper edge of the cornea.

Depending on the severity of the omission, it can be:

  • small degree - 1-2 mm;
  • average - 3-4 mm;
  • pronounced - 5-7 mm.

Modern aesthetic medicine successfully eliminates this defect. To choose the most suitable method and achieve better and long-term results, it is important to identify the cause of drooping eyebrows and act on it.

What is eyebrow botox

Cosmetologists began removing wrinkles with Botox injections quite a long time ago. Botox is a medical drug used to relieve spasms in muscle tissue.

This solution is actively used by cosmetologists. It has the following functions:

  • relaxation of muscle tissue;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • smoothing out small facial wrinkles;
  • raising the corners of the eyes;
  • acquisition of clear outlines by the lips.

The active component of this product is botulinum toxin, which has previously undergone processing and cleansing procedures. Therefore, the substance is not capable of harming the human body, except for the occurrence of side effects. One of which is the drooping of the brow ridges.

Botox injections, in fact, consist of more than just one substance, which gives the drugs their name. The product includes:

  • hyaluronic acid: collagen, which helps tighten the skin and protect it from the negative effects of environmental factors;
  • tocopherol: preventing the development of premature skin aging processes;
  • argan oil: rejuvenating, moisturizing, nourishing facial tissues.

Botox injections have not only a corrective, but also a therapeutic effect, but their use is only possible by professionals with medical education.

Botulinum toxin, which is the basis of the drug, is a powerful poison that can cause death. In small doses it does not harm, it only causes mild paralysis of muscle fibers, which is why it is used to smooth out the brow ridges.

Not all people are allowed to carry out injections of this type; there is a list of conditions in which exposure is strictly prohibited.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age under 18, after 65 years;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • surgical interventions after which six months have not yet passed;
  • allergy to components of the injection product;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • disturbances in the normal rate of blood clotting;
  • myopia and more.

The drooping of the eyebrow line represents its displacement with the upper eyelids hanging over the eyes. This unpleasant phenomenon may be accompanied by wrinkles that appear in the forehead and bridge of the nose. As a result, a woman, instead of the expected effect, gets a heavy look, asymmetry, and a general gloomy facial expression.

Where to get botulinum toxin injections in Moscow: Vogue's choice

Clinic of aesthetic medicine "Klazko" - here they use four types of injectable preparations with botulinum toxin type A (Botox, Dysport, Relatox and Xeomin). As a result, you can get rid of a network of facial wrinkles, drooping corners of the lips and ends of the eyebrows, the habit of squinting your eyes, as well as hyperhidrosis.

Sensavi Beauty Institute - in this clinic, doctors work with Botox produced by the American company Allergan, the effect of which will last about three to six months. This drug has successfully passed FDA and NIBSC examinations - it has been proven that it is absolutely safe for health.

Bellefontaine Clinic - Botox and Dysport are used here to correct expression lines on the forehead, eyes, glabellar area and neck. Doctors promise smooth, wrinkle-free skin after the first session. These same drugs, according to clinic specialists, perfectly eliminate sweating of the hands, feet and armpits - and one procedure blocks the sweat glands for up to eight months.

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Preparing for eyebrow botox

In order for the Botox procedure to be successful, it is important to prepare for it in a certain way.

Preparation rules:

  • prohibition of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking a week before exposure;
  • stopping taking any medications that may affect the rate of blood clotting;
  • ban on injections during menstruation;
  • Before exposure, it is advisable to drink a cup of coffee or tea.

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Before the start of manipulations, the cosmetologist must explain to the patient the specifics of the procedure, explain the effect that is planned to be achieved, as well as the specifics of care during the rehabilitation period.

How often do side effects occur?

In general, all confirmed complications after Botox administration are rare, and the procedure is considered completely safe.

Thus, the most common side effect - ptosis - develops in 15-20% of the number of procedures in which the drug is injected into the orbicularis oculi muscle. Considering that this muscle chips no more often than in 10% of cases of cosmetic use of Botox, the overall frequency of such a complication is no more than 2%.

