What the shape of your nose can tell about you: examples of stars

Hello, dear readers! Let's talk today about how to determine a woman's character by the shape of her nose.

I don’t know about you, but I always pay attention to the nose of my interlocutor. Sometimes sympathy or antipathy for the interlocutor depends on its form.

And, as it turns out, this has scientific basis. Scientists claim that the shape of the nose can be used to determine a person’s character with a certain degree of certainty. Familiarize yourself with the main features that characterize a woman based on her nose, and then analyze the matches based on your own experience.

Also try to evaluate your character, as well as those of your loved ones and acquaintances, using the forms presented below.

Classic nose

Typical representative: Monica Bellucci.

photo: Getty Images

photo: Getty Images

A perfectly straight nose of medium length and width is a classic shape, the most beautiful from an aesthetic point of view. It’s not for nothing that those with a nose like Monica Bellucci give the impression of confident women who know what they need from life. They are also distinguished by their hard work, calmness and restraint. They are difficult to unbalance or confuse. These people have a clear mind, most often they take great care of themselves, and love art and fashion.

Structure of the nose

Let's start with the basics. The nose is a part of the face that is the initial part of the respiratory tract. The nose has an outer and an inner part. We are only interested in the outside. It starts from the bridge of the nose and ends with the nostrils, which serve for breathing and smell.

Structure of the outer part of the nose:

  • Back.
    Under the lower part of the back there is cartilage, and under the upper part there is bone. At the place where they meet - approximately in the middle of the back - a hump is formed.
  • Septum (columella).
    Separates the nostrils.
  • Tip.
    Located under the back.
  • Wings.
    Soft tissue around the nostrils.

The pyramid of the nose consists of bones, cartilage and fibro-fatty tissue. They are covered by muscles and skin. Moreover, when a person is born, his nose is mainly cartilage, and the bone is formed only by the age of three.

Let's visually divide the nose into upper and lower parts. Bones will be concentrated at the top and cartilage at the bottom.

The nasal bone itself is located in the upper zone of the nasal bridge, and on the sides it is adjacent to the frontal processes of the upper jaw on both sides.

The place of cartilage is under the bones, and this is how they are located:

  • in the lower part of the nasal dorsum - the upper lateral cartilage;
  • in the wings there are large wing cartilages;
  • at the tip - the lower lateral cartilage;
  • along the outer edges of the wings there are additional cartilages.

Fibrofatty tissue is located in the wings of the nose.

The nose is surrounded by muscles. We list them in order corresponding to their location from top to bottom:

  • pride muscle
    (forehead and bridge of the nose),
  • the muscle that lifts the upper lip and the wing of the nose
    (on the sides of the nose in the longitudinal direction, stretches from the bridge of the nose to the lips),
  • nasal muscle:
    transverse part (near the back of the nose) and alar part,
  • anterior nostril dilator,
  • minor constrictor of the nostrils,
  • muscle that depresses the nasal septum.

The anatomy of the internal structure of the nose is complex and is not that important for the purposes of this article. It is enough to imagine that it consists of the nasal cavity with its conchae, passages and olfactory elements, as well as the paranasal sinuses (maximum, frontal, sphenoid).

We are interested in different shapes of the nose, and for this there is enough information about its external anatomy. The back can be straight, with a hump, or depressed. The tip of the nose is sharp, smooth, upturned, pecking. Wings – narrow, wide. And so on.

Roman nose

Typical representative: Sophia Loren.

photo: Getty Images

photo: Getty Images

Owners of a straight, elongated nose with a slightly downward-curved tip, like the Italian Sophia Loren, are distinguished by their aristocratic appearance and femininity, but at the same time they have a strong masculine character. Despite the fact that men always pay attention to them, they, having the makings of a leader, try to rely only on themselves. These people do not look for easy ways, but they always achieve their goals. From the outside they may look arrogant, but in reality they are incredibly caring and patient with loved ones.

African nose

A rather large nose with a flat back and wide wings gives its owners a touch of exoticism.

Women with African noses usually have a passionate nature, which makes them attractive to different people. Such ladies are persistent, tenacious, and know how to grab luck by the tail even in seemingly hopeless situations.

