How to reduce your butt: exercises, diet at home, additional tips

Rules for practicing to reduce the fifth point

Most adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or at least 75 minutes of heavier exercise per week.

Burning calories reduces the amount of fat no matter where it is stored. You can achieve a reduction in hip size only if you lose excess weight on your entire body.

A few rules that will help you in your studies:

  1. Consistency and regularity are the key to achieving results.
  2. Create a daily calorie deficit. To do this, you need to monitor your nutrition and balance your diet.
  3. Break the cycle of poor sleep by establishing a regular sleep schedule. Try to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. It is important to sleep 7-9 hours a day.
  4. Follow the technique and don’t give up on training. Don’t feel sorry for yourself and don’t justify your own laziness, then the result will please you within a month.

You can strengthen your butt and improve its appearance by performing loads aimed at local areas. A nice bonus will be tightened skin and getting rid of cellulite.

Steps on the steppe

Functional step exercise stabilizes balance and targets the legs, butt, hamstrings, and quads.
Adding a knee push and a back lunge increases the difficulty and effectiveness. At home, use a bench or step approximately from mid-calf to knee level. Climbing stairs tones your muscles while keeping your heart and lungs healthy.

Swing your legs

Leg swings forward and backward are a dynamic warm-up that improves hip mobility and prepares the body for physical activity.
The exercise also improves core stability and balance. Side leg swings are effective for strengthening the gluteus medius and outer thigh muscles, while inward leg swings will work the thigh muscles located closer to the groin area. Use ankle weights to increase the intensity of your movements.

Gluteal bridge

This is a versatile, challenging and effective movement and a great addition to any workout, regardless of age or fitness level.
The main elements worked are the hamstrings and glutes. When performed correctly with good technique, the glute bridge will help strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine and improve posture.

Glute bridge to improve posture.

Squat Jumps

This basic movement is the best anchor for lower body training.
Healthy exercises serve as a powerful building block for all muscles. Almost the entire back of the body below the waist is involved here: the abs, hamstrings and lower back, if done correctly. Focus on squeezing your quads and thighs as you pause before pushing off the ground to jump as high as possible.

Three rules for reducing your butt

No matter how trivial it may sound, in order to reduce the volume of the buttocks, or any other part of the body, you must follow three main principles:

  1. Healthy eating. A properly structured diet is the key to losing weight. Without maintaining a balanced diet, it is impossible to get rid of excess weight (if you do not use surgery).
  2. Sport. Physical activity helps burn accumulated calories, helps strengthen muscles, tighten the skin, and give a beautiful relief to the figure.
  3. Motivation. A clear motive is a powerful driving force. Having specific goals, achieving the desired result is much easier.

Using an integrated approach to business will allow you to tighten your figure and achieve a beautiful and neat butt.

Slimming your buttocks in the gym

Working out in the gym will be useful for losing weight in the lower body in combination with cardio exercises.
The trainer draws up a plan that will combine exercises on simulators and aerobic training. The following loads have the greatest effect on creating a beautiful butt shape:

  • leg extensions in the simulator;
  • squats;
  • Bent-over barbell row;
  • deadlift;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • leg curls in the simulator.

The added resistance from the machines not only tones your muscles, but also speeds up your metabolism.
This means you will burn more calories even at rest. For optimal results, it is recommended to perform the workout less than 2-5 times per week. Research shows that testosterone, which women are deprived of, helps increase muscle mass. The fair half should not be afraid that the volumes will be too large.

Your butt muscles only get bigger if you lift heavy weights (6 to 12 reps) or eat a high-calorie diet. If lighter weights are used, the muscles will simply become toned, and the relief will take on a sporty shape.

Classes in the gym according to the trainer's program.

How to reduce the volume of large buttocks

Correction of large buttocks using plastic surgery is performed when excess fatty tissue accumulates in the subgluteal, supragluteal and paralumbar areas. Also, plastic surgery will be effective in enlarging the buttocks as a result of age-related changes, which usually appear after 50 years, illness or injury. As a rule, such changes are manifested by a violation of the trophism of muscle and fatty tissue, the skin, their tone decreases (stretching and sagging occur).