Hematomas and edema develop no more often than in 5% of cases, and the frequency of their occurrence is inversely proportional to the skill of the doctor. The more professionally botulinum therapy is carried out, the less often such consequences appear.

Typical facial disturbances - asymmetry, raised eyebrows and others - are even more related to the professionalism of the doctor, since in the vast majority of cases they appear due to errors at the stage of preliminary examination of the patient's face. They can occur even with a perfectly performed procedure, but the bulk of them are actually the result of doctor errors.

Most often, side effects associated with facial expressions are a consequence of doctor errors during the initial examination of the face.

Lacrimation, allergies, and diplopia develop no more often than in 1% of cases. The same consequences as dysphagia and eyelid inversion are generally considered extremely rare and appear in less than 0.1% of cases of the procedure.

In general, the following dependence should be noted: the more dangerous the complication is for the patient’s condition, the less often it develops. For example, consequences that do not affect general well-being in any way - disturbances in facial expressions, partial ptosis, swelling at injection sites - are among the most common. Dysphagia, allergic reactions and eversion of the eyelid, on the contrary, occur extremely rarely.


So, this sad fate overtook me too. I’m sitting at home, waiting for the swelling after Botox to go away. The whole forehead is like one big lump, the eyebrows hang over the eyes, the head hurts. And nothing foreshadowed trouble! I injected for the third time, before that I injected it once every two years with the same doctor. I went to him, did everything according to the established pattern, set the same 18 units as usual. I did it in the morning, then went to work, and already at work I noticed that my eyebrows had somehow begun to protrude. She left early and could barely pull her hat over her forehead, it was so swollen. At home I called the cosmetologist, she said that everything would go away in 2-3 days, you just need to keep ice on your forehead. She held it, but to no avail. The next day I barely opened my eyes. The first time, to be honest, it was such a side effect that my eyebrows went all the way to my cheeks. Horrible! And I don’t know how to remove it. The doctor says that it will go away on its own, there is no need to worry, but it confuses me that this has never happened before, and with the same doctor with the same remedy. Maybe she took expired Botox? But this is a prestigious clinic in Moscow, they have branches in St. Petersburg, that is, they definitely will not use chemicals. But she also says that it is almost impossible to intentionally fix this somehow. Either it will go away on its own, or I’ll just keep going. Now, I’m afraid that it won’t go away on its own and I’ll continue to walk around like a drunk with a swollen face for a year.

Julia, from messages on the forum

It is also useful to read: Botox or hyaluronic acid injections: which is better?

How to raise eyebrows with Botox and Dysport

You can raise eyebrows not only through botulinum toxin injections, but also with a drug called Dysport. There is practically no difference between these two products, the only thing is that Botox contains a smaller amount of active substance. For this reason, its effect becomes noticeable after about 4 days to a week, while Dysport acts faster, after just a couple of days. In general, the effect of drugs on the human body, the scheme of administration of the composition, and other manipulations are almost the same.

How is the injection procedure performed? After the cosmetologist confirms that the patient has no contraindications to the procedure, the work begins.

It includes several stages:

  1. Cleansing facial skin from decorative cosmetics.
  2. Treat the area of ​​future exposure with a degreaser and antiseptic.
  3. Checking facial expressions necessary to determine the point of drug administration.
  4. Marking the skin of the brow ridges.
  5. Administration of anesthetic drugs.
  6. Re-treat the affected area with an antiseptic.
  7. Administration of the drug by intramuscular injection: here the cosmetologist touches the areas of the forehead, eyebrows, and medial area.
  8. Final disinfection of the treated surface.

The whole process takes no more than 25 minutes, and most of the time is spent on administering anesthetics and waiting for their effects.

The cosmetologist calculates the amount of the administered drug individually for each drug. It depends on a number of factors:

  • depth of wrinkles;
  • height of planned eyebrow raising, eyelids.

When the procedure is not complicated, you will need 1-2 units of the product, otherwise, the cosmetologist can use up to 30 units of the product. When selecting the right amount of Botox, moderation is very important, otherwise the achieved result may be negative (the face will become completely static and resemble a mask).