They have an extremely attractive smile and convincing speech, so there will definitely be no shortage of gentlemen. But their passionate nature and reluctance to deal with everyday life (they prefer to solve problems on a global scale) often prevent ladies with African noses from starting a family.

That's all. Share in the comments, does your character coincide with the opinion of psychologists?

Greek nose

Typical representative: Jennifer Aniston.

photo: Getty Images

photo: Getty Images

The Greek profile is often referred to as a long nose with a hump. However, according to history, this is not true. In fact, the canon of beauty of Ancient Greece was considered to be the line of the nose, which goes into the forehead with virtually no indentation in the bridge of the nose (like the famous sculpture of the Venus de Milo). Of course, in the real world you won’t find a 100% resemblance to a work of art. But you can take as an example the face of Jennifer Aniston, who, by the way, has Greek roots.

As for the character of representatives of the Greek nose, first of all they are distinguished by conservatism, devotion, loyalty and frugality. These people are quite restrained in expressing their feelings, but there is no doubt about the sincerity of their behavior. It is also important to take into account the fact that their gentleness and tact may hide leadership qualities and a desire for independence.

Greek profile in history

The Greeks paid great attention to appearance. Facial features were of particular importance. Beautiful and smooth, they were considered the architectural center of the body. All sculptures of Ancient Greece have the correct shape of the nose. They reflect the standard of human beauty: clear and straight facial features, severity and nobility.

According to the standards of sculptors and artists, the forehead should be low and blend smoothly into the bridge of the nose. There should not be any bridge of the nose, only a slight depression is possible. This is especially noticeable on helmets, where the protective plate was a continuation of the line. The eyes are set deep, so that the main depression is more clearly emphasized. And the chin should have a rounded shape.

According to research, in Ancient Greece such an image began to take shape in the last stage of archaism, that is, in the 8th-5th centuries BC. e. For the first time, such profiles began to appear during the period of red-figure ceramics. The overall contour has become smoother, the chin is heavier and shorter, the forehead is narrowing, the nose is becoming shorter and straighter.

Thus, the proportions of the face are very harmonious, indicating the high qualities of a person. Often such facial features were given to gods and their children. Positive characters also had beautiful lines. A person with ideal facial features should also have positive character traits:

To read: All the features and nuances of how to pierce the tongue and frenulum

  • pride and independence,
  • leadership qualities,
  • integrity,
  • aversion to lies,
  • special affection for loved ones and friends,
  • generosity and love of money,
  • sarcasticness and the desire to have the family budget under control.

It is believed that those with a Greek nose profile have a composed character, do not panic, and have excellent logical thinking.

Even today, the ideal nose shape is considered Greek. Therefore, many Hollywood celebrities undergo plastic surgery, trying to fit their faces to beauty standards.

We recommend reading about how to remove a nasal hump. From the article you will learn how to correct a defect, prepare for surgery, rhinoplasty techniques, and rehabilitation.

And here is more information about rhinoplasty for nose reduction.

Upturned nose

Typical representative: Meghan Markle.

photo: Getty Images

photo: Getty Images

Representatives of a nose with an upturned tip, like Meghan Markle, are very charming in nature. No matter how they look or what they do, these women definitely will not go unnoticed. People around them are drawn to them like a magnet, and they are happy to have a heart-to-heart talk even with a stranger. They also have a great sense of humor and love adventure and meeting new people. In love, people most often adapt to their partner and choose the latter between career and family.

Snub nose

Noses with an upturned tip are typical mainly for girls with Slavic roots; they give the face an incomparable charm.

Women with snub noses look at life with optimism, they are kind and sympathetic. A huge amount of energy, a developed imagination and a penchant for adventure forces them to constantly get involved in dubious adventures.

They treat love relationships in exactly the same way - they rush headlong into the pool. But since their easy disposition, carelessness and fountain-like joy attract men to them like a magnet, the relationships of snub-nosed ladies with the stronger sex are not constant. They change one man for another as easily as they jump from one topic to another in a conversation.

Snub-nosed women cannot be called frivolous, but they really do not like to take responsibility. They need constant support from friends and family.