Reduction of the volume of the buttocks is carried out using liposuction. This method allows vacuum removal of excess fat tissue after it has been destroyed using ultrasound or mechanically. Liposuction allows you to remove fat deposits in areas that are not addressed by exercise (for example, the area of ​​the upper buttocks).

Before performing any plastic surgery, the degree of elasticity of the skin is determined and the presence of excess adipose tissue is determined. This is necessary to select the type of surgical intervention. In young patients with good skin elasticity, one liposuction procedure is usually sufficient.

When performing liposuction of the gluteal region, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used. The duration of the operation is on average 1.5 hours. During the operation, small incisions are made on the skin (up to 5 mm), through which a special solution is injected, which “melts” the fat and prevents blood loss. Then, through thin metal catheters, the fat is removed (suctioned) out using a vacuum pump. A small layer of fat remains in the treated areas, which smoothes out the contours and unevenness of the skin. The incisions are repaired with cosmetic sutures and subsequently dissolve. When performing ultrasonic liposuction, ultrasound is used to destroy fat deposits. The rehabilitation period takes 3-4 weeks. At this time, it is recommended to wear compression garments, it is forbidden to take hot baths or showers, visit baths and saunas, or engage in intense sports.

Age-related changes or significant weight loss are usually accompanied by a decrease in skin and tissue tone in the buttocks area. They become relaxed, flabby, and they droop (ptosis), especially in the lower part of the buttocks. In this case, the buttock area is additionally tightened and excess skin and fatty tissue is removed.

During a large butt lift, a significant amount of skin is usually removed from the upper part (up to 14 cm or more in vertical dimension). The lower part of the buttocks is pulled vertically upward, while the folds of skin below are straightened. The incisions are sutured with a cosmetic suture. The operation lasts approximately 3-3.5 hours. Already three days after the operation, you can take a shower. If liposuction has not been performed in adjacent areas, it is not necessary to wear compression garments. The next day you can sit, including driving. Postoperative sutures are located in natural folds and become almost invisible after six months.

A large butt lift significantly improves their shape and gives them a more attractive appearance. Flat and elongated buttocks become rounded and raised.

The use of modern technologies, as well as minimally invasive and endoscopic methods when performing plastic surgery on the buttocks allows one to obtain good results: the buttocks become more beautiful, elastic and toned.

How to build a lesson program

An approximate set of exercises to reduce the volume of the lower part, which can be performed even at home:

  • forward lunges - 3 repetitions 15 times;
  • lunges to the side - 3 repetitions of 15 times;
  • standing leg abduction - 3 repetitions 25 times;
  • plie squat - 2 repetitions 15 times;
  • gluteal bridge - 2 repetitions 25 times;
  • leg abduction, lying on your side - 3 repetitions of 25 times;
  • swing your leg back, standing on all fours - 2 repetitions of 25 times.

The combination of this complex with a morning 30-minute jog 3 times a week will be more effective.
Running can be replaced by daily 60-minute walks at a fast pace. The benefits of doing aerobics 3 times a week and strength training twice a week will be great. Beginners need to increase their sports loads gradually, starting with a training regimen of 3 times a week for 1 hour.

Exercises to reduce hips and buttocks in 2 weeks at home

An experienced fitness trainer can tell you how to reduce hip size in the shortest possible time by regularly performing certain exercises. In the absence of the opportunity to attend a gym or group classes, the problem of curvy hips can be solved at home.

To do this, you need to perform the set of exercises recommended below 3 times a week (after warming up, respectively).

Lunges forward

A simple basic exercise that forces the biceps, quadriceps, calf muscles, as well as the back and abs to actively work. There are several variations of execution, but the legs are worked out most efficiently if you use dumbbells or a barbell.

  • Without weights: straighten up, spread your legs 50 cm wide, hands on your waist. Take a step forward with your left foot, squat down without your right knee reaching the floor. The left thigh should become parallel to the floor. Come back. Repeat the action with the right leg. In total you need to do 20 lunges.
  • With dumbbells: performed in the same way, only take dumbbells weighing 2 kg in your hands and hold them at chest level.
  • With a barbell: Stand up, put the barbell on your shoulders, holding it with your hands. Perform 20 forward lunges.

Side Lunges

A similar exercise, but performed not forward, but to the sides. You need to stand away from the furniture, keep your hands on your lower back or in front of your chest, and keep your back straight.