Incorrectly administered injections can cause changes in the shape of the arches, disruption of the normal mobility of muscle fibers, provoking the development of various disorders.

The earlier the better?

If you nevertheless decide to start, then this should be done no earlier than the moment when hypertonicity and wrinkles will be noticeable not only when you move your face, but also at rest, when you do not express emotions. The presence of facial wrinkles that appear when facial muscles move is not a reason to rush to the procedure. This has nothing to do with prevention, because active facial expressions do not guarantee the formation of wrinkles. But the principle “the sooner the better” does not work here. Unless it will be better not for you, but for your cosmetologist’s wallet.

It should also be taken into account that the earlier the administration of botulinum toxin begins, the sooner resistance to it occurs and its effectiveness decreases. This is due to the fact that in response to the administration of the drug, the human body produces antibodies.

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Care after eyebrow botox

The full effect after the injections can be seen no earlier than a week or two has passed. This entire period is called rehabilitation; during it it is very important to follow the recommendations given by the cosmetologist.

Important Recommendations:

  • prohibition of visiting saunas, baths;
  • prohibition of being in a horizontal position for more than 4 hours in a row;
  • limiting heavy physical work and bending for three days;
  • avoiding the use of antibacterial drugs for 48 hours;
  • Do not rub the injection sites, even though they will be very itchy.

Factors that are difficult to consider in advance

There are also situations when the side effects that arise are not the fault of either the doctor or the patient.

Thus, very specific features of the location of muscles are sometimes impossible to diagnose at the stage of examining the patient’s face. They are detected only when the injection of Botox into a specific point does not give the result that the doctor expected. This is the most obvious example, but it is also the least common in practice.

More often, the patient develops unpredictable reactions to the drug itself. This can be either an excessive effect of a drug with excessive effects (“waxy face”, “angry expression”), or an insufficient effect of the drug or its complete absence.

With excessive action of botulinum toxin, the patient's face may look gloomy.

On a note

According to statistics, 5% of people are generally insensitive to botulinum toxin. Neither Botox injections nor injections of any other drugs of this substance will provide a cosmetic effect. In some people, this insensitivity is due to immune reasons - they may have ever had botulism and their body has developed immunity to botulinum toxin. For others, this insensitivity is associated with genetic reasons and is congenital.

An individual reaction to the drug may also be an allergy. In some cases, a doctor can predict it based on a study of the anamnesis, but more often such Botox intolerance can only be identified by performing injections and receiving a corresponding complication.

Problems after eyebrow botox

A common problem after such an intervention is the situation when the brow ridges have risen above the required, natural position and do not fall back. Sometimes the arches become asymmetrical, which usually goes away over time as the Botox begins to dissolve.

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Mephistopheles eyebrows - this is the name of the problem that arises due to the cosmetologist violating the proportions of dilution of the drug. If there is too little Botox, then the muscles will not be blocked enough, and a large amount, on the contrary, will clamp the arches and completely block the activity of the muscle muscles. If the medicine is used in a very high dosage, then the “Mephistopheles eyebrows” effect occurs when they are clearly raised upward.

What can be done in such a situation? You can wait a few weeks for the medication to begin to release, causing the muscles to partially unblock. But, in cases where a woman has an important event ahead, she may not be able to wait long. In this case, to eliminate the problem, you will need to administer botulinum toxin antagonists, which will help remove muscle strain.

Are there any pitfalls?

In general, the introduction of botulinum toxin for aesthetic purposes has been practiced since 1989, that is, the procedure has been quite well studied in terms of effectiveness and safety. During this time, all zones, dosages and techniques were “tested” - this is its huge advantage over many new-fangled techniques.