Aquiline nose

Typical representative: Alsou.

photo: Yana Yavorskaya/PhotoXPress.ru

photo: Yana Yavorskaya/PhotoXPress.ru

Those with a hooked nose or an oriental nose, like the singer Alsou, may seem cold and reserved. However, at heart they can be very vulnerable and sentimental; they urgently need to have a loved one nearby who could protect and support them. At the same time, in their careers, these women can be very diligent and hardworking, and in the family they can be flexible and gentle. Quite often, representatives of this nose shape connect their lives with a creative profession.

Eagle nose

A straight nose with a slight hump and a tip slightly hanging over the lips. Many women do not like this nose shape, although it is the aquiline nose that makes the appearance memorable.

Women with an aquiline nose are self-sufficient; they never get bored in the company of themselves and their beloved. Their credo is to live to the fullest and enjoy life. At the same time, they are absolutely not concerned about the opinions of others about their lifestyle.

Ladies with an aquiline nose are a little arrogant, they never prove to anyone that they are right, and do not enter into controversy. They just live the way they like and have fun.

Small nose

Typical representative: Reese Witherspoon.

photo: Getty Images

photo: Getty Images

If the length of your nose is less than the height of your forehead and the distance from its tip to your chin, like Reese Witherspoon, then you are an open and optimistic person. In addition, representatives of such a person are very sociable and can find a common language with any person. Regardless of status and recognition, they always remain simple and sincere. Also, most often these people are very amorous, but at the same time they can be shy in expressing their feelings. They often choose professions where they need to help people or animals; they love children very much.

Potato nose

A nose of this shape has a significant difference between the width of the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose. In this case, the length of the bridge of the nose can vary, and the shape of the tip has an indefinite shape. It makes those with a potato nose look like simpletons. But in fact, in life they are much more circumspect, smarter and smarter than many other people. Such women have enormous penetrating power, without hesitation they go for a battering ram just to achieve their goal. But in general they can be described as sociable and have a good sense of humor.

Star example: Natasha Koroleva

Fleshy nose

Typical representative: Selena Gomez.

photo: Getty Images

photo: Getty Images

Those with a fleshy or wide nose, like Selena Gomez, have a perky character. They are ready to make others laugh, and they themselves love to laugh. At the same time, these people are very smart and sensitive, often interested in psychology, philosophy and exact sciences. Women mainly choose creative professions, where they can reveal their talents and receive praise. But most of all, family is important to them in life: they make excellent wives and mothers.

Types of nose

It is believed that the individual shape of the nose is fixed during puberty. At the same time, cartilage and bones grow until the age of 20-25, so before this age the nose can increase in size.

We all remember from school that the pyramid of the nose depends on what race a person belongs to:

  • Caucasians
    are distinguished by a narrow and protruding nose and a high bridge of the nose.
  • Negroids
    have a wide nose, slightly protruding, and the nostrils are often located parallel to the plane of the face.
  • Mongoloids
    have a narrow or medium-width nose with a low bridge.

Some scientists, instead of the general Caucasoid one, distinguish separately Roman, Greek, and Semitic noses

Sometimes the shape of the nose serves as a symptom of a particular disease. For example, one of the deformities associated with late syphilis is the so-called lamb nose. It has a fleshy, drooping tip - the result of a destroyed lower part of the septum.

Hawk nose

Typical representative: Sarah Jessica Parker.

photo: Getty Images

photo: Getty Images

A long and wide nose with a downward curved tip, like Sarah Jessica Parker's, speaks of an ambitious, determined and passionate nature. These people set goals for themselves and do not see obstacles. At the same time, they want everything from life and are unlikely to humbly wait their turn for certain benefits, as their friends and acquaintances may do. Both women and men with such noses usually make a brilliant career and build a strong family. By the way, these people definitely cannot live without relationships and love. It is extremely important for them to love and be loved. True, they also expect the same vivid feelings from their partner.

Determining character by the shape of the nose

When determining a person’s character, the science of physiognomy focuses on the form, which includes such a characteristic as proportionality.

There are different types of nose depending on the type of face, the shape of the nostrils, proportionality and other characteristics.

