How to quickly remove tan from your face at home

A tan is beautiful, let’s not argue. But only an even tan. But what if it lays down unevenly, and there are traces of wearing dark glasses and “gaps” from sunscreen on your face? How to quickly get rid of the consequences in such cases and come to an even tone? There are home methods that are fast, safe and simple. Let's talk about them now.

When to do whitening

If the cause of skin discoloration is illness, then only treatment can correct the situation. No bleaching agent can help you. The same can be said about bad habits. Those who spend a lot of time indoors, lead a sedentary lifestyle, smoke a lot, and have other addictions - all of them will not be able to change their complexion with simple whitening, especially quickly.

In what cases can whitening be performed? The following list answers this question:

  • if you have unwanted freckles or age spots;
  • if the skin is too tanned;
  • if you want to have a more youthful appearance, because tanning makes you look a little older;
  • after unsuccessfully applied self-tanning or some other cosmetic procedures.

Whitening can be done at home. This will require a little patience and a few affordable products.

Indications for skin lightening

There are many reasons that affect the condition of the skin, but the main ones are: ultraviolet radiation and diet. The consequences of sun exposure manifest themselves in the form of age spots, abundant freckles and uneven tanning. This type creates discomfort, and sometimes even leads to depression. In the summer, anyone who is faced with similar problems needs a skin whitening course.

Those who are simply not satisfied with their dark complexion can also use lightening masks prepared at home. Regular use of special products will not only improve the tone of the face, but also enrich the upper layers of the epidermis with beneficial vitamins and minerals, because natural products, fruits and milk derivatives are used to prepare masks.


Who else doesn’t know that parsley can quickly whiten the skin, eliminating unwanted tanning? This is true. The plant refreshes, tones, whitens, relieves swelling and redness. For this reason, leaf extract is used in many cosmetic products, and you can use it at home.

  • Pour a small bunch of greens (50 g) with 2 glasses of water, boil for 5 minutes and let cool. Wipe your face with the decoction daily at night or in the morning. Similarly, you can pour 1 large spoon of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave and wipe the skin.
  • A mask made from honey (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and finely chopped herbs (2 tablespoons) works effectively. All this must be mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  • Parsley is crushed to form juice, then used to whiten the face.

The masks described above are especially useful for those who have delicate, thin skin. They make freckles and age spots paler, prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles, and help fight acne.

What types of age spots exist?

Next, let's talk about what types of pigmentation are the most common.

1. Moles.

Nevi, or moles, can be found on almost every person’s body, the number of which varies throughout life. However, such formations must be closely monitored, since some of them can develop into melanoma, which is a dangerous tumor.

Before removing nevi, you must consult a dermatologist for advice and undergo a diagnostic dermatoscopy procedure using a special device with tenfold magnification for fluorescent microscopy.

2. Freckles.

Most often, ephelides (freckles) are observed in young people. This is a seasonal phenomenon that occurs between April and October, when the sun is most active, and disappears or becomes less noticeable during the autumn-winter season. In this case, the spots cover areas of the skin that are most often exposed to ultraviolet rays (face, back, shoulders and neck).

3. Age spots.

Pigmentation often appears in people over 40 years of age. This is especially true for women who have begun menopause. The reason for this phenomenon is that the protective properties of the skin are reduced, so it copes worse with constant photodamage.

If you are thinking about the question of how to whiten age spots, you need to consider that the older a person is, the larger and darker they are, and it is quite difficult to get rid of them or make them less noticeable due to the following reasons:

  • mature skin recovers more slowly than young skin;
  • the production of elastin and collagen deteriorates;
  • the protective function decreases.

4. Post-acne.

When comparing freckles, moles and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, the difference lies in how the pigment is distributed in the skin. In the fight against them, in this case, the same measures are used as for the prevention of pigmentation.

If you are interested in how to whiten such stains, then the best remedy is cosmetics with vitamin A.


Using lemon you can quickly whiten your face and hands after a failed tan or after using a self-tanner. Citric acid works wonders, but remember that if your skin is severely sunburned, lemon can cause even more irritation.