If the four main elements coincide (a competent doctor, a prepared patient, the correct administration technique and the correct dosage of a quality drug), there should be no damage to appearance

However, you must always remember that botulinum toxin is not a panacea. The effect does not last forever, so the procedure will need to be repeated quite often. The manufacturers themselves recommend injections every three to four months. At some point, resistance to the action of the drug may occur, and then you will need to either love yourself for who you are, or look for other ways to correct wrinkles, perhaps even surgically. Also, over time, due to obstructed venous outflow, swelling and worsening of hernias of the upper or lower eyelids are possible. You need to be prepared for this.

Causes of ptosis - drooping eyebrows

Only doctors with higher medical education, appropriate qualifications and experience can give injections with botulinum toxin.

Small mistakes, an incorrectly calculated dose - all this can lead to a serious violation of the correct geometry of a person’s face. In 90% of cases where problems occur, the cosmetologist who made the injection is to blame.

We will consider the reasons that can cause drooping brow ridges below.

Doctor's mistakes

Most often, the problem lies in using too much of the active ingredient. According to the golden rule, it is better to inject less than more, however, not everyone follows it.

Very often, newcomers to cosmetology strive to inject the highest possible dose, not remembering that in their hands there is a real toxin that has the ability to paralyze the movement of muscle fibers.

In addition, some “specialists” simply do not know where exactly Botox should be injected. They have no idea about the physiology of the face, and therefore the achieved effect does not please clients.

The last reason for violations on the part of the cosmetologist is an incorrect assessment of the patient’s muscle tone. That is why doctors administer too much of the drug, which is unacceptable for the delicate facial muscles.

Client's fault

Even if the doctor performed the procedure perfectly correctly, the problem of drooping eyebrows can develop due to the client’s failure to comply with the recommendations given by the cosmetologist.

Problems especially often arise when a person does not comply with the ban on tilting the head immediately after the procedure. This leads to a redistribution of substances within the tissues, due to which botulinum toxin molecules accumulate in a completely different place than planned.

In addition, not all patients abstain from alcohol before and after the procedure. For this reason, the body produces unpredictable negative reactions.

Individual characteristics

There is always a risk of complications, because it is impossible to predict how the facial muscles will react to the injected drug. Very often, prolapse appears after several repetitions of injections, around the 8th-9th procedure.

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At what age should you start the procedure?

The administration of botulinum toxin for aesthetic correction is allowed for patients aged 18 to 65 years. This is due to the fact that people in this particular age range took part in numerous clinical trials of botulinum toxin drugs.

But there is no ideal time to start such therapy. The concept of age here is very conditional, because each person has his own characteristics of facial expressions and has different attitudes towards his appearance. Some people already have pronounced skin creases in the area between the eyebrows or forehead at the age of 20, while for others they do not appear until they are 80.

This happens for a number of reasons: individual features of facial anatomy, level of facial activity, density of soft tissues of the face

There are also people who have pronounced wrinkles, but do not feel discomfort about this: they like their reflection in the mirror, and they do not want to change anything about themselves. Why do they need botulinum toxin if they are happy without it? That is why it is not age that is the determining factor, but the presence of a problem and the patient’s attitude towards it. In each specific situation, you need to approach it individually and take into account all these factors.

Methods for treating ptosis

What to do, how to correct the situation with drooping brow ridges? Here you can try several methods, some of them can be implemented independently, at home, others are carried out only in a cosmetology salon. The most advanced cases may require radical surgical intervention.

Home methods

To cope with drooping eyebrows at home, you need to apply heat to the problem area. For this purpose, a warm compress applied to the area of ​​the brow ridges with partial coverage of the frontal lobe is suitable. However, caution is important here; if ptosis has developed due to swelling of the tissues, the problem will only get worse, and the swelling may go lower, to the bridge of the nose.

A massage gives a good result, the main thing is to do it with shea butter, coconut, burdock, and almond products. The area where the drug is administered is gently treated with the pads of the fingers; you need to move along the massage lines.

Additional injections

If the violations are not too significant, the specialist may recommend reintroducing the substance. Only injections are given into those fibers that are responsible for lowering the eyelid in order to balance muscle strength.