Take your leg to the side, shift your body weight and take a step, while squatting shallowly. Spring a little and rise. Performed with or without weight. It is important that when lunging towards the heel, the feet should not leave the floor.

Standing leg abduction

The action forces both the external and internal thigh muscles to work (when abducted to the side), and also trains coordination. Take a standing position, straightened, placing your fingers on your belt or the back of a chair. While inhaling, move the straightened leg to the side to the maximum possible angle. Lower your leg without placing your foot on the floor, but lift your toes and heel and place it in front of your supporting leg.

This will stretch the gluteal muscles more. Repeat 20 times with each leg. The second option is to pull back. Stand against the back of the chair, grab the support with your hands. Bring your straight leg back, slowly, return. Do not place the active leg on the floor until all repetitions are completed (20 times). Repeat with the second leg. You should feel tension in your buttocks.

Squat plie

The exercise should be performed with weights (dumbbells, kettlebells), this will work the muscles more intensely, but it can also be done without a load. To perform, you need to spread your feet. You will need a dumbbell weighing 4 - 5 kg.

Holding the load with both hands, slowly squat deeply. Do not raise your heels, try to keep your back straight. There will be a feeling of stretching of the inner leg muscles. After 5 seconds rise. Repeat the plie 25 times.

Leg abduction lying on your side

There are several types of execution. The classic version is to swing your leg up from a position lying on your side. The working leg is straight, the supporting leg can be slightly bent for stability, lift vertically to the side to the maximum possible amplitude. Do 25 times.

If after a few workouts the exercise seems easy, you should use leg weights (they are wrapped around the ankle of the working leg). To complicate and stretch the outer thigh muscles more strongly, you should raise your body and lean on your forearm and lift your legs.

An alternative option is to raise the supporting leg.

Lie on your right side, support your head with the same hand, bend your left leg and move your foot forward, holding it with your left hand. Raise your supporting right leg, and you will feel a stretch in the outer thigh muscles. Repeat 25 times and change position.

Swing your leg back while standing on the floor on all fours

Performing leg raises while standing on all fours perfectly pumps the back of the thigh. The classic version is to focus on your palms and knees. The back should be straight, not arched. Straighten one leg and bring it back, perform springy lifts with a large amplitude, without lowering the leg to the knee. After 20 springs, change legs.

To complicate the exercise, you can use a dumbbell, placing it in the popliteal fold. Hold the weight with your thigh and shin and slowly lift your bent leg up. Do 25 times. Repeat with the second leg. Another way to perform abduction while kneeling is to raise the bent leg to the side with extension.

To perform, rest on your palms, knees (do not spread) and toes. Slowly raise the bent leg to an angle of 90 degrees, straighten the leg, bend and lower, but do not lean. Repeat 25 times. Change the supporting leg and perform another 25 lifts.

The fourth option is swinging with a straight leg and lowering at different points. Take emphasis on your palms and knees. Straighten one leg and swing up, lowering the foot to the floor with a deviation to the right, then swing, lower and deviation to the left.


A stationary exercise performed with emphasis on the elbows (palms) and toes (as standard). The plank uses a large group of muscles in all parts of the body and supports the muscular corset (abdomen, back, buttocks). An effective exercise for achieving a flat stomach and strong abs. You need to hold the plank position for 15-30 seconds to 3 minutes.

Basic types of planks and rules of execution:

VarietyExecution Features
straight classicLie on the mat with your stomach. Rise up to your elbows and bend them 90 degrees, transferring your weight to your hands. The body should be straightened in a line, the abs tense. You need to try to relax your head and neck, look at the floor
straight with support on arm and legPrepare to perform a regular plank, raise one arm and the opposite leg, after 30 - 40 seconds change arms and legs
straight with palm liftFrom the standard plank, gradually rise first onto one palm, then onto the other, transferring your body weight, stand on straight arms and bend your elbows again. Move to different positions several times without lowering your pelvis to the floor or bending your knees
lateralLie on your side, straighten your legs, raise your body, resting on your elbow. Check that your shoulder and elbow are in a straight line. Raise your pelvis and stretch out. Place your free hand on your belt or raise it up

Photo of the correct plank position:

The plank is the most effective exercise for reducing thigh volume.

