Ultrasonic body massage in Moscow at the Dobromed clinic

Aesthetic Medicine Clinic Programs and procedures

Sculptural - buccal massage

Programs and procedures

Services for this procedure are provided at the clinic on Michurinsky

The cost of the procedure is 7,400 rubles.

Buccal massage is a type of sculptural massage. This is a very effective technique, because the specialist acts not only on the skin of the face, but also on tissues through the mouth. Thanks to this approach, the doctor can work on the skin, subcutaneous fat, and muscle tissue.

This unique technique was created by French cosmetologist Joël Siocco. 35 years of work experience and understanding of the anatomical features of the face allowed her to develop an unparalleled massage of the lower third of the face, which gives an amazing effect and allows you to get visible results after just one session.

Application of ultrasound in cosmetology

Ultrasound devices are used in cosmetology to regenerate dermal cells and stimulate metabolic processes in them. In addition, ultrasound allows the drug to be introduced into the skin as deeply as possible, thereby improving its effectiveness. Sound waves have the ability to cleanse the skin and remove toxins, which is also valued in cosmetology. Massage with such a device improves blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.

Ultrasound waves are used for the following cosmetic procedures:

  • face cleaning;
  • lifting;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • preparatory stage before using various drugs.

The benefits and harms of ultrasound massage

The safety of the procedure is its undeniable advantage, which is why women willingly use such services. With ultrasound massage it is impossible to get any burns, injure the skin or stretch it. The procedure is suitable for all types of dermis, so any girl can come for this type of massage.

There are also some contraindications due to which the cosmetologist is obliged to refuse to perform the service. These include rosacea on the skin - a pronounced vascular network. If the integrity of the dermis is damaged, ultrasonic facial massage is also contraindicated. It is forbidden to resort to the procedure if you have a pacemaker, hypotension, or infectious diseases.

You can find out more about contraindications from a cosmetologist. Before the procedure, it is also important to undergo a consultation to determine the optimal range of exposure to the ultrasound wave.

In what cases is ultrasound massage prescribed?

Ultrasonic massage is prescribed by a doctor when a number of common problems are detected:

  • scars, scars or stretch marks that negatively affect appearance;
  • increased skin sagging, premature loss of tone;
  • cellulite, obvious local fat deposits;
  • swelling due to poor removal of excess fluid.

The procedure gives the patient a pleasant feeling due to muscle relaxation and oxygen supply to cells. It stimulates the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory systems and is completely safe. There are no restrictions on skin type or areas treated, so ultrasound can be used to massage the face and other areas of the body.

Indications and contraindications

Among the indications for ultrasound massage, age-related changes in the dermis are in first place. If you have wrinkles, this is a significant reason to consult a cosmetologist.

Ultrasound massage allows you to get rid of some skin diseases that can be treated in a comprehensive manner. These include hyperpigmentation, acne, dermatitis, and scars. Allergic skin rashes can also be eliminated using ultrasound.

Massage can improve the condition of flabby and fading dermis. If you have a double chin, you can also consult a cosmetologist. Ultrasonic facial massage is not a panacea for all skin imperfections, but with an integrated approach it significantly improves a woman’s appearance.

Doctors recommend using the procedure during the rehabilitation period after facial plastic surgery.

Ultrasound massage is not given to women who are expecting a child. This procedure is prohibited at any time. To avoid the development of defects in the fetus, this procedure should be abandoned.

Other contraindications to ultrasound massage:

  • presence of neoplasms;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • hypertension 2-4 degrees and hypotension;
  • VSD;
  • presence of abrasions and scratches;
  • dermatitis and eczema in the acute stage;
  • presence of subcutaneous implants;
  • the presence of gel or gold threads in the affected area.

Types of ultrasound procedures and their features

There are many cosmetic procedures during which ultrasound therapy is used. The most popular types of ultrasound procedures are:

  • Ultrasonic (cavitation) facial peeling

One of the most popular services provided by beauty salon specialists. As a result of exposure to ultrasound, an excellent effect is achieved: the skin of the face is cleansed, the sebaceous glands open, freed from dead cells, and oily sheen disappears. The skin becomes fresh, well-groomed, beautiful, without pigmentation.

The course consists of 7–10 sessions at intervals of 10–14 days. The number of procedures is determined by the degree of the disease. For preventive purposes, as well as to consolidate the achieved result after the course, it is recommended to perform the procedure once every 30 days. It happens that the process of cavitation peeling is combined with sonophoresis or phonophoresis, intended for deeper penetration of active substances and medications into the layers of the epidermis.

Cavitation peeling helps:

  • eliminate acne;
  • reduce the appearance of pigmentation;
  • tighten pores;
  • cure seborrhea;
  • smooth out scars caused by acne.

If we talk about eliminating rosacea, then the frequency of ultrasonic waves should be 22–28 kHz or 1 MHz. The procedure should be performed every 2–3 days. As a rule, vitamins C, PP, arnica extract, and preparations containing metronidazole are used.

  • Ultrasonic phonophoresis

A procedure during which medicinal substances penetrate deep into the skin. First, the medicinal composition is applied to the surface of the epidermis, then under the influence of ultrasonic waves it is delivered deep into the skin tissue. This procedure has a double effect: the cell structure is affected simultaneously by medications and ultrasound. Using this method, you can quickly get rid of scars, scars, acne and other skin defects.

  • Wrinkle smoothing and rejuvenation

The deep impact of ultrasonic waves smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates. The elastic properties of skin tissue increase, cells are renewed more intensively. To rejuvenate the epidermis, cavitation peeling and intense ultrasonic micromassage are used.

