The best ways to refresh your face. How to get rid of wrinkles, bruises and bags under the eyes?

Wrinkles on the cheeks? No reason to be upset!

There are different wrinkles

Wrinkles on the cheeks are a real nightmare for many women.
This is not only the cause of the disorder, but also a reason to think about the slowly but inexorably approaching age. At least that's what many of us think. In fact, this is not always true. Wrinkles on the cheekbones can appear due to a variety of reasons.

Often, wrinkles are a consequence of stress; with nervous overstrain, the skin often becomes dehydrated and becomes too dry, and this in turn leads to the appearance of unwanted lines on the face.

Another type of wrinkles is facial wrinkles, they occur in people who often show their emotions; the face is distorted when a person is happy, frowns or is upset.

If certain feelings visit you too often, it is likely that smile lines and wrinkles on the cheeks will appear on your face, as well as wrinkles under the eyes and even behind the ears.

But vertical wrinkles on the cheeks are often a sign of loss of skin elasticity due to a slowdown in natural regeneration processes and the appearance of the first signs of aging.

How to get rid of wrinkles on cheeks

Professional anti-wrinkle care

As stated above, the action of professional programs should be aimed at restoring the dermal layer of the skin and activating the production of skin collagen.

Injection procedures are not justified in this case. Recommended:


The selection is carried out individually according to skin type - superficial or medium with abundant exfoliation and smoothing of the relief.

DermaQuest peptide peeling – eliminates wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin, allows you to do without injections and peeling of the skin, maintaining the client’s social activity without compromising the effectiveness of the procedure.

The peeling is based on a unique combination of Peptides and Plant Stem Cells.

  • Eliminates hyperactivity of facial muscles - argireline ;
  • Restores the dermis of the skin, stimulating collagen synthesis, thickens and tightens the skin - Matrixil and Dermaxil .
  • Eliminates the negative effects of external factors - antioxidant protection
  • Moisturizes, eliminates dryness and dehydration of the skin

The course consists of 10 procedures with an interval of 1 time every 10-14 days.

Dermal Rejuvenation System SWiCH (Switch)

This is a new generation anti-aging professional procedure! Provides true rejuvenation due to the natural restructuring of the dermis and normalization of the cell cycle of the epidermis.

The rejuvenation process is launched not by banal stimulation of fibroblasts (as with conventional peelings), but by restoring the energy potential of cells . After all, fibroblasts are often no longer able to respond to stimulation, because they simply lack energy potential.

When mitochondrial activity is restored (namely, mitochondria are the “power stations” of cells for energy production), the synthetic and proliferative activity of all skin cells is restored.

The result is tightening, tightening and plumping of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles by pushing them out from the inside, eliminating sagging.

Who should be concerned about wrinkles?

There is an opinion that small wrinkles on the cheeks are the lot of almost every woman who has crossed the 30th birthday mark.

Here is another generally accepted misconception, this is confirmed by every comment from our amazingly young-looking visitors.

Wrinkles most often occur when you smile, so if you are a cheerful person, you should think about the question of how to smile without wrinkles.

If you are emotional by nature, try to restrain your feelings - this way you will be able to maintain your youthful appearance much longer.

Another reason for the appearance of wrinkles is bad habits. If you don't get enough sleep, overdo it with spicy and salty foods, be prepared for the fact that you may soon notice a wrinkle appearing on your cheek.

Smoking is also one of the main reasons for the appearance of these unsightly vertical lines on the face.

Unfortunately, ladies often lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, watch their diet, go to bed and get up at the same time, but wrinkles still appear.

This may also be explained by heredity. If you have relatives in your family who are prone to premature aging, it is worth thinking about what you can do about this situation.

Preventive measures

If you do not want wrinkles to appear on your cheeks, then you need to follow certain rules:

  • you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • It is important to drink a lot of water. The amount of water depends on a person’s body weight, but on average you need to drink 2 liters of liquid;
  • The body must receive a sufficient amount of microelements, acids, and beneficial vitamins. All these elements are taken in with food;
  • It is necessary in the morning and evening to cleanse the face of cosmetics and its residues;
  • use moisturizers that are appropriate for your age and skin type. It is important to choose a product with the required degree of ultraviolet protection;
  • do not overwork, it is important to minimize conflict situations and stress;
  • you need to perform some cosmetic procedures.

Prevention is a very good thing. Such measures should be applied when there are no fine wrinkles on the cheeks. If they are present, you should also follow these tips. After all, they help improve the skin and rejuvenate it.

How to avoid appearance?

It's easy enough. You just have to follow the following tips.