In order to increase the time spent in a position, it is important:

  • exercise every day;
  • progress every 3 - 4 days (increasing the time by 5-10 seconds or the number of approaches);
  • additionally perform push-ups, squats, and exercises with dumbbells.

Important points for the plank:

  • sneakers (bare feet will slip and balance will be difficult);
  • a mat (so that your elbows don’t hurt);
  • comfortable clothes;
  • soft music.

If it is difficult to start with a classic or side plank, it is recommended to try a simplified method.

Cardio exercises while reducing butt size

Walking activates the gluteal muscles and hamstrings, especially when going up hills.

Running is a great exercise for losing weight. It tones the muscles of the legs and buttocks, which gives the hips and butt a more defined shape.

This aerobic activity also improves heart and lung function.
To lose weight, it is better to run than to walk, as it burns more calories. Cycling is an incredible workout for your thighs and butt, whether you're riding outside or indoors in a spin class or on a stationary bike.

Pay attention to the technique: while lowering your heel, pressing on the pedals, lift your butt off the seat and pedal slowly using only your legs.

Kickboxing and tai-bo are workouts that actively use imitation of kicks to the sides, roundhouse, back and front. These are classes aimed at strengthening the muscles of the butt, quadriceps and hamstrings.

Running for weight loss.

Set of exercises

All movements that involve the gluteal muscles are potentially suitable for losing fat from the buttocks. However, some exercises, especially when performed correctly, are more effective. These are the ones you should focus on in your training.

Deep squats

The ultimate exercise for both reducing your butt and gaining muscle. Works not only the glutes, but most of the muscles in the body. In order for the movement to be aimed at giving the buttocks relief and increasing muscle tone, it is necessary:

  1. Sit down as low as possible, and not to the level of parallel of the thigh with the floor; this technique works the buttocks more and reduces the load on the knee joints.
  2. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder level.
  3. Turn your socks out to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Pause for 0.5-1 second at the lowest point.

Read more about the deep squat technique →


If your main goal is to reduce body fat, lunges should be done with lighter weights but higher reps. You can also significantly increase the effectiveness of lunges by combining several types of exercises into supersets, for example:

Lunges forward

To the side

More about lateral lunges →

Obliques (bringing the leg back or “overlapping”)

Read more about diagonal lunges →

  • All three movements are performed on one leg (forward, to the side, back), after which the leg changes.
  • Each set lasts 1 minute, regardless of the number of repetitions.

"Fire hydrant"

This exercise perfectly works the buttocks, outer and inner thighs. Given that the fire hydrant is performed without weights, it is perfect for a high-repetition workout.


  1. Take a lying pose, focusing on your knees and palms. The legs are bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees, the back is straight and slightly arched.
  2. At a moderate pace, move your leg upward across the side until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
  3. Pause at the top and return to the starting position, repeating the movement on the other leg.

Swing your leg

This exercise is almost a complete analogue of the “fire hydrant”, but with a slight change in technique - the leg is not moved to the side, but back. The knee is always bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the movement is carried out in the hip joint.

Taking into account similar techniques, swings are most often combined with a “fire hydrant”, alternately taking the legs to the side and back.

Standing leg abduction

It is performed in the lower block of the simulator or with a rubber expander (bundle). Another incredibly effective butt-busting exercise that's great for a high-repetition training regimen.

To make it as fat-burning as possible, each approach is performed until complete muscle failure. An indicator will be a strong burning sensation and increased fatigue.

Read more about moving your leg back →

Exercise "chair"

The “chair” exercise is performed against the wall. Although most of the work is done on the quads, a small change in technique can easily shift the focus to the glutes. To do this, you need to move your legs forward more to sink deeper.


  1. Go to the wall, lean your back against it and press your hands tightly. Take a big step forward and slowly “slide” down the wall.
  2. Hold this position for as long as possible (optimally 40 to 60 seconds).
  3. Warm up for a few minutes and repeat the approach.

Static exercise is also good for losing weight in the buttocks, especially if you perform the movement at the end of the workout (when the muscles are already tired).

Gluteal (pelvic) bridge

It is important to perform the exercise without weight (to failure) or with light weights.

Read more about the gluteal bridge →


Unlike running and other types of aerobic exercise, this exercise is best suited for creating sculpted buttocks. During the lift, the gluteal muscles are involved in every movement, which allows you to more effectively remove excess fat. Also, a big advantage of climbing is the absence of negative effects on the knee joints and compression of the vertebrae. The exercise can be performed both at home and in the gym.