At home, prepare a mask with lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and beaten egg white. The mixture is applied to the face for 10–15 minutes, then washed off and wiped with chamomile decoction. This procedure is recommended for those with oily or combination skin.

What we can do?

We begin to actively moisturize the skin

Moisturizing sprays and tonics, hyaluronic creams or gels, creams or serums that enhance the formation of the skin’s own hyaluronic acid appear in the arsenal. We need to return water to the skin.

We recommend:

  • Moisturizing toner No. 58
  • Moisturizing cream-fluid for face No. 29
  • Smoothing creams No. 20 for normal and combination skin or No. 21 for dry skin.
  • Facial serum “Complex hydration” No. 77




We continue to feed the skin with antioxidants

We look at vitamin complexes

or a list of extracts. We look for the words “bioflavonoids” and “antioxidants” on tubes of cream. With them we catch all those free radicals that can add damage and create additional problems for our skin.

We recommend:

  • Calming tonic No. 57
  • Cream for sensitive skin No. 39
  • Creams No. 23 for normal and combination or nourishing No. 24 for normal and dry
  • Night serum “Complex nutrition” No. 88




We begin to urgently nourish the skin with good night creams

This refers to creams with good oils: grape seed, olive, rice bran, sea buckthorn, sesame, avocado. We need to restore thinned skin

and restore its density.

We recommend:

  • Night creams No. 25 for normal and combination skin and No. 26 for mature skin
  • Night cream No. 37 for oily and combination skin
  • Night serum “Complex nutrition” No. 88




If there is a problem with skin elasticity and wrinkles

In this case, we actively choose anti-aging cosmetics,

which claims to restore elastin, collagen, dermal matrix and promises to grow everything again.

We recommend:

  • Smoothing creams No. 20 for normal and combination skin or No. 21 for dry skin.
  • Night cream Ant-Age for mature skin No. 26
  • Day serums No. 77 and night serums No. 88

If spider veins and pigmentation appear

Then we focus on products that remove inflammation

in the deep layers of the skin.

Both rosacea and pigmentation are always accompanied by deep chronic inflammation in the skin. Therefore, we are looking for cosmetics with an anti-aging effect that claim to reduce this very chronic inflammation or inflammatory aging. If your skin is young and you don’t want to resort to heavy artillery, then we simply look for strong anti-inflammatory creams.

We recommend:

  • Cream for sensitive and easily reddened skin No. 39
  • Day cream No. 23 and night cream No. 25
  • Night serum No. 88

Spoiled milk

Fermented milk products are good for whitening skin that has become too red or yellow after sunbathing. Sour milk not only whitens, but also soothes the skin and relieves irritation.

You can make a compress for 15 minutes by dipping gauze or bandages into the serum and applying them to your face. Kefir, yogurt, cream (for dry skin), and even yogurt are used in a similar way.

Make masks for a week and you will certainly notice a positive result. The face will become lighter, the skin will be soft and pleasant to the touch.

Contraindications for lightening your face after sunbathing

After tanning, it is contraindicated to lighten your face if:

  • excessive sensitivity of the facial skin, characterized by frequent allergic rashes;
  • some dermatological diseases - dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis with symptoms localized on the face;
  • malignant neoplasms of the skin, regardless of location (melanoma);
  • any damage to the skin;
  • infectious diseases with signs on the dermis;
  • the presence of pustular rashes on the face.


Cucumber masks have long been known for their excellent cosmetic properties, and making them at home, especially in summer, is not difficult. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, spread the mixture over your face - the mask is ready. Lie with it for 15 minutes in a relaxed state, and feel how the condition of your face changes for the better after an unsuccessful tan. Cucumber can be used by absolutely everyone, regardless of skin type.

For more effective whitening, make cucumber lotion. Three medium cucumbers are grated, the mixture is placed in a jar and filled with vodka (300–500 ml). After 10 days, when it has infused, filter and wipe your face twice a day.

You can make a mask from grated cucumber, chopped parsley and lemon juice. A combination of cucumber and sour cream gives a light whitening effect at home.

