Skin pH. What is important for a practicing cosmetologist to know?

Skin reaction to pH changes

When the acid shell becomes too alkaline, the skin becomes sensitive and dry. In some cases, inflammation occurs and signs of aging appear due to certain enzymes that break down collagen levels.

When using products with a high pH (alkaline value), skin permeability increases. It becomes accessible to the penetration of microorganisms and becomes irritated.

Higher pH levels can cause problems:

  • ichthyosis vulgaris;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • Diaper rash candidiasis (infection caused by the yeast Candida albicans);
  • acne, acne.

High pH levels accelerate the aging process of the skin.

Norms of indicators

The pH of human skin, which is ideally 5.5, should be slightly acidic. This is an indicator of the actively working function of the skin, which protects against the penetration of bacteria and toxins.

The pH scale is a measure of the relative alkalinity (number of hydroxide ions) or acidity (number of hydrogen ions) in a substance.

The number of scale gradations increases from 0 to 14, where 7 is a neutral solution. Each step on the scale is a tenfold increase in alkalinity (moving up the scale) or acidity (moving down the scale). For example: for skin and hair, the average pH is 5.

Ph of human skin. Norm

Any substance with a pH above 7.0 is considered an alkali, and a substance with a pH below 7.0 is considered an acid. Acids owe their chemical reactivity to the presence of hydrogen ions (H+), have a sour taste, and convert litmus paper from blue to red.

The pH level characterizes a specific environment:

  • acidic – from 6.9 and below;
  • neutral – 7.0;
  • alkaline – from 7.1 and above.

Symptoms of acid-base imbalance

It is difficult to directly measure the acidity level of skin and hair. Doctors use a pH meter to analyze a person's outer skin. Using the tester, changes in acidity levels are detected, and the general condition is also assessed.

When the indicators shift towards an alkaline environment, the following changes are revealed:

  • increased oiliness of the skin;
  • the appearance of dry spots;
  • rashes, redness;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • signs of skin aging (wrinkles, sagging).

The following signs indicate a movement of pH towards an acidic environment:

  • dryness;
  • microcracks;
  • skin diseases caused by bacteria that develop in microcracks.

Determination of pH in cosmetics

Most cosmetic creams have a pH of 5.5. All hair care products have an acidic pH. In shampoos it is higher, and in masks, styling products, and balms it is lower.

All cosmetics with a pH below 5.5 are best used under the supervision of a cosmetologist. Cosmetics with an alkaline level are prescribed to people to treat psoriasis.

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