  1. Go to a cabinet (or stack of pancakes) of the desired height.
  2. Take a step onto the pedestal, placing your full foot (it is a mistake to focus on your toes or heels).
  3. Shifting your center of gravity to your front leg, lift yourself up, pulling your back leg up.
  4. When both feet are on the stand, immediately lower your leading leg to the floor (lower gently, on your toes). After returning to the starting position, repeat the movement.

This is an aerobic movement and should be performed over a long period of time. It is optimal to do the ascent at the end of the workout, from 20 to 40 minutes.

Massage with a brush for slimming buttocks and thighs

This effect 2-3 times a week improves blood circulation, gives the skin radiance, tones and reduces the severity of cellulite. In addition, massage with a brush promotes detoxification by increasing blood circulation and stimulating lymph flow. A few repeated strokes over each area, applying slight pressure but not so much that it hurts, is enough.

Start from your feet, working your way up. Go through each section 7-8 times. Then work your knee where the lymph nodes are. Run the brush along the inner thigh towards the groin, and then along the calf, from the foot to the groin.

Finally, work your buttocks towards your back. Repeat on the other leg. Do this in small and quick movements or in circular motions until the skin turns pinkish-red.

Massage the buttocks with a brush.

What to do after a massage

Carry out the procedure once a day and immediately after that take a shower and apply a moisturizer or anti-cellulite product. Contrast water procedures increase the effect and strengthen blood vessels.

Duration of the course of procedures

Experts recommend massage every day. However, carrying out manipulation at least 3 times a week will also bring results. A 5-minute impact on the hips and butt area will promote the functioning of the lymphatic system, improve blood circulation and tone. A 2-week break between courses should be taken every month.

Wraps for the butt and hips

Such procedures bring the effect of a sauna.
However, in the bath the whole body is heated and steamed, and the wraps only affect the problem area. Manipulation helps open pores through which excess fluid and toxins are removed. Blood circulation accelerates, the process of lymph outflow accelerates, fat breakdown is activated. The result will be an adjusted silhouette, a decrease in hip volume, and improved skin condition and tone.

The most effective for burning fat are wraps that contain:

  • clay and mud from the Dead Sea;
  • seaweed;
  • honey;
  • essential oil;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • coffee;
  • warming ointment Capsicam.

Before wrapping, apply clay from the Dead Sea to your body.

Changing food

To lose weight, a person must consume fewer calories than the body burns. This is called a calorie deficit. To lose 1 kg, a person needs a deficit of 1,700 calories. You should eat a balanced diet and try to control your portions.

General recommendations

Simple strategies for maintaining a healthy diet:

  • eating fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans and lentils;
  • eating lean sources of protein: fish, tofu and legumes;
  • adding sources of healthy fats to your food: olives, nuts, seeds and avocados;
  • avoid processed foods and takeaways;
  • avoidance of sugary foods and carbonated drinks;
  • replacing refined carbohydrates with whole grain versions;
  • drink a glass of water before meals.

Daily diet

A special diet for the buttocks involves dividing the daily diet into 4 or more meals.
You need to eat often to avoid feeling hungry, because it slows down your metabolism. The daily diet could be like this:

  • breakfast: 200 g unsweetened yogurt, 100 g berries, or 1 fruit, bread;
  • snack: boiled egg;
  • lunch: vegetable salad, 200 g of boiled chicken, a slice of bread;
  • dinner: stewed or steamed cabbage with tomato, apple with cottage cheese.

Sample menu for the day. See also the list of companies that deliver the diet to your home:

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The best diets

Slender legs and a firm butt are the cherished dreams of all girls, regardless of age. And here it is important to tune in to long-term and productive work on yourself, including not only exercises and various procedures, but also a balanced diet. But with the right approach, everyone around you will notice the result within 2-3 weeks.

The main goal of nutrition is to strengthen metabolism and focus on those foods that help remove toxins from the body. For intestinal motility, it is necessary to include more raw vegetables and lactic acid products in the diet.