  • A short one of small size speaks of its owner’s openness, kindness, and cordiality;
  • Thin and long indicates sensitive people who respect themselves and others. They are serious. They have an innate sense of dignity;
  • Upturned is typical for capricious, frivolous individuals. They are impulsive, impetuous, sociable;
  • A nose with a deflection distinguishes extraordinary, very talented individuals. Modern, easy-going, creative. They are characterized by self-control, flexibility, adaptability;
  • Asymmetrical - natures have a complex structure. They are fickle and have a lot of talents. Having found harmony with themselves, such individuals are able to “move mountains”;
  • A “potato” nose is a sign of thriftiness and love of convenience. Such people are warm and friendly.

Ideal nose shape and size

As we have already found out, the standard Caucasian nose is narrow, straight, with a neatly rounded tip and small nostrils. Its size is small, but not too small.

But 90% of people have noses that deviate from the canonical shape. And among them are hordes of beauties and handsome men. You don't have to have a perfectly shaped nose to be attractive. Upturned, elongated noses, humps, wide nostrils - all these features, like many others, are beautiful if they look harmonious.

Much more controversial are these uniformly chiseled noses produced by the rhinoplasty assembly line. Here you can’t even criticize them for being disharmonious, because lips, cheekbones, eyebrows, and eyelids are also purchased along with noses! And all together this is some kind of broken constructor of an ideal face: the details are there, but for some reason the ideal face does not come together. Personality and beauty disappear.

Moreover, even pronounced deformations of the nasal pyramid give individuality to the appearance and form the image. At this point it is customary to cite Gerard Depardieu and Jean-Paul Belmondo as examples.

A little history

In Ancient Greece and Rome, not only a beautiful body was valued, but also a nose of the correct shape, obviously, this is where the concept of a Roman or Greek nose came from. This form can be seen on ancient sculptures that reflected the standard of female beauty. In Ancient Greece, correct, clear lines were highly valued, so the face had to have large expressive eyes, a thin straight nose and a low forehead with curls of blond hair.

At that time, strict and noble beauty was in fashion. Women practically did not cut their hair; they styled it in a knot and tied it with a ribbon. The hairstyle is called the “Antique Knot” and it is still popular with some girls. In Ancient Egypt, a slender, but not thin body and long legs were highly valued. The Egyptians also constantly used cosmetics, painting themselves bright eyebrows and expressive eyes.

Times are changing, modern girls now pay more attention to the covers of glossy magazines and TV screens. There they find standards of beauty for themselves with ideal body shapes and facial features, the shape of the nose. Much of what they see makes them decide to undergo rhinoplasty .

Fashion for naturalness

It's no secret that natural beauty and individuality have been returning to fashion in recent years. People who care about their appearance tend to preserve existing features and perform operations whose results will not clearly indicate the work of the surgeon.

But another modern trend is ethnic plasticity. This refers to the patient’s desire to preserve his national characteristics as much as possible after invasive intervention. In this case, the shape and size of the new nose are calculated in full accordance with the proportions characteristic of the patient’s race.

One of the popular options is the so-called Nubian nose: slightly elongated with a slightly lowered tip and a fairly wide base. But on European-type faces it almost always looks bulky and unnatural.

Perfect nose

But let's leave the surgeons alone. Cosmetology also does not sleep, and everyone is offered manipulations without surgical intervention. Like a mosquito bit, yes.

The direction of “quick” beauty even got its own name - lunch break procedures.

I went to have a snack and at the same time quickly injected myself, to the envy of my colleagues and in the name of beauty.

Well, you must agree, it sounds great: “Are you afraid of a scalpel? Correct the shape of your nose with injection rhinoplasty with filler! Without rehabilitation, in one hour.” #non-advertising #yatutniand

For one girl, such a “harmless correction” cost her her sight, and this is not the end of her misadventures. Where did it all start? “Let’s also correct this wrinkle.” The very idea of ​​correcting any deficiency with an “injection” only at your own request is very tempting. Well, you know, how to buy a skirt that will make your butt smaller, your legs longer, and all this with a “light movement of your hand.” How can I resist here?

I'm kind of upset. Of course, trends are everywhere, not only in fashion, but also in appearance. And if possible, the temptation to buy a fashionable face is very great.