  1. Use creams and other skin care products that are appropriate for your age.
  2. Drink enough water (at least 1 liter per day, please note that juices, soups, tea and coffee are not included in this amount).
  3. Choose a plant-based diet (ideally, you should consume at least three servings of vegetables per day).
  4. Various masks also have a positive effect on the skin of the face; you can resort to massage.

How to remove bruises?

The most effective method is the introduction of a soft filler based on hyaluronic acid with a complex of vitamins and amino acids.

The best remedies for bruises

The list of creams for dark circles under the eyes includes:

  • Planeta Organica Secrets of Arctica - eye gel.
  • Natura Siberica - cream-gel.
  • Librederm - cream with cornflower.
  • L'oreal Paris "Luxury Nutrition".
  • Elizavecca with swallow's nest extract.
  • “Black Pearl” is a fluid for the eyelids.
  • Sea Care is a multivitamin eye cream.

With products at hand

Remedies to help remove bruises at home:

  • potato mixture;
  • curd mask;
  • parsley emulsion;
  • sour cream and cucumber mixture;
  • cosmetic ice.

The video talks about methods of getting rid of dark circles under the eyes:

The genetic predisposition to the formation of wrinkles and bruises cannot be overcome with folk remedies, but it is still possible to improve the condition of the skin. The main thing in any facial care is regularity, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Effective home remedies: masks!

If you want to learn how to remove wrinkles on your cheekbones and under your eyes, masks are ideal for you.

The most common components included in their composition are honey, since it contains a large amount of valuable substances, protein, which significantly tightens the skin, as well as lemon, which perfectly whitens the skin.

One of the most effective masks is still recognized as protein-lemon mask. For one protein you will need half a lemon and a couple of grains of salt. All components are mixed and applied to the face for about 10-15 minutes.

Many women also love the honey-yolk mask, which allows you to remove vertical wrinkles on the cheeks. In this case, the yolk and honey are mixed in equal proportions, and then, as in the previous case, left for 10-15 minutes.

The protein cream mask also received positive reviews. It is prepared from whipped egg whites mixed with an infusion of bay leaves and burnt alum (2 tablespoons).

How to deal with bags?

Applying cold compresses helps get rid of puffiness under the eyes:

  • from raw potato slices;
  • tea bags;
  • cucumber circles;
  • cotton pads soaked in milk.

The video talks about ways to get rid of bags under the eyes:

The best cosmetics to remove swelling from the face

  • 3LAB WW Eye Cream - luxury anti-aging cosmetics, USA.
  • THE SAEM Snail Essential EX 24K Gold Set - cream contains snail secretion, oils and gold ions, South Korea.
  • Tony Moly Hanyacho Golden Lifting Secret Eye Cream - meets the standards of care products, South Korea.
  • Skin Doctors EyeTuck is one of the best remedies for puffiness and bags under eyes, Australia.
  • Klapp A Classic “Vitamin A” - cream aimed at combating age-related changes and increasing skin elasticity, Germany.

Folk recipes

Attention. An effective traditional medicine recipe to help cope with bags is lotions.

They can be made from ordinary products:

  1. Beat the egg white until stiff foam and apply to the swelling. Leave until dry and rinse.
  2. Whip the cold cream and place it on your eyelids, wait until the mixture is absorbed and dries. Rinse with water.
  3. Boil the pumpkin, make a puree, cool and place under the eyes.

The lotions are applied to the skin and distributed evenly. The procedure time is 15–20 minutes.

Causes of wrinkles on the face

Wrinkles are a consequence of age-related changes. But for some they may appear at 30, and for others at 50. Why?

What factors force the appearance of wrinkles on the face:

  1. Poor posture.
    This is the strongest catalyst for aging your face. A bent back, a stiff neck, a forward head - all this leads to problems on the face. The blood supplied to it is in short supply, the lymph stagnates, the facial muscles spasm, and the skin structure deteriorates. Wrinkles and creases appear earlier and affect the face of those who are slouched more strongly than those of women with ideal posture.
  2. Sun.
    Haven't you learned by heart yet what the essence of skin photoaging is? Then remember. Ultraviolet light, penetrating the skin, causes biochemical reactions, as a result of which epidermal cells are destroyed, collagen is “burned out,” elastin production drops sharply, and dehydration occurs.
  3. Cigarettes.
    Nicotine and tars destroy collagen in the skin, disrupt blood and lymph microcirculation, and reduce the body's antioxidant capabilities. Just remember the wrinkled faces of smokers! Their image is especially impressive in comparison with the smooth faces of their peers without bad habits.
  4. Alcohol.
    Alcohol leads to dehydration of the skin and leaching of a lot of useful vitamins and microelements on which its youth depends.
  5. Aggressive external factors.
    If you do not live in an ecological paradise in unity with nature, then your skin is constantly under attack. Its decline is accelerated by polluted air, chlorinated tap water, and radiation from computers and gadgets. You can also expect a trick from nature: in addition to the sun, there is also frost, wind, and dry air.
  6. Movement deficiency.
    With low physical activity, blood flow and lymphatic drainage worsen, and metabolic processes in the skin and muscles slow down.
  7. Poor nutrition.
    Harmful products with preservatives, “food waste”, excess calories, lack of vitamins, microelements and nutrients – all this harms the skin.
  8. Fluid deficiency.
    Our muscles and blood consist of 80% water, skin - 30%. Every cell of ours needs water. There is a direct connection between the amount of fluid consumed and smooth skin. The less clean water we drink, the larger and deeper our wrinkles.
  9. Wrong dream.
    If you sleep on a soft feather bed, with your face buried in a high pillow, don’t be surprised if wrinkles appear early on. During sleep, nothing should interfere with normal blood flow to the face, lymph outflow, or muscle relaxation.
  10. Obesity or sudden weight loss.
    The first leads to stretching of the skin, the second leads to sagging. Expect wrinkles and creases here and there.
  11. Invasive cosmetic procedures.
    Botox injections, contouring (fillers), threads, surgical facelifts - all these insidious techniques create the illusion of rejuvenation for some time, but in fact accelerate aging. They disrupt the body's self-regulation mechanisms. The skin, muscles, and blood stop working properly, and the tissues age faster.

Methods of disposal

  1. Botox
    Injections of Botox, a drug based on botulinum toxin, a powerful neuroparalytic poison, are injected into the muscle in the area where the crease forms. This substance paralyzes the muscle. It stops contracting, becomes longer, and the skin straightens.

    The effect of smoothed wrinkles lasts for several months. But during this time:

    • the configuration of the muscular system of the face changes, muscles spasm, which are forced to work for immobilized colleagues in the workshop,
    • the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to tissues is impaired,

  2. interstitial fluid stagnates on the face, severe swelling forms, causing the skin to become loose and stretched.
  3. What will these changes add up to? Accelerated facial aging. Botox will still work, but you will already have new wrinkles, your skin will become flabby. When the drug expires, the creases will sink even deeper. And you will also see completely new wrinkles that there was not even a hint of before the procedure.

  4. Fillers
    Filler injections have a different operating principle. They work not at the muscle level, but at the skin level. Filler is a filler. That is, it literally fills the skin, creates artificial volume due to the fact that it forcibly pushes the tissue apart. It's like he's pushing out a wrinkle.

    The effect lasts for several months. But when the filler dissolves, the skin stretched by it will fold into folds even more. Its structure and turgor will also deteriorate, and the deep layers will dry out.

  5. Threads
    Incisions are made on the face through which the threads are pulled. For example, to eliminate nasolabial folds, the thread is inserted into the scalp and pulled to the area just above the nasolabial area.

    The patient is told that the threads form a collagen framework that holds the tissue. In fact, the threads cause injury, and the affected area is scarred by connective tissue - irregular collagen with a disrupted structure. When the threads dissolve, the patient will be left with fibrous lumps on her face instead of healthy tissue.

  6. Surgical lift
    Excess skin is cut away and excess subcutaneous fat is removed or transferred.

    This is a traumatic operation with high risks including skin loss, damage to the facial nerve, blood clot formation, etc.

Anatomy of a smile

An attractive oral cavity has a positive effect on social activity, professional career and personal life.

Most patients know that aesthetic dental treatment can change their lives for the better. But not all patients actually understand what exactly needs to be changed to make their smile irresistible.

Sometimes patients focus on a specific smile defect, the elimination of which in reality will not change the situation as a whole. There are certain smile parameters that patients often know nothing about. And the doctor’s goal is not only to satisfy the patient’s wishes, but also to do this in accordance with functional knowledge about the correction of smile parameters and facial proportions as a whole. And only with this approach will the results of aesthetic treatment exceed all the patient’s best expectations.

During the examination, the doctor analyzes the patient's face as a whole. It studies the face from front to back and in profile, the position of the eyes, the contours of the nose, chin and lips, which allows one to determine guidelines for aesthetic rehabilitation.

For correct aesthetic assessment, facial lines are used that form a standard geometric pattern: the interpupillary line, the line connecting the eyebrows, the commissural line connecting the corners of the mouth and the median line, reflecting the symmetry of the right and left halves of the face. (Fig.)