"Successful Diet"

1 dayDay 2
BreakfastA glass of kefir, a slice of whole grain bread with avocado and tomato, 1 fruit.Vegetable salad, 50 gr. stewed mushrooms, rye bread toast, coffee without sugar.
LunchNatural coffee with milk without sugar, 25 g. nuts A sandwich of rye bread with tomato and a piece of low-fat cheese.
Dinner120 gr. boiled lean meat, vegetable salad, green tea. 200 gr. boiled chicken breast, cabbage salad, a glass of fruit jelly.
SnackCottage cheese casserole250 ml. low-fat yogurt, 100 gr. berries
Dinner200 gr. vegetables (lettuce, cucumber, tomato, greens), 150 gr. buckwheat porridge. 200 gr. stewed vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet peppers), 200 gr. boiled fish, chamomile tea.

Express diet

An express diet helps you lose weight quickly. List of dishes:

  • For the first day: cabbage salad with carrots and cucumber, buckwheat porridge without milk and butter, tomato juice.
  • For the second day: Salad of cabbage, carrots, beets with herbs and lemon juice, dressed with yogurt, 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, kefir.
  • For the third day: low-fat fish or meat, salad of avocado, strawberries and green lettuce with yogurt.

With any diet, do not forget about the drinking regime; water can be replaced with green or chamomile tea, or rosehip decoction. You need to drink 4 glasses of clean water a day.

You cannot follow a diet for more than a week; an unbalanced diet that lacks fats and carbohydrates can be harmful to health.

Tips for visually reducing buttocks and thighs

Visual wardrobe cues will help you find the right balance by creating the illusion that your hips are narrower.

Straight Jeans

A tight, form-fitting silhouette and tapered legs will only make your butt look bigger. The trick is to balance the hips with the lower leg so that the silhouette appears proportional. This is where straight trousers come in handy to make your hips appear narrower.

A-line skirts and dresses

A-silhouette is a great option for curvy girls. Skirts and dresses with this cut automatically narrow the hips as they taper at the waist and then flare out slightly around the hips. This keeps volume to a minimum. Tighter styles, such as pencil skirts, can be problematic as they highlight the size of the problem area.

A-line skirts for curvy girls.


A belt at your natural waist is an easy way to lengthen your legs, create an hourglass look and make your hips look smaller. You draw attention to your waist and highlight your figure. Shapeless dresses, jackets and sweaters make the figure more massive from all sides.

Black dress

Thanks to its shade, it will narrow the hips, especially if you choose a dress with an attractive A-line or structured hourglass silhouette. Stay away from clothes that are too tight.

Lighter tops

Creates the same flattering effect as darker trousers, while visually reducing the size of the hips. Light and bright shades will draw attention to the upper half of your body, thereby drawing attention away from the thigh area.

Interesting neckline

A deep V-neck or off-the-shoulder clothing redirects attention to another part of the figure. Tops with ruffles or embellishments will work as they will provide a similar distraction effect.


Underwear for smoothing wrinkles, cellulite and tightening volume visually minimizes the area, while simultaneously emphasizing the seductiveness of the shape.
Any time clothing doesn't fit your body shape, you'll end up with an unflattering result. Jeans and trousers that are too tight on the hips will only highlight the flaw. Choose a larger clothing size, even if your waist is too large. You can adjust the waist and legs to suit you.

Lingerie for figure correction.

Features for men

A large bottom in the stronger sex is not only a consequence of poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.
The reasons may be different:

  • heredity;
  • stress or deviation from your usual lifestyle;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • obesity;
  • age-related changes.

To reduce your hips and maintain your shape, it is recommended to include fiber in your diet, which will help improve digestive function, speed up metabolism, and remove toxins and waste.
You should eat more broccoli, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, and celery. For breakfast, eat a serving of cereal or muesli. Sweet foods should not be completely excluded.

First, replace sweets with honey and dried fruits. Gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates and increase your protein intake. It is better to drink protein shakes as snacks.

Strength training focuses on the lower body.
The lesson plan includes squats, burpees, glute bridges - 25 repetitions for 3 sets for each exercise. A man’s visually wide hips can be hidden by abandoning light-colored trousers and a checkered pattern. Preference should be given to black and dark blue trousers; vertical stripes are acceptable.

Sweaters, jackets and jackets should be mid-buttock length. Unusual colors on the top of your clothing will distract attention from your figure flaws.

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