The fashion for surgery sounds crazy, but it looks funny. In Iran, for example, rhinoplasty has become a national trend, without exaggeration. The stars aligned: firstly, according to Sharia law, you don’t have to cover your nose, unlike everything else. Secondly, according to Islamic norms, this is just an operation, not an improvement. And away we go... Every year, more than 200 thousand Iranian girls have their noses surgically reshaped.

It got to the point that the post-operative bandage on the bridge of the nose turned from a necessity into a social symbol - since there is a bandage, it means there was an operation. An expensive procedure that not everyone can afford. They used to flash the labels of expensive brands in public like this)) But now they stick on fake patches.

Korean pop group AOA - girls are almost alike.

Koreans have also elevated plastic surgery to the category of necessary procedures. South Korean boys and girls look up to the same European babyface as their Iranian beauty counterparts. The usual European nose haunts everyone))

They use fake overlays, which are molded from a plastic material. An Asian face may not even have a bridge of the nose in the form that is familiar to us, Slavs and Europeans. This is what some Korean women restore every morning. Well, that is if there is no money. And if there is, run under the scalpel.

Surgeons promise Korean women two-in-one beauty - baby-faced and glamorous.

According to the BBC, the Korean Consumer Agency (KCA) studied the profiles of 1,000 plastic surgery patients. 70% responded that they had plastic surgery to improve their appearance.

14.5% believe the result improved their prospects for a promotion or move to a more prestigious job.

"Heavenly" nose

This nose is often called “heavenly” (or “inverted”). It looks like this: a neat protruding tip, a dent in the center. This shape looks attractive only if the dent is small; due to the deep bend, the tip of the nose seems awkwardly large.

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Zebra-horse and other interesting hybrid animals that exist: photo

The “heavenly” nose endows its owner with such qualities as optimism, kindness, openness and compassion. More than anything in the world, he loves his family and close friends. People with this nose shape are cheerful, easy to talk to, and a pleasure to be around.


For representatives of the fairer sex, the presence of such a nose may be associated with hairstyle. She is able to emphasize regular facial features and a low forehead. Women's noses were distinguished from men's by their subtlety and elegance. In the case of statues, prominent examples are the forms of Artemis, Hera and Athena. In modern times, the Greek nose shape in women can be seen in actress Ellie Lambeti, Irene Papas, and singer Elena Paparizou. After plastic surgery, Natalie Portman, Monica Bellucci, Demi Moore and Angelina Jolie brought their facial features closer to ideal.

Greek character

Women of Greece (and not only them, by the way, men too) are bright individualists who have their own view of this life and are not afraid to contrast it with the opinion of society. They have a habit of defending only personal interests and, most often, they are neutral towards cultural, economic and political events that do not affect their personal world.

What no Greek will certainly tolerate is an attack on the freedoms of his country and his personal freedom. This is not surprising, since the worship of democracy is in the blood of modern Hellas. If there is the slightest hint of infringement of its rights, the Greek population can turn into a formidable force that is ready to rush at the enemy.

Another typically Greek trait is pronounced emotionality. To express their feelings, Greeks do not see the need for half measures. If they cry, it’s sobbing, and if they laugh, it’s with all their hearts. Even the famous steadfastness and thoughtfulness of Greek fishermen is only a confirmation of this feature of their character, since only very emotional people can immerse themselves in their inner world with the same passion with which they would indulge in fun and joy at their own daughter’s wedding.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the famous Greek hospitality, elevated by the Greeks themselves to the rank of a national tradition revered with special awe. Arriving in Greece, you will encounter this at almost every step

The waiters will be very happy to explain to you what dishes the chef was especially able to prepare today, the store clerks will take your order with a polite and kind smile, and the hotel staff will surround you with attention and real home care. If you have business partners or friends in Greece, and you need to come to visit them, get ready for a meeting in comparison with which even the much-praised Russian hospitality will pale. This will not be just an ordinary dinner, but a real feast, where the tables will be laden with delicious dishes, the wine will flow like a river, and there will be no end to the songs and dances.

It’s very funny that two more completely opposite traits are also harmoniously combined in the Greek character: the famous business acumen of the Greeks and the no less famous Greek piety.

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