  • Reduction of pigmentation

If there are many pigment spots on the skin, treatment with ultrasonic waves gives a very good result. The specialist determines the program of preparatory measures and therapeutic therapy for each specific case. To achieve the best lightening effect, it is recommended to perform the procedure at least once a week. The composition of the administered drug includes 2–5% trichloroacetic acid, ascorbic or lactic acid. Ultrasound improves microcirculation and breaks down fat cells.

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  • Elimination of swelling and bruising around the eyes

Ultrasound treatment is especially effective when there is swelling and bruising in the eye area. The cause of this problem is impaired blood circulation and metabolic disorder, as a result of which fat and water are deposited in the thickness of the tissue in the eye area. Ultrasound helps improve blood circulation and stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, and restores metabolism. As a result, swelling disappears and bruises become paler.

  • Elimination of cellulite

Recently, therapy using high-frequency ultrasound has been successfully used in the fight against cellulite and excess weight. Ultrasonic waves, when focused, provoke an acceleration of metabolism, the destruction of fat cells and their removal from the body. Thanks to this, the skin becomes even and smooth, the figure is tightened. To achieve good results, ultrasound treatment is recommended to be carried out regularly.

At least 12 procedures must be performed. As a rule, the effect becomes noticeable around the sixth session. The effectiveness of therapy is significantly influenced by skin type and the degree of the disease. But with each procedure, the circumference of the hips and buttocks gradually decreases.

Today it is possible to use ultrasound therapy for hair treatment and restoration. For the procedure, a special device is used - an iron.

  • Ultrasound hair treatment

It is assumed that the nutritional and therapeutic microparticles contained in the cosmetic product penetrate into the hair follicle. The injected preparations are rich in minerals, ceramides, hyaluronic acid and peptides. After the session, a protective film is formed on the hair, protecting it from external factors (rain, snow, dust, chemicals). In addition, ultrasound provides nutrition to hair follicles for a long time.

  • Hair restoration with ultrasound

Improves hair structure, makes pigmentation more intense, and helps get rid of split ends. The complex of therapeutic measures and the composition of the drugs used are chosen by a specialist depending on the problems a particular client has.

  • Depilation

For this purpose, ultrasonic waves are used in combination with biologically active substances. Ultrasound helps the product better penetrate the hair follicles and destroy the hair roots. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to conduct a series of sessions. Each time, the hair becomes thinner, weaker and softer.

Massage procedure

Ultrasound massage allows you to influence problem areas using high-frequency waves. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. To achieve a certain result, you need to visit a cosmetologist several times. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin.

The procedure is performed with a special apparatus from which high-frequency waves emanate. They are able to penetrate 7 cm deep into the skin.

Preparing for a massage is as follows. The skin is first cleansed of impurities and cosmetics. To enhance the impact of the massage, you can do a cosmetic peeling or bath. Then a moisturizer or medicinal product is applied to the dermis, which serves as a conductor between the skin and the ultrasound machine.

The movement of the device during the procedure should be progressive, smooth and continuous. After the procedure, the cosmetologist applies a nourishing cream to the skin, which is selected according to the type of dermis and its condition.

Features of buccal massage

Buccal facial massage is an unusual procedure that some patients are wary of. Indeed, the original technique sets it apart from other types of massage. But the high efficiency of the technique makes it popular among everyone who wants to get the desired result in a short time and quickly correct the lower third of the face: cheekbones, cheeks, chin and lips.

Throughout the entire session, the patient's mouth is open, and the doctor massages the cheeks from the outside and inside. Sometimes patients experience some discomfort, but quickly get used to the master’s manipulations. Also, after the first procedures, the cheeks often swell and muscle pain occurs. This is due to the fact that the specialist works through them and starts the natural recovery process.

Carrying out massage at home

To massage at home, first cleanse or steam your skin. Then apply cream or gel to the skin. Turn on the device and move the nozzle along the massage lines. It is advisable not to lift the device from your face.

The procedure should last no more than 20 minutes. Remove any remaining gel from your face and apply nourishing cream.

The movement of the device is carried out along massage lines, which have long been known and used in cosmetology to minimize skin stretching:

  • from the center of the chin to the earlobe;
  • from the center of the chin to the middle of the auricle;
  • from the corner of the lips to the top of the auricle;
  • from the wing of the nose to the outer part of the eyebrow;
  • from the corner of the lips to the nose, the movement is carried out along the trajectory of a semicircle;
  • from the wing of the nose to the temple.

Buccal facial massage technique

The massage consists of three stages:

  • Warming up. The specialist warms up the skin with his fingertips and prepares it for active exposure. Typically this stage takes no more than 10 minutes.
  • Direct massage. The master works all internal and external muscles with quick movements of varying intensity and strength. The duration of the stage is about 40 minutes.
  • Final. The doctor completes the procedure with careful and smoother movements. This is necessary to prevent bruising and swelling, and the stage also has a calming effect on the skin and tissues.


Ultrasound massage has the following range of effects:

  • improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • improving blood and lymph circulation;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • antibacterial effect.

Ultrasound massage is a safe procedure that can be easily performed at home. The main thing is to follow the rule of massage lines so as not to stretch the skin.

What is the cost of such a massage

Prices for ultrasonic facial massage vary depending on the region in which you plan to perform this procedure. Of course, in the capital of Russia and nearby cities, it will be much more expensive to improve your skin using ultrasound - about 500-600 rubles. In other regions, the cost of one session ranges from 250 to 350 rubles. Considering the fact that about six to ten procedures are necessary, the entire course of treatment should cost you two to three thousand rubles.

Another issue is that ultrasound massage is rarely offered as a stand-alone treatment. Most often, it is included in complex therapy to combat a specific facial problem. In such cases, the cost of the massage itself is added to the cost of makeup remover, cleansing peeling and a final mask or cream. Be sure to clarify this point before the start of the session so that at the end of the procedure it does not become an unpleasant surprise for you.

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