In addition, you can make injections around the second eye (if one eyebrow is lowered) so that the second one takes the same position. Symmetry will appear, which will make ptosis less noticeable.


For obvious damage to the nerve that controls eye movement, physiotherapy methods are used.

Suitable procedures:

  • ultrasound;
  • galvanization;
  • laser exposure;
  • paraffin;
  • electrophoresis.


To restore tissue mobility, a specialist may recommend taking the following medications:

  • Neuromultivitis;
  • Prozerin;
  • Neuromidin.

Taking any medications or instilling drops is only permitted under the advice and supervision of a physician.

Sometimes a decision is made to use Apraclonidine drops; they spasm the muscle fibers, raising the arches. In addition, the use of meso-cocktails is indicated to saturate tissues with vitamins and speed up the recovery process.

Surgical intervention

Cosmetology and surgery are very closely related. To solve particularly complex problems after botulinum toxin has been administered, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary.

To reduce the severity of complications, some types of surgical interventions are performed. They last from 30 minutes to an hour, the patient is given local anesthesia. After exposure, cosmetic sutures are used, which are removed after a week.

If you have any suspicions that the eyebrow healing process is abnormal after Botox injections, you should immediately contact a specialist. Self-medication is not acceptable here; it can seriously worsen the patient’s condition.

Surgery should only be used as a last resort when other conservative methods have failed. In addition, sometimes the problem disappears on its own when the tissue repair period ends, after about a couple of weeks.

To minimize the likelihood of negative consequences after Botox injections, it should be performed only in a beauty salon with an ideal reputation. It is important that the master has a medical education, qualifications and extensive experience.

About the decision to become a doctor and enter the beauty field

Already at the age of four I clearly understood that I would be a doctor. And a doctor for me is something sacred, “rising above the mortal world,” and the people who work in beauty were then perceived by me as service personnel. I planned to be a cardiac surgeon, to work on an open heart, but they are doing some kind of nonsense!

Argan oil. 100% natural, brought from Tunisia, the homeland of argan. With a pronounced moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating effect.

But right before choosing a specialty, I realized that I had enough points to enter any department. And then several decisive meetings with dentists happened, which showed that this could be very interesting.

At the same time, since childhood, I myself have been afraid of dentists, my arms and legs were always shaking terribly, I would enter the office screaming, pediatric dentists hated me... I decided that I would be the kind of dentist who would not be afraid.

In my second year, I became interested in aesthetic dentistry. She discovered how a smile affects the perception of the face, and began to study smile aesthetics, digital diagnostics and dental modeling. Having already graduated from the university, I continued my studies in graduate school and am now writing a PhD dissertation related to ceramic veneers.

But I was interested not only in dentistry, but in all of medicine and was concerned that we perceive the body in parts. Cardiologists deal only with the heart, dentists only with the mouth... I started looking for something to do that would treat the entire body.

TianDe eye mask .

Pleyana Regenerating Balm . Balm with emu fat. The most powerful wound healing effect. A must have in every home medicine cabinet, as it can be used for recovery after peelings and for treating cracked heels.

This is how I came to applied kinesiology. In Belarus this is alternative medicine, but in many countries there are universities or departments in medical universities dedicated to applied kinesiology.

This is a special philosophy in which the body is perceived as a whole and it is believed that health is made up of four components: structure, biochemistry, emotions and energy. It is believed that treatment of any disease should be aimed at restoring all four facets.

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A post shared by Maria Gagarina (@uhealth_uby) on Jan 18, 2020 at 3:42am PST

I began to actively work with kinesio tapes and the face and learned how much our face is connected to our inner world. All our wrinkles are a reflection of our internal state; not a single wrinkle appears just like that; we can use them to “read a person,” find and eliminate traumatic emotions.

It was applied kinesiology that led me onto the path of cosmetology. True, in order to become a cosmetologist, I would have to re-enter the medical university for “General Medicine” and study for another 6 years, and this is not an option at all. That's why I decided to become a cosmetic esthetician. She received first the fourth, then the fifth category and opened a functional aesthetics studio.

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