How to whiten your face after sunbathing quickly using lotions

You can quickly whiten your face after sunbathing using homemade lotions made from cucumbers and calendula. They can be stored in a cool place for a long time.

Cucumber lotion

You need to take 1 medium-sized cucumber and peel it, and chop the pulp. The resulting mass should be placed in a glass container and add 50 ml of vodka or 100 ml of medical alcohol to it, close the lid and leave to infuse for 3 days in a cold place.

At the end of the specified period, you need to strain the vodka/alcohol solution, dilute it with the same amount of warm water and use the resulting lotion for its intended purpose - wipe your face and hands with it to get rid of unfortunate, excessive tanning.

Calendula lotion

You will need a ready-made alcohol infusion of calendula flowers, which is diluted with clean warm water in equal proportions. The lotion should be wiped over problem areas every day, the duration of use is a maximum of 7 days.

You can use lotions 2-3 times a day, be sure to moisturize your facial skin as much as possible these days , because all alcohol products dry it out greatly, which can lead to the formation of areas of peeling.

Creams and scrubs

Don't forget that there are special whitening creams and scrubs. Creams act more gently, while protecting against tanning and lightening age spots. The scrubs contain tiny abrasive particles. They remove dead cells and, as it were, polish the upper layer of the epidermis. With their help, the face brightens quite quickly.

You can make an analogue of a store-bought scrub by adding a little soda to your cleansing milk. In the process of cleansing your face, you need to massage it with light movements, and the whitening effect will not be long in coming.

Other means

There are quite a few other products that can be used to get rid of sun spots. These include:

  • red currant juice;
  • viburnum juice;
  • potato;
  • White clay;
  • aloe vera;
  • Apple vinegar.

Masks are made at home from oatmeal, rye flour and ground almonds, as these substances cleanse pores and give the body a lighter shade. Essential oils of mint, rosemary, and sandalwood help quickly get rid of dark age spots. Oil of black pepper, oregano, and mint have the same properties. You only need to use 2-3 drops of them, adding them to the main masks or to base oils.

Why do age spots appear?

When an uneven distribution of melanin, which is responsible for skin color, occurs in the body, doctors diagnose “Hyperpigmentation.” People with freckles are familiar with this phenomenon first-hand, in which clusters of cells in one area produce more dye than in another.

Although it is worth noting that most often freckles make the appearance brighter and give it charm, rather than spoil it. In addition, given that they appear in a person at a young age, they usually get used to them. As for age spots, they usually appear unexpectedly and take you by surprise. This forces the use of various cosmetic foundations in order to hide defects.

The cause of pigmentation is most often a hormonal imbalance, as a result of which some cells produce more melanin than others. The spots themselves are not dangerous, but they indicate that changes are occurring in the body that can cause harm to health.

As a rule, pigmentation appears for the following reasons:

1. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays, melanocytes, that is, cells that produce melanin, are irritated. If a person does not have health problems, then the tan is distributed evenly. Although, if exposed to ultraviolet light too often, melanocytes may begin to produce more melanin than necessary.

Usually people who prefer to stay in the sun for a long time or tan in a solarium suffer from pigmentation.

2. Skin injuries, including sunburn.

Tanning is a kind of protection because, by producing melanin, the skin blocks ultraviolet radiation. A barrier in the form of a dark pigment is formed around the cells, which scatters UVB rays.

The body especially protects damaged areas of the dermis; melanocytes produce melanin in these places more actively, so they darken earlier than the rest of the skin.

3. Hormonal changes.

The production of melanin directly depends on hormonal levels, so pigmentation often appears during pregnancy, endocrine diseases, and taking contraceptive medications.

4. Age-related changes.

As we age, the skin thins and melanocytes rise to the surface. If in youth the melanin they produced was hidden under a layer of the dermis, over time the skin becomes unable to cope with this task. As a result, older people may experience age spots.

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5. Taking certain medications.

Another cause of such a dermatological defect can be the use of retinoids, antibiotics from the tetracycline series, as well as drugs used in chemotherapy.

6. Malfunctions of internal organs.

Problems with internal organs can also lead to pigmentation. For example, a similar phenomenon can be observed in diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal tract.

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