It should be noted that a harmonious face, oddly enough, should be asymmetrical. A deviation from symmetry of less than 3% is perceived by others as harmonious and attractive. At the same time, a deviation of more than 3% or, paradoxically, absolutely perfect symmetry of the right and left sides is perceived by others as a rare, unnatural and ugly face. (see pic)

When assessing an image to achieve a harmonious result, the main principle is the desire for parallelism of horizontal lines (interpupillary and the line connecting the corners of the mouth). A special role is also played by the proportions between the heights of different parts of the face. For example, over time, due to age-related tooth wear or in the presence of certain types of occlusion pathology, a decrease in the height of the lower third of the face is quite common (Figure).

Moreover, this factor negatively affects not only the appearance of the smile (teeth become outwardly shorter and seemingly wider), but also leads to a deterioration in the aesthetics of the soft tissues of the face - nasolabial folds deepen, sagging cheeks appear and the corners of the mouth droop, giving the face a mournful appearance. senile look. Restoring normal height in this case solves the problem not only of the smile, but also of the aesthetic appearance of the face as a whole. And it eliminates the need to visit a plastic surgeon and perform a surgical lift of the soft tissues of the face (Fig.).

The final step in assessing facial aesthetics is profile assessment. There are three types of facial profiles - normal, convex and concave. The patient profile sometimes correlates with psychological characteristics. So a convex profile is typical for active, ambitious people, a concave profile for calmer and less ambitious people. (Fig.)

With the help of dental rehabilitation, you can change not only the smile, but also the patient’s facial profile.

When starting to analyze a smile, one cannot help but pay attention to the shape of the lips. There are medium, thin and thick lips. (see pic)

And there is a clear correlation between the shape of the lips and the shape of the teeth, which is in perfect harmony with them. For example, for patients with normal lip volume, the front 4 teeth with a radial arrangement should dominate - the classic option (see figure).

In patients with thin lips, less dominant front teeth with a more even (horizontal) arrangement - the so-called Hollywood type (fig.) look more natural.

And on the contrary, plump lips, in turn, should correspond to the brightly dominant protruding 2 central incisors - the Scandinavian type of smile (fig).

When drawing up a plan for aesthetic rehabilitation, it is also necessary to take into account the features of facial expressions both in a relaxed state and when talking. Sometimes when smiling, the teeth of the upper jaw may be more visible, while when speaking, the lower teeth are more visible. This happens, as a rule, due to a decrease in the tone of the orbicularis oris muscle and its sagging with age. The upper teeth become invisible when speaking, whereas normally, at a young age, they should be visible from behind the upper lip in a relaxed state or when speaking by 1-5 mm. That is why lengthening the upper teeth, in addition to brightening them, plays a significant role in rejuvenating the smile and the face as a whole.

Wearing of teeth and thinning of enamel with age also leads to a decrease in the height of the lower third of the face and to the formation of a more concave (flat) lip profile. The lips become flatter due to the loss of support from the teeth, as with age the teeth become thinner and wear down in height. Many women, not understanding this factor, try to improve the attractiveness of the lower third of the face by injecting hyaluronic fillers into the lips. However, after this, the teeth become even less visible when smiling and talking - which gives the face, instead of youth and freshness, a certain comical and “toothless” appearance. Restoring the normal volume of tooth enamel and bite height helps restore lip volume and smooth out wrinkles in this area much more effectively and naturally.

The shape of teeth is divided into 3 main groups (triangular, rectangular and oval). There is a correction between the shape of the face and the shape of the maxillary central incisors. As a rule, during aesthetic rehabilitation of a smile, it is taken into account that the ideal relationship between the shape of the face and the teeth (4 central ones) is their correspondence. Thus, the shape of the front incisors reflects the inverted shape of the face.

When modeling a smile, the correct location of the contour of the incisal edge of the teeth in relation to the contour of the edge of the lower lip is also of great importance. In a harmonious smile they should be completely parallel.

Thus, to achieve a beautiful smile, you have to take into account many parameters. Often, especially when teeth are worn out and there is a need to increase the height of the lower third of the face, it is necessary to carry out correction not only on the front teeth, but also on the side teeth, increasing their height. In this case, it is necessary to use special computer systems to accurately assess the parameters of increasing the height of the teeth, taking into account muscle tone, the position of the lower jaw and the joint. To visualize the future result, with this treatment, temporary wax compositions are used, allowing the patient, even before the start of treatment, to receive complete information about the future result and, after trying it on, to evaluate his smile from an aesthetic and functional point of view. It may take even more time to perfect the shape of your future smile than to complete it, but the result is worth it. As they say, measure twice, cut once, especially when it comes to aesthetics. With a beautiful smile that matches their face, patients gain self-confidence, smile more often and look much younger and